Saturday, July 27, 2019

Taylor Marshall interprets St.Thomas Aquinas with Cushingism and not Feeneyism and so there is a rupture with Tradition for him.

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Taylor Marshall interprets St.Thomas Aquinas with Cushingism and not Feeneyism and so there is a rupture with Tradition for him.Also there would be confusion over Vatican Council II.His participation in the Roundtable Discussion on the Eve of the Pan Amazon Synod will contribute to the confusion which already exists among the participants.
Let me clarify.
Cushingism in philosophy refers to assuming hypothetical cases as being non hypothetical. For example the baptism of desire is a hypothetical case.It  could be mistaken as an objective and personally known person saved outside the Church.
Feeneyism in philosophy refers to seeing hypothetical cases as just being hypothetical.So being saved in invincible ignorance would refer to personally unknown cases in 2019. Since only God could know who is in Heaven on a general and personal scale.
Cushingism as a theology refers to assuming hypothetical cases( baptism of desire etc) are explicit and objective examples of salvation outside the Church. So the New Theology says outside the Church there is known salvation.
Feeneyism as a theology refers to hypothetical cases just being hypothetical( baptism of desire etc) and so they are not explicit and practical exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the old past ecclesiology, ecumenism of return. Outside the Catholic Church there is no known salvation.
So when St. Thomas Aquinas mentions the man in the forest in invincible ignorance or someone saved with desire for the baptism of water,Taylor Marshall interprets it with Cushingism. Otherwise he would have to affirm the Feeneyite interpretation of EENS.
So BOD, BOB and I.I are exceptions to the centuries old interpretation of EENS for him. 
Aquinas would be contradicting Fr. Leonard Feeney, for him.Since BOD, BOB and I.I refer to explicit cases. Invisible people cannot be exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.
Aquinas would also be contradicting himself when he supports the dogma EENS and yet also mentions invincible ignorance etc.
Similarly when Taylor Marshall  interprets Vatican Council  it is with Cushingite philosophy and theology.This is a heretical and irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II which he accepts.If he chose Feeneyite philosophy and theology there would be no rupture with the old exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church. But then he would be a Feeneyite on EENS.
I have written to him in the past but he does not respond.
He does not want to affirm Vatican Council II and EENS with Feeneyism. Since he allows Pope Francis to interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism, the pope believes that if Vatican Council II has changed theology and ecclesiology( with Cushingism), he can change all the teachings of the Church.-Lionel Andrades

SSPX is going along with the false theology and doctrines.They have been informed about the difference between Cushingism and Feeneyism.SSPX seminaries are Cushingite like those of the Novus Ordo

Does the Society of Saint Pius X Only Know How to Criticize?

The latest issue of the Letter to Our Brother Priests (No. 82, June 2019), addressed to the clergy of France by the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX), contains an interesting response to a frequent objection. Here are the most significant extracts.
A reader designated by his initials, Fr. RH, writes, “[Criticism] is more than a habit with the Society of Saint Pius X, it is the very structure of your identity, the way your legitimize yourself depends on it....The day you no longer find anything to criticize will be the day when you will have no reason to exist. Maybe you could look for another reason for being?” 
The Letter to Our Brother Priests answers him:
This is an easy criticism, but yet one which does not in the least correspond to reality.The reality is this: “The Society of Saint Pius X is made up of 650 priests, 130 brothers (religious), 80 Oblates (sisters), and is assisted by the 200 sisters of the congregation of women associates, the “Sisters of the Society of Saint Pius X.” All of these members minister every day to hundreds of thousands of faithful from 180 Society houses exercising the SSPX's apostolate in 60 countries throughout the world.
Lionel: In general they are mis-informed Cushingites. The blind leading the blind.
It can be said that 99% of the time the members of the Society of Saint Pius X are devoted to the works of the priestly apostolate, such as preaching and teaching the Faith (sermons, catechisms, etc.), celebrating the liturgy and the sacraments, visiting the sick and the poor, helping families with the education of their children through a network of Catholic schools, and especially (the primary mission of the congregation) fostering vocations and forming them in seminaries (the SSPX currently has 200 seminarians).
Lionel: SSPX seminarians are Cushingites like those seminaries at Pontifical seminaries and universities in Rome who attend the Novus Ordo Mass.
So, when the need arises, the Society of Saint Pius X publicly confesses the Catholic Faith about a text or an event that puts this Faith in question, as required by holy baptism and confirmation, that certainly constitutes an activity of the Society of Saint Pius X, but certainly not its sole essence.
Lionel : Cushingism is an innovation in the Church brought in by the liberal theologians including Rahner and Ratzinger. It is not the Catholic Faith. The ecclesiastics introduced Cushingite philosophy and theology into Vatican Council II. They also re-interpreted the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance with irrational Cushingism. Then they supeficially projected the past popes before Pius XII as contradicting Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston.They applied the same irrationality to the saints when they mentioned the baptism of desire etc.SSPX is Cushingite.
Following are two arguments reproduced in full:
The existence of the Society of Saint Pius X is not bound to criticism.
On this point, in issue No.74 of the Letter to our Brother Priests (June 2017), which succinctly presented the Society of Saint Pius X, it was explicitly stated, “It should be noted from the outset that the Statutes of the Society of Saint Pius X do not specifically refer to a doctrinal or liturgical crisis, and do not contain direct criticism of contemporary errors or deviant practices. Each line of the Statutes is oriented towards the sanctification of the members and, consequently, towards the influence of their apostolate.”
Lionel: The statutes support a Cushingite interpretation of Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). It does not support a Feeneyite interpretation of magisterial documents, judging from the practical actions of the SSPX.
In other words, even if the crisis in the Church suddenly ceased, the Society of Saint Pius X would continue its apostolate without any difficulty.
Lionel: It is an apostolate which interprets the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance with Cushingism and then misinterprets Magisterial documents especially Vatican Council II.
Without desiring to compare ourselves to these prestigious congregations, it is obvious that, historically, the Dominicans were founded to fight the Cathar heresy, as were the Jesuits to fight the Protestant heresy. That does not prevent them, centuries later and in a completely different context, from continuing their apostolate in the Church, because the criticism of Catharism or Protestantism does not in the least or exclusively constitute their identity.
Lionel: The Dominicans and Jesuits at that time were Feeneyite on EENS.Today they are Cushingite. At that time they were Feeneyite on BOD, BOB and I.I. Today they are Cushingite. So Vatican Council II is also Cushingite for them.
Similarly, at its own modest level, the Society of Saint Pius X has an identity of a “society of apostolic life” completely independent of the current crisis in the Church.
Lionel: The SSPX is Cushingite.It part of the problem, a part of the crisis in the Church.
- Is the Society of Saint Pius X the only one making criticisms today?
Moreover, Fr. RH neglects to point out, which after all is part of the question, that the Society of Saint Pius X is far from being the only one today, among Catholics, criticizing the Church’s current direction. Recently, there has been an increase in the publication of public documents on various important points of dogma and morality by lay people, priests, notable groups of theologians and academics, bishops, and cardinals.
Lionel: With Cushingism they are in the same heretical direction as the SSPX, the liberals and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF), Vatican.
We note here the following examples, all of which are readily available online and in printed Catholic publications:
—The request by Bishop Schneider, then Auxiliary Bishop of Karaganda, at a theological conference in Rome in December 2010, for a new Syllabus which would clarify certain ambiguous passages of the Second Vatican Council and correct the heterodox interpretations which came from it;
Lionel: He is a Cushingite. He is unable to affirm Vatican Council II( Feeneyite) and EENS( Feeneyite).He also cannot say that all Protestants in the present times, need to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation(to avoid Hell).He accepts the New Ecumenism which is based on Cushingism. He also interprets Vatican Council II with Cushingism.
—The publication, on June 29, 2016, of the “Declaration of Fidelity to the Church’s Unchangeable Teaching on Marriage and to Her Uninterrupted Discipline,” notably signed by Cardinals Jānis Pujats, Carlo Caffarra, Raymond Leo Burke, by Bishops Athanasius Schneider, Andreas Laün, Juan Rodolfo Laise, Taras Senkiv, and many other ecclesiastics and theologians;
Lionel: All were interpreting Vatican Council II, EENS, BOD, BOB and I.I etc irrationally to create a rupture with Tradition(Athanasius Creed, Syllabus of Errrors etc).
—The “Dubia” concerning Amoris lætitia given to the sovereign pontiff on September 19, 2016 by Cardinals Walter Brandmüller, Raymond L. Burke, Carlo Caffarra, and Joachim Meisner;
Lionel : They are Cushingite on EENS and Vatican Council II. They support subjectivism in faith and salvation but reject it on morals.
—The letter to the pope by the same Cardinals Brandmüller, Burke, Caffarra, and Meisner on April 25, 2017;
—The “Correctio filialis” addressed to Pope Francis on August 11, 2017 and signed by more than 250 ecclesiastics, university professors, and theologians;
Lionel :They were Cushingites. When it was pointed out to many of them they did not respond. Since they possibly did not want to affirm Vatican Council II and EENS with Feeneyism. This would also be true for many in the SSPX.So they are going along with the false theology and doctrines.They criticize  Pope Francis, for heresy, and yet do not call him a heretic.
—The publication, on December 31, 2017, of the “Profession of the immutable truths about sacramental marriage” by Archbishop Tomash Peta of the Archdiocese of St. Mary in Astana, Archbishop Jan Pawel Lenga of Karaganda, and Bishop Athanasius Schneider, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of St. Mary in Astana, joined afterwards by Cardinal Jānis Pujats, Archbishop Emeritus of Riga, Carlo Maria Viganò, titular Archbishop of Ulpiana, Bishop Louis Negri, former bishop of Ferrara, Bishop Andreas Laun, former auxiliary bishop of Salzburg, Bishop Marian Eleganti, auxiliary bishop of Coire, Bishop René Gracida, bishop emeritus of Corpus Christi, and Bishop Elmar Fischer, bishop emeritus of Feldkirch;
Lionel: They reject the immutable truths on faith and salvation with their irrational interpretation of BOD, BOB and I.I.The result is that the Catechisms contradict each other.It is with the same confusion they interpret Vatican Council II.They artificially create a rupture with Tradition and then blame Vatican Council II.
—A letter published by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former nuncio to Washington, dated October 26, 2018, followed by a second letter dated September 29, 2018;
—The “Manifesto of Faith” published by Cardinal Ludwig Müller on February 8, 2019;
Lionel: Cushingite.
—The book by Cardinal Robert Sarah, Evening Approaches and the Day is Now Far Spent, (Le soir approche et déjà le jour baisse) published by Fayard on March 20, 2019, in which the cardinal affirmed in a public interview on April 5 with Imedia agency, “It is true that currently the crisis is located at the highest level [of the Church]. If we are no longer capable of teaching doctrine or morals, or setting an example and being role models, then the crisis has become extremely grave.”
Lionel : It was always grave. The popes from Paul VI to Francis have not interpreted Vatican Council II with Feeneyism. They also excommunicated Archbishop Lefebvre and the SSPX bishops for correctly rejecting Vatican Council II( Cushingite). This is serious.
—The Open Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church signed by 20 university professors and theologians, and published on April 29, 2019, etc.
Lionel : Same as above. Politically-correct Cushingites.
Is the fact that so many different people, who are in no way tied to the SSPX, are also publicly expressing their criticisms on the doctrinal and moral situation of the Church not one of the “signs of the times,” of which people so readily spoke about in the 1960s? 
Lionel: They have been influenced by the SSPX. Even now after being informed the SSPX will not ask Rome to come back to the faith by interpreting BOD, BOB and I.I, Vatican Council II's, LG 8, UR 3, GS 22 etc with Feeneyism. Then there will be a harmony with the past ecclesiology which has been rejected by Pope Benedict, Cardinal Ladaria, Cardinal Muller, Archbishop Di Noia and so many others employed at the Vatican.There has been no opposition in the Catholic Church to these errors.
And as the Second Vatican Council said in Gaudium et spes4, has there not always existed a “duty of scrutinizing the signs of the times and of interpreting them in the light of the Gospel”?
Lionel : These are not the signs of the time. This is human error and the SSPX is part of it.
Therefore, it would be useful to stop paying attention to the few criticisms made by the Society of Saint Pius X and question the significance of this burst of criticism coming from within the ecclesiastical structure itself, and to do it honestly and courageously, without turning into an ostrich, nor being told over and over again that everything is for the best today in a booming Church.
Lionel: So many times, over so many years the SSPX and the traditionalists have been informed about the difference between Cushingism and Feeneyism but like the ostrich with its head in the ground, they avoid the issue. For then they would have to say that for 50 years they were wrong on Vatican Council II and secondly, they would have to affirm EENS ( Feeneyite) which would not have any exceptions in Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite).-Lionel Andrades

JULY 6, 2018

SSPX ordains seminarians after changing doctrine, adapting to the Left and choosing security in exchange for approved modernism : Vatican no more objects to ordination

Taylor Marshall participates in the Roundtable Discussion on the Eve of the Pan Amazon Synod. He affirmed Vatican Council II while the rest of the faculty at the now defunct Fischer More College rejected it. Then Michael Matt who rejects Vatican Council II is also at the same table.

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Taylor Marshall participates in the Roundtable Discussion on the Eve of the Pan Amazon Synod. He affirmed Vatican Council II while the rest of the faculty at the now defunct Fischer More College rejected it.
Then Michael Matt who rejects Vatican Council II is also at the same table.
Neither of the two make a distinction between Vatican Council II Cushingite and Vatican Council II Feeneyite and extra ecclesiam nulla salus Cushingite and Feeneyite.
Both of them interpret the baptism of desire,baptism of blood and invincible ignorance with Cushingism, so there has to be a rupture with Tradition.
They do not known that their hermeneutic of rupture created by Vatican Council II, is really caused with their Cushingite reasoning.The Council is  traditional.
Pope Francis justifies changes in Church teaching by citing Vatican Council II Cushingite and no one corrects him on this point.
-Lionel Andrades

The popes from Paul VI were schismatic for interpreting BOD, BOB and I.I with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism.So they have changed the interpretation of the Creeds and Catechisms and Vatican Council II. This is schism. It is also a mortal sin of faith.

The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the Diocese of Worcester( not to be confused with Manchester), USA  condone Vatican Council II (Cushingite) in their bishop, Bishop Robert J.McManus and his Curia. 
The community at the St. Benedict Center, Worcester, meanwhile will not affirm Vatican Council II(Feeneyite) to avoid a schism with the past popes before Pius XII.Vatican Council II (Cushingite) contradicts the past popes on the strict  interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).
The community in Worcester also affirm EENS Feeneyite, like the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the diocese of Manchester, who are now under attack for their orthodoxy, by the diocese and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF).
So with Vatican Council II (Cushingite), the St. Benedict Center, like Bishop McManus, are in schism with the past popes and Church Councils, on EENS.
The popes since Paul VI are in schism with the popes before Pius XII, with their Cushingite reasoning.
Pius XII did not support Fr. Leonard Feeney.Neither did he correct Archbishop Cushing.His Mystici Corporis can be interpreted with Cushingism or Feeneyism.
Brother Andre Marie MICM, Prior at the St. Benedict Center, New Hampshire, where the bishop is Bishop Peter Libasci, affirms Vatican Council II (Feeneyite) and EENS ( Feeneyite).So he is in harmony with the popes before Pius XII  but in a rupture, theologically and doctrinally, with the popes since Paul VI.They were all Cushingites on EENS and Vatican Council II.
I affirm Vatican Council II(Feeneyite) and EENS ( Feeneyite). So I would be in a rupture  with the present two popes on EENS and Vatican Council II. But I would be in harmony with Tradition when it is interpreted with Feeneyism.
Note: I am not schismatic.Since I do not reject Vatican Council II. The popes from Paul VI were schismatic for interpreting BOD, BOB and I.I  with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism.So they have changed the interpretation of the Creeds and Catechisms and Vatican Council II. This is schism. It is also a mortal sin of faith.-Lionel Andrades

The Roundtable Discussion on the Eve of the Pan Amazon Synod organised by the Voice of the Family has schismatic participants.They interpret Vatican Council II with heretical and irrational Cushingism.

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The Roundtable Discussion on the Eve of the Pan Amazon Synod organised by the Voice of the Family has schismatic participants.They interpret Vatican Council II with heretical and irrational Cushingism. Then they accept  the Council like the past popes since Pius VI.They reject Vatican Council II (Feeneyite), like the liberals.So they are in a  theological and doctrinal rupture with the popes and Church Councils.
The popes before Pius XII  affirmed the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) but also mentioned hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) which were not practical exceptions to EENS, for them.
But the participants at the Roundtable discussion, like Pope Paul VI and Pope Francis, interpret BOD, BOB and I.I  as being non hypothetical  exceptions to EENS. I call this Cushingism. Pope Paul VI was Cushingite but the popes before Pope Pius XII were Feeneyite. They interpreted BOD, BOB and I.I as only being hypothetical, theoretical and speculative.They could not be practical and objective.This was how God made it.
Cushingism is an innovation.It was brought into the Church by the liberal theologians.It is irrational.It creates the hermeneutic of rupture with Tradition. This was not known to Archbishop Lefebvre, and the traditionalists of his time, including Prof. Roberto dei Mattei, one of the participants in the discussion.He has written books on Vatican Council II based upon Cushingism.
So now like the present two popes, the discussion panel, with Cushingites,are in schism with the past popes on EENS and BOD, BOB and I.I. The result : they interpret the Creeds and Catechisms, in a rupture with Tradition.-Lionel Andrades

With Vatican Council II (Cushingite) CMTV is in schism with the past popes and Church Councils on extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), the past ecclesiology, ecumenism of return etc.There is a rupture with the Athansius Creed, the Syllabus of Errors etc

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Sometime back Michael Voris  would say that the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) is in schism for not accepting Vatican Council II(Cushingite) while Church Militant TV  would accept this heretical version of the Council , like the Archbishop of Detroint and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF).He would not say that Church Militant TV(CMTV) is in schism for not affirming Vatican Council II(Cushingite) instead of Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite).
With Vatican Council II (Cushingite) CMTV  is in schism  with the past popes and Church Councils on extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), the past ecclesiology, ecumenism of return etc.There is a rupture with the Athansius Creed, the Syllabus of Errors etc.-Lionel Andrades

July 26, 2019

Speakers at the Roundtable Discussion in Rome in October to address issues to be raised at the Amazon Synod are all Cushingites including Michael Voris


July 27, 2019

John Henry Weston and John Smeaton are not announcing that the baptism of desire (BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) refer to only hypothetical cases and are not real people known in 2019 saved outside the Catholic Church. If they would make this announcement their interpretation of magisterial documents would change.

John Henry Weston and John Smeaton are not announcing that the baptism of desire (BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) refer to only hypothetical cases and are not real people known in 2019 saved outside the Catholic Church. If they would make this announcement their interpretation of magisterial documents would change.

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John Henry Weston and John Smeaton are not announcing  that the baptism of desire (BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) refer to only hypothetical cases and are not real people known in 2019 saved outside the Catholic Church.
If they would make this announcement their interpretation of magisterial documents  would change.
It would also mean Vatican Council II is traditional. It is not a rupture with the past ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return.
So Vatican Council II would not be a basis  for calling for a change in ecclesiology and theology in the Church, a claim made by Pope Francis and which is not   known to  Weston and Smeaton, and the organizers of the Round table Discussion on the Eve of the Amazon Synod. 
The Amazon Synod is based upon the interpretation of Vatican Council II with Cushingism and Pope Francis calls this 'the spirit of Vatican Council II'. It is a heretical interpretation.Meanwhile the pope is not affirming Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and neither are the participants of the round table discussion.
Yet they are demanding that the Amazon synod not change the teachings of the Church, when they accept the new eccelsiology based upon Vatican Council II, Cushingite. While they do not affirm the old exclusivist ecclesiology, based upon Vatican Council II, Feeneyite.
Some of the participants at the round table discussion reject Vatican Council II and others accept it. All interpret Vatican Council II with only Cushingism.-Lionel Andrades

July 26, 2019

Speakers at the Roundtable Discussion in Rome in October to address issues to be raised at the Amazon Synod are all Cushingites including Michael Voris