Saturday, October 19, 2019

Schneider and Montagna's new book ' a sell out' : they read Vatican Council II in the wrong way

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Bishop A. Schneider and Diane Montagna's new book is set on a bad way to read Vatican Council II. It is the same with the book by Taylor Marshall. Don't buy them.The writers church out the same stuff as Chris Ferrara and Roberto dei Mattei who still will not say sorry.They are all part of the crisis in the Church, about which the book whines.
The writers choose not to see Vatican Council II in a new way, which is not a  break with the old way in which Catholics saw the Church.For those who can see, Vatican Council II really says there is salvation in only the Catholic Church(AG 7) and LG 8 LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc , do not deny this. LG 16 etc are "zero cases"(John Martignoni) and 'technically are there only on paper'(Ann Barnhart). So the book does not check the wrong way to read Vatican Council II. This is a major fault.
At the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) they like this book. Schneider remains a bishop and Montagna can ask questions at press meetings which do not make any one angry. Voris  is banned.
I do not know if Diane Montagna was there with Edward Pentin and Sandro Magister at the Placuet Deo press conference ( March 1, 2018) when Cardinal Ladaria saw Vatican Council II in the wrong way. They said nothing."Does the Church still teach it has a superiority and exclusiveness in salvation?". Ladaria was asked by a lady journalist.He boldly said no.Pentin and Magister said nothing.
Now neither Pentin, Magister or Montagna ask why does the Working Paper of the Amazon Synod see Vatican Council II in the wrong way.
They would be told, of course, that there are known cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church with 'elements of sanctification and truth'(LG 8).This is a lie.We know there are no such people known to human beings. But for the CDF , all must say that such people are alive. People must be led to think that there are such people on earth, who are now in Heaven and who were not Catholic . Many could be there from the Amazon. They have been saved with good things in other religions(LG 8, NA 2 etc). Some one saw them in Heaven.This is an illusion. Welcome to the hemp shop.In Heaven they did not have 'faith and baptism'. Someone saw them there.So the Church no more teaches that every one needs to be a Catholic to go to Heaven, or in Heaven there are only Catholics.
But Cardinal Hummes had to be told that the Working Paper of the Synod rejects salvation in only the Catholic Church and so it does away with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).This is a specific heresy.
This is also a wrong way to read Vatican Council II.Heresy again.
Ad Gentes is in line with EENS while LG 8 etc does not oppose EENS.So the Synod has thrown out EENS, the Athanasius Creed ( outside the Church there is no salvation), the Syllabus of Errors( Protestants need to enter the Church to avoid Hell) and Vatican Council II( AG 7).
This is schism with the past popes on EENS and the Creed.To change the Nicene and Apostles Creed , would be first class heresy for Pope John Paul II.Again we have a mortal sin.
Instead Diane Montagna refers indirectly  to Coetus. Lefebvrists.They read Dominus Iesus and Vatican Council II in a bad way, while in their mind they hold the old concept of salvation.But this is not the way Cardinal Ratzinger interprets Dominus Iesus 14 and 16.He looks at it differently
For him there was known salvation outside the Church and Dominus Iesus is not ecclesiocentric.Anonymous Coetus is Hummes' B-Team. What if Jesus or John the Baptism chose anonymity ?
It was the same for Fr. Jean Marie Gleaze at the SSPX-Vatican talks. He too was on Ladaria's side.
The cardinals at the presentation of the book also read Vatican Council II in the wrong way. So they are called Catholics. This is how Pope Francis see the Council and is Catholic.
This was how the traditionalists 50 years back ( Michael Davies, Hildebrands, Lefebvre) read the Council in a wrong way led by Pope Paul VI.
Pope Paul VI's reading of the Council-text was loaded. Explosive. He used a false premise and  got away with it.Reminds  you of someone?
Lefebvre did not know.The Council could be read without that false premise.It would be different.It would not be a break with EENS and the Creeds.But no one told Lefebvre about it.No one even told Pope Paul VI that he mixed up what was not there  as being there.No one can see someone saved in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire, with or without the baptism of water.
No one told them all this at that time.
The book does not tell this to Catholics, today.
No book does. Since authors  Mattei, Ferrara, Schneider, Burke,Muller and others,r  want to please the Vatican and those who can use Leftist laws to punish.
Schneider is no Athanasius and Diane is down in the valley and not free on the mountain top.
We have to wait for someone else to write a good and honest book and who will see Vatican Council II as it is.
It's easy to write books and articles on safe subjects and that too, while saying nothing.-Lionel Andrades