Saturday, May 11, 2019

For discerning Catholics this is all deception and it cannot be the work of the Holy Spirit the interpretation of the two popes is based upon a factual error. It violates the Principle of Non Contradiction.This cannot be the Magisterium

Theologians, cardinals defend pope’s theology in wake of heresy charge

Claire Giangravè
May 9, 2019

ROME - In the wake of an April 30 open letter accusing Pope Francis of heresy signed by 19 clergymen and scholars, demanding the pontiff’s resignation, theologians and cardinals at a conference in Rome on Wednesday instead praised Francis’s theology and magisterium.
Lionel: These cardinals and theologians do not deny that the present two popes use an irrational premise and inference, like them, to magisterial documents, to create a rupture with Tradition.This is first class heresy since the understanding of the Creeds is changed and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and the Athanasius Creed is rejected.Again this is formal and obstinate persistent in heresy. The evidence is there on line for all to verify.
“Pope Francis is the pope, and when he speaks it’s magisterium,” Italian Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, general secretary of the Synod of Bishops, told Crux after the event.
Lionel: This is false.Pope Francis is the pope and when he formally teaches heresy it is to be rejected. St. Maximilliam Kolbe would say that if a superior teaches heresy one is not to obey him.
The present two popes interpret invisible cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance as being physically visible exceptions to the traditional interpretation of EENS. This is an objective error. It is human error. This cannot be the work of the Holy Spirit.So it cannot be magisterial.The error needs to be corrected and EENS affirmed like the missionaries and Magisterium of the 16th century.
The present two popes interpret hypothetical cases LG, 8, LG 14,LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II as being objective exceptions to Feeneyite EENS in 2019. This is irrational. There are no practical exceptions to EENS mentioned in Vatican Council II. This is human error. It cannot be magisterial. It is a mistake made by the popes.It ends in heresy. It is persisted in. Vatican Council II is always interpreted as a rupture with EENS and the past ecclesiology. This is obstinate heresy.
The same mistake is made by the cardinals including Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, for whom dogmas and doctrines develop, with the use of a false premise and inference.
The symposium, called “Theology and Magisterium in the Church with Pope Francis,” took place May 8 in Rome at the Pontifical Gregorian University to present a new collection of books titled The Theological Seeds of Francis.
Lionel: The theological seed of Pope Francis and Pope Benedict is based on a lie, a deception. It is based on an irrationality.Now after 50 years we have found out the missing link. We know what makes Vatican Council II a continuity with Tradition or a rupture. We simply avoid the false premise and inference used by the two popes.Then there is no more a heretical and non traditional conclusion.
This is something very difficult and painful for me to mention. I am only a lay man.
I know that there are mortal sins of faith and there is heresy based upon faith and salvation. This area of the Church's teachings has not been covered by the Open Letter to the Bishops.
Jimmy Akins in his defence of Pope Francis may say that I am not an academic or authority on this or that subject.But one thing, I do know : it is that invisible people are not visible in 2019.The entire new theology and new doctrines of Pope Benedict and Pope Francis, are based upon this small wrong observation. 
The series of 11 books touches on some of the recurring themes, or “seeds”, present throughout Francis’s pontificate from discernment and reform to neo-gnosticim and integration.
Nineteen conservative critics of Francis released an open letter accusing the pontiff of committing heresy and calling on the world’s bishops to censure him and - if necessary - to declare that he is no longer pope.
Lionel: They were following Pope John Paul II's Veritatis Spendor which says that a mortal sin is always a mortal sin and the outward action indicates the inward intent.We humans cannot judge an exception to manifest mortal sins. An exception known to God only cannot be made the rule( Germany, Malta etc). Also it cannot be assumed that the exception to the moral law, is known to God and to man, in the sense, that we can judge when a case in manifest mortal sin is not a a mortal sin.How can we know when God will judge concubinage not to be concubinage or being divorced and re-married as not being a mortal sin?
So the signatories of the Open Letter were correct. We have heresy and  mortal sin.
A mortal sin is a mortal sin and the conditions for the mortal sin mentioned in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, can only be known to God, if they are relevant to a person. 
There may be new cases like in bio ethics when we have to judge but in the general traditional categories adultery, divorce, concubinage etc, a mortal sin is a mortal sin.
In a message to the event, Italian Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, President of the Italian Episcopal Conference, looked at how Francis’s documents and speeches depict a renewed path for theologians that is rooted in reality.
Lionel: On the contrary : when unknown people are assumed to be known exceptions to the traditional interpretation of EENS this is a loss of reality.
Similarly when invisible and hypothetical cases mentioned in Vatican Council II are assumed to be practical exceptions to EENS, even when they do not exist, is a loss of reality. This is fantasy theology.
“The ease with which the texts and documents of Pope Francis can be read must not fool people or lead them to hurried conclusions,” he said.
“His thought is not at all improvised, but the fruit of a deep and lively theological reflection drawn from his experience as a pastor and theologian.”
According to Father Maurizio Gronchi, professor of Christology at the Urbaniana Pontifical University, the impact of Francis’s style could be compared to the 13th century introduction in Italy of the Dolce Stil Nuovo literary style, due to its poetic and emotional charge.
“Francis’s approach is elliptic, and gravitates around two permanent hearts, the heart of man and the heart of the gospel,” Gronchi said.
Lionel: This is all rhetorical. The fact is that the pope uses a false premise and inference to interpret Vatican Council II and all magisterial documents. There is something very wrong here even a school boy would notice.
Anyway there has been no denial.I have been saying this for a few years now.I have referred to it as magisterial heresy, for want of a better term.The heresy is not magisterial. The magisterium cannot be heretical.
Citing Francis’s March speech to theologians at the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome, Bassetti said the pope is trying to “teach theologians a style” that draws them away from their ivory towers and into real life.
Lionel: To assume theoretical cases of Lumen Gentium 8 etc are objective exceptions to the past exclusive ecclesiology of the Church is deception. To continue with this deception even after being informed is not Catholic. It is not even ethical according to secular standards.
Yet this was the theology presented by Cardinal Ladaria at the Placquet Deo Press Conference last year and Pope Francis and Pope Benedict approved it.
“I know that one can study by closing himself in academic circles with no air, playing with concepts rather than interpreting life, clutching to formulas but distancing oneself from the real existence of people,” Francis said at the March 26 event calling for “a radical paradigm change” and “a brave cultural revolution.”
Lionel: There cannot be a paradigm shift in theology based upon there being practical exceptions to EENS .For us humans there are no such cases.
There cannot be a paradigm shift on Vatican Council II when the pope refuses to admit that the Council supports the strict interpretation of EENS, when the deception is avoided.
According to Bassetti, Francis’s apostolic exhortation on the environment Laudato Si is an example of his pragmatic and concrete approach.
“The pope exhorts and invites theologians humbly but with force to take their duty seriously and begin that journey that Pope Francis himself has already begun,” he said.
The Italian prelate also emphasized the strong connection between the magisterium of Francis and the theological heritage of the Second Vatican Council.
Lionel: He means Vatican Council II interpreted with references to non existing people in the present times assumed to be existing.He means with subjectivity mistaken as objectivity.So the result is first class heresy.The evidence is there on line.
I do not like having to point this out. I wish someone else would have done this. I respect the pope and the cardinals. But the error has to be identified for the good of the Church. It can then be corrected.I do not want to be a critic. But when something invisible is assumed to be visible and then conclusions are made upon this premise, it is bad philosophy. It is not Catholic philosophy.
To say that there is salvation outside the Church and that this is the New Theology, when there are no known cases of salvation outside the Church for us humans, is bad theology. It is not Catholic theology. It cannot be magisterial. It is human error.
 Theologians speaking at the symposium agreed that this connection is crucial to understanding this pontificate.
Lionel: They all interpret Vatican Council II, with the false premise.They use Cushingism as a theology instead of rational Feeneyism.They are part of the problem.
“In this moment, the fundamental thoughts of the Second Vatican Council have a chance to take hold like never before,” said Dario Vitali, director of the Department of Dogmatic Theology at the Gregorian.
Lionel : Vatican Council II can be interpreted with Feeneyism or Cushingism and the interpretation changes. Cushingism creates the hermeneutic of rupture. This is the interpretation of the two popes. It is based upon a factual error. It violates the Principle of Non Contradiction.This cannot be the Magisterium.
Magisterium means the teaching authority of the Catholic Church guided by the Holy Spirit, guided by God. How can God make a factual and objective error ? 
While cautioning against those who would like to see in Francis a theologian, Vitali said that his magisterium contains “theological informarions.”
“Some dare to treat this magisterium as if it were an opinion,” he said, pointing the finger at economic and traditionalist lobbies.
Pierangelo Sequeri, one of the curators of the new books and Director of the Pontifical Theological Institute John Paul II, also criticized those who vocally oppose Francis’ pontificate during his speech.
“Those who always repeat the same old song don’t honor the revelation,” he said making an analogy with music, “but those who think that everything you play is music, are greatly mistaken.”
According to Sequeri there is a need for a better formation of theologians capable of interpreting and deepening the knowledge of the Gospel and the understanding of the Catholic faith.
“The world of ecclesiastic chatter is inhabited by weak nobodies who act as if they are Pope Gregory the Great, Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventura,” he added.
Theologians are called to bring new life and enthusiasm to the Church, he continued, which has become “excessively melancholic” and therefore prone to aggression and polarization.
Lionel : We are not allowed to bring this newness, this revolution, this new revelation into the Church by using a lie.We cannot fake it with objective error. With this deceptive way the old theology of EENS is rejected and something new is created. Upon this false theological innovation we now  have the New Ecumenisn, New Theology, New Ecclesiology and New Evangelisation.
For discerning Catholics this is all deception and it cannot be the work of the Holy Spirit. 
-Lionel Andrades

Mortal sins of faith need to be confessed in the Sacrament of Reconciliaition like mortal sins of morals

 Image result for Roberto dei mattei photo
It is a mortal sin of faith when Roberto dei Mattei, John Lamont, Joseph Shaw, Thomas Pink and John Rao do not proclaim the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), change the the Nicene and Apostles Creed and do not interpret Vatican Council II in harmony with Tradition because of alleged invisible people being visible in the present times.
This is the sin of disbelief. Incredulity.
The Catholic Church is the true Church of God. There is no no church like it.It shows us the way to go to Heaven and avoid Hell. No other religion has 'the fullness of truth' according to Vatican Council II. The Catholic Church is the new people of God( Nostra Aetate 2).
The faith needs to be proclaimed since it is part of the one true Church. It cannot be changed.It cannot be altered or denied.When one cannot proclaim the faith, one has to pray for the grace to have it ,to accept and to proclaim it.
We know the Holy Spirit guides the Church to teach the truth. This teaching of the truth is in harmony with Sacred Tradition.It has been called the Magisterium.
But the word Magisterium today is mis-used.So often a Catholic may not know what is the truth especially when it seems false and a sin.
So it is important to study the writings of the past popes  and saints,since the truth of the faith does not develop of change.
Just as there are mortal sins of morals which need to to be confessed there are mortal sins of faith which also must be absolved in the Sacrament of Reconciliation with God.
Heresy is a mortal sin of faith.Even if the present- day ecclesiastics encourage it, it still is a mortal sin. 1
One can no longer say that because the pope teaches it it is true.
 Image result for Photos of heresy dante's inferno
The present two popes, for whatever reason,have rejected the  dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Athanasius Creed.They have interpreted Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a rupture with the Syllabus of Errors and the past exclusive ecclesiocentrism.This is not the work of the Holy Spirit. This cannot be magisterial.
The ecclesiastics do not oppose the powerful Jewish Left lobby which supports homosexual acts, abortion,pornography,immodesty and other mortal sins of morals.The faith on morals is not being proclaimed.
When one proclaims the faith, which never changes, one has the faith.The more it is proclaimed the stronger and clearer it becomes.We have our faith because the Church teaches it. Jesus in the Church.
-Lionel Andrades 


May 10, 2019

Roberto dei Mattei is in heresy like the present two popes : bad reasoning, bad philosophy and theology, innovation and scandal and mortal sins of faith


May 9, 2019

Signatory of Open Letter to Bishops also in heresy


May 8, 2019

It is formal heresy when the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus is rejected, the Athanasius Creed is made obsolete, the interpretation of the Nicene Creed and Apostles Creed changed and Vatican Council II is wrongly interpreted as a rupture with the Creeds and Catechisms by using a false premise and inference


May 7, 2019

Evidence of mortal sins of faith


May 7, 2019

Image result for Photo of the two popes in heresy

The present two popes interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism.The result is heresy





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 Israel Folau looks and points to the sky after scoring a Super Rugby try for the NSW Waratahs.

Super Rugby players in huge public show of support for Israel Folau

Medjugorje, Jakov: “la Madonna mi portò all’Inferno!”

I veggenti di Medjugorje hanno mai visto l’al di la?

Il veggente Jakov ha raccontato di esserci stato e di aver visto cose terrificanti nell’Inferno.
medjugorje jakov
Ecco l’intervista che Jakov rilasciò a Padre Livio di Radio Maria, parlando del suo viaggio all’Inferno:
JAKOV: Sì. Al solo ripensare all’inferno, mi vengono i …
PADRE LIVIO: Ti vengono i brividi?
JAKOV: Mi vengono i brividi e mi viene da star proprio male.
PADRE LIVIO: Ti viene da star male? Ma che cosa hai visto, che cosa hai visto, così con un colpo d’occhio al primo momento?
 JAKOV: Abbiamo visto un fuoco. (…) Nell’istante in cui ho guardato ho visto un fuoco e dentro il fuoco …
PADRE LIVIO: Era grande il fuoco?
JAKOV: Sì. E ho visto gente, ma non era gente. Era un tipo di gente che si trasformava, e poi subito mi sono …
 Medjugorje - Jakov

Medjugorje – l’Inferno: quella scena mi è rimasta impressa

PADRE LIVIO: Che si trasformava in che cosa?
JAKOV: In un tipo di animali.
PADRE LIVIO: In figure orribili?
JAKOV: Sì. Allora mi sono girato e non ho più guardato queste cose.
PADRE LIVIO: Non hai più guardato?
JAKOV: No. Ecco quella scena è rimasta sempre impressa nella mia testa. Infatti ai pellegrini non racconto mai dell’inferno. Dio non vuole nessuno all’inferno
PADRE LIVIO: Si, ho capito. Ma la Madonna in quell’occasione ha detto qualcosa?
JAKOV: No, a me no.
PADRE LIVIO: A Vicka ha detto che all’inferno ci vanno quelli che ci vogliono andare.
JAKOV: Ecco, sicuramente.
PADRE LIVIO: Sei d’accordo anche tu?
JAKOV: Dio non ci vuole nessuno all’inferno. Siamo noi che ci vogliamo andare.
PADRE LIVIO: La Madonna vuole che nessuno vada all’inferno?
JAKOV: Ma sicuramente. Lei ci vuole tutti in Paradiso.
PADRE LIVIO: Senti Jakov, non pensi che la Madonna ti abbia portato nell’aldilà, come per dire: “Attenzione perché …”?.
JAKOV: Certamente. Non è detto che io, che ho visto la Madonna, vada direttamente in Paradiso.
ADRE LIVIO: Nessuno può essere sicuro di niente, se non si impegna. Ma io volevo dirti che la Madonna forse desiderava farvi vedere l’inferno affinché poi, come d’altra parte ha fatto Gesù con la sua parola, voi metteste in guardia gli uomini del nostro tempo su dove porta la via del peccato. (…) Ti faceva pena quella gente che era là dentro?
JAKOV: Sì. Tu in quel momento pensi: ma ci voleva così tanto per salvarsi?
PADRE LIVIO: È proprio così!
JAKOV: Ci voleva così poco. Solo …
PADRE LIVIO: Ci vuole poco per salvarsi?
JAKOV: Ci vuole poco per ciascuno di noi per salvarsi e quel poco lì consiste nell’aprire il nostro cuore a Dio.
PADRE LIVIO: Basterebbe almeno chiedere la sua misericordia.
JAKOV: Sicuramente, chiederla. (…)
.PADRE LIVIO: D’accordo Jakov, ma, secondo te, perché queste persone che si trovano all’inferno non hanno voluto aprirsi?
JAKOV: Forse non hanno mai conosciuto l’amore di Dio.
PADRE LIVIO: Dio però va alla ricerca di tutti.
JAKOV: Oppure non hanno creduto che Dio esiste, non hanno mai sentito il desiderio di Dio.
PADRE LIVIO: Alla radice però c’è sempre una chiusura.
JAKOV: O forse non hanno corrisposto alle grazie. Purtroppo tanti dicono: “Alle apparizioni non crediamo”. Ma come mai non ci si crede? Eppure sappiamo che sono avvenute tante volte nel mondo: a Lourdes, a Fatima, la Madonna ha lasciato dei segni. E purtroppo tanti ancora non credono.
Antonella Sanicanti

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