Tuesday, December 3, 2019

All the books on Vatican Council II at Oxford University have an error. At the St. Benet Hall Oxford they agree with me.There is no denial from the Rector or the professors, resident and visiting, who have been informed by me through e-mails.Even Prof. Joseph Shaw, at Benet Hall, associated with Una Voce International and the Latin Mass Societies, and an author of a book on liturgy, has no denial.

All the books on Vatican Council II at Oxford University have an error. At the St. Benet Hall Oxford they agree with me.There is no denial from the Rector or the professors, resident and visiting, who have been informed by me through e-mails. Prof. Joseph Shaw, at Benet Hall, associated with Una Voce International and the Latin Mass Societies, and an author of a book on liturgy, has no denial.
The writers of books on Vatican Council II , even by traditionalists like Michael Davies and Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, confused what is invisible as being visible and then they assumed there was known salvation outside the Catholic Church.
With there being alleged known salvation outside the Church the traditional teaching on no salvation outside the Church became obsolete. So Vatican Council II was interpreted as a rupture with Tradition by them.
This was an irrational interpretation of the Council which did away with the past ecclesiology and ecumenism of return and 16th centunty extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Pope Benedict and the liberals called it ' a development' i.e using a false premise to create a non traditional conclusion.
The books on Vatican Council II at Oxford University are based upon this development.
-Lionel Andrades

Patricia Hackett,National Catholic Reporter ntolerant of the Catholic interpretation of Vatican Council II in harmony with the past ecclesiology, an ecumenism of return and extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) as it was interpreted in the Middle Ages.


Patricia Hackett who recently spoke at the Notre Dame University, USA is intolerant of the Catholic interpretation of Vatican Council II in harmony with the past ecclesiology, an ecumenism of return and extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) as it was interpreted in the Middle Ages.The National Catholic Reporter does not comment upon it, nor on reports on this blog.
I had mentioned in a previous blog post that Patricia Hackett the  Democratic congressional candidate who spoke at Notre Dame Law School was out of step with Vatican Council II in the Catholic Church.The Council supports an exclusivist ecclesiology.It is the basis for the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King, the non separation of Church and State and a Catholic Constitution based upon the traditional faith and moral teachings of the Caholic Church.
 Vatican Council II says all need faith and baptism for salvation (AG 7).So the Council has an ecclesiocentric ecclesiology.Hypothetical and speculative cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church (LG 8, LG 14, LG 16,UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc) are not objective.They are not objective exceptions to Ad Gentes 7 or the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). In other words the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance never ever were objective.They never ever were literal exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. Ecclesiastical Masonry had it wrong and so did the Americanists.
Patricia Hackett's 'education in Catholic theology and the law' was flawed and definitely not Catholic. 
Hackett, who holds a master's degree in theology from Notre Dame University and did graduate theology work at the Catholic University of America according to the NCR report, and is an attorney, must also uphold the right of Catholics, and a Catholic university, to interpret Vatican Council II in harmony with Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).She could support a Catholic's political goal to have Christ, as the center of all politics and laws in America.
Hackett supports the Enlightenment which ushered in Satanic values throughout the world and called it freedom.Priests and nuns were killed. Catholics wre not allowed to proclaim their faith.A political non separation was created, between Satanic secularism and State.The result can be seen today.Annual abortion, it is resported, has crossed the billion mark in the world.This is a regression and not enlightenment.
Hacket said  of the U.S Attorney General  Barr , "His positions are inconsistent with the theological anthropology of grace,".God's salvation is open to all in potential, but to receive it all need to enter the Catholic Church. So it is restrictive.God has chosen to be restricitive.Only women have babies and not men. Water falls in one direction and not two, says the Catholic apologist  Peter Kreeft. Outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation(AG 7).Non Catholics have to respond to God's grace and enter the Catholic Church to avoid Hell.This is how God chose it.
She said ,"By 'grace,' I mean God's work and presence within Creation, which is essential to Catholicism's commitment to the dignity of all persons, which, within Catholicism, grounds a person's right to religious freedom as a civil right."  Catholics too, have a political right to religious freedom and its expression.This means calling homosexuality and abortion a mortal sin.Hacket could support a Catholic's right to follow ones conscience.He or she should not be forced to pray for abortion or bake a cake for a homosexual wedding.Leftist coercion must be corrected too when they forget the right to human dignity and freedom.-Lionel Andrades

The Lefebvrists are still writing articles and producing books as if all is normal. The liberals refer to them as 'traditionalists'-an approved group, who interpret magisterial documents with a false premise , to create a rupture with Tradition. The liberals do the same.

 Image result for Photos of  Archbishop Lefebvre
The Lefebvrists are still writing articles and producing books as if all is normal. The liberals refer to them as 'traditionalists'- an approved group, who interpret magisterial documents with a false premise , to create a rupture with Tradition. The liberals do the same.
Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke and Bishop Athanasius Schneider will not affirm Vatican Council II without the false premise  since then they will be up against the Jewish Left. If they say there are no literal cases of being saved with the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I) they would be affirming the past ecclesiology, an ecumenism of return and 16th century extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).This would be unacceptable for the political Left and ecclesiastical Masonry.
Since the Lefebvrists would be admitting that there can be no practical exceptions to EENS as it was interpreted in the Middle Ages.
When there are no exceptions to the past ecclesiology, an ecumenism of return and the 16th century EENS with BOD, BOB and I.I not being exceptions, then Rome has returned to the Faith and the old ecclesiology is there in the Church, once again, at every Holy Mass in all rites.
But the Lefebvrists are not writing on this subject.
-Lionel Andrades

When a Catholic votes for a secular political party today he or she is not voting for Christ, but Satan.

It is clear that in Vatican Council II there are no objective exceptions mentioned to the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). This is the basis for the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King and the separation of Satanic secularism and State.
Since the priority is saving souls from going to Hell, when we know that outside the Church there is no known salvation. Possibilities of salvation, in our mind, are not real people saved outside the Church in the present times.
So we proclaim Jesus and the Catholic Church as necessary for salvation. We do not separate Jesus from the Church. Neither do we separate the Church from the Kingdom of God; Heaven. Heaven on earth and Heaven after we die.
So when we talk about Jesus,the priest or religious Superior, must also talk about Jesus being the center of all laws and politics in the country.
Catholic political parties must work for the non separation of Jesus and the State, Jesus as he is known in the Catholic Church.
 7 Week Abortion (01)7 Week Abortion (02)7 Week Abortion (03) 10 Week Abortion (02)
Catholics should only vote for political parties which affirm the Social Reign of Christ the King in all political legislation and the separation of a secularism and state which permits over a hundred babies to be killed every year through abortion in Italy.
When a Catholic votes for a secular political party today he or she is not voting for Christ, but Satan.- Lionel Andrades


Urban University Rome : Feast of St. Francis Xavier

Collegio Urbano De Propaganda Fide - Festa di San Francesco Saverio 

Patron of the Missionaries

 Arokia Anthony DOMINIC, India, II anno  Community

The Catholic Church on Dec. 3 honours St. Francis Xavier, one of the greatest missionaries in the history of the church after St. Paul. It is a significant day to the family of the Propaganda fide. The propagandists are inspired by the very life of St Francis Xavier, the patron of the missionaries. It is befitting to honour this revered missionary saint.As per the tradition, the Urban College participated at the festal mass in honour of St Francis Xavier at the church of Gesu, the mother church of Jesuits in Rome. The solemn Eucharistic celebration was presided over by His Eminence Fernando Cardinal Filoni, the Prefect for the congregation of the evangelization of peoples, together with the other Jesuits and the formators of Urban College. The College choir helped in the lively participation of the mass through their melodious singing.
The cardinal in his introduction exhorted the congregation to imbibe the missionary spirit of the Saint and thus seek his intercession for a fruitful mission. In the homily he outlined the life history of the saint and his call to Priesthood through the intervention of St. Ignatius of Loyola who convinced Francis to give up his own plans and open his mind to God’s will. Thus Francis Xavier became the co-founder of the society of Jesuits. The Cardinal underlined the missionary zeal of St Francis Xavier who travelled across the seas to the East Indies, Japan and was about to extend his mission in China but died in Shangchuan island in China. St. Francis Xavier overcame all the barriers during his mission work just to embrace the Gospel and preach to the peripheries where he baptized thousands of people. The Cardinal also reflected upon the missionary work of St Paul, who always remains a model to the missionaries. Also the life of St Therese of Lisieux, the patroness of the missionaries, continues to inspire us through her contemplative way of life and mystical spirituality, where all through her life she prayed for the mission. Finally cardinal recalled the advent message of Pope Francis too was an invitation “to enlarge our horizons” to further dimensions, giving meaning even to everyday occurrences because the Lord comes in the hour which we don’t imagine. He concluded the homily saying that each of us is called to be missionaries and this mission has to be extended to all, following the example of St. Francis Xavier. The Eucharistic Celebration concluded with the litany of St Francis Xavier and veneration of an arm of St Francis Xavier which rests within a reliquary above the altar in the right transept. The arm by wh
ich he baptized hundreds and thousands of people during his mission work.
Arokia Anthony DOMINIC, India, II Year,Urbaniana University, Rome




He was buried in a shallow grave and his body covered with quicklime, but when exhumed three months later it was found fresh and incorrupt. It was taken to Goa where it is still enshrined. St. Francis Xavier was proclaimed patron of foreign missions and of all missionary works by Pope St. Pius X.

St. Francis Xavier (1506-1552) was born in the castle of Xavier in Navarre, Spain. In 1525 he went to Paris where he met St. Ignatius Loyola and with whom he received Holy Orders in Venice in 1537. In 1540 he was sent to evangelize India. He labored in western India, the island of Ceylon, Malacca, Molucca Islands, island of Mindanao (Philippines), and Japan. In 1552 he started on a voyage to China but died on Sancian Island.

St. Francis Xavier
This saint, one of the Church's most illustrious missionaries, came from a noble Basque family in Spain. He studied at the University of Paris, where he taught philosophy after obtaining his degree of master of arts. Here he met Ignatius of Loyola and was enrolled as one of the first seven Jesuits. They decided to go to the Holy Land, but the war between the Turks and Venice prevented this, so for a time Francis labored at Padua, Bologna, and Rome.
In 1540 Ignatius chose him as the first missionary to the Portuguese East Indies. Francis sailed from Lisbon armed with four papal briefs making him nuncio with full powers and recommending him to the Eastern princes. He landed at Goa in India and began a vast apostolate lasting over ten years. Here he instructed the adults, gathered the children by ringing a bell in the streets, catechized them, and also visited the hospitals and prisons. He then turned to the native Indians, teaching the simple folk by versifying Catholic doctrine and fitting the verses to popular tunes. He then went on to Cape Comorin and began the conversion of the Paravas, some days baptizing so many that at night he could not raise his arm from fatigue. Then to Travencore where he founded forty-five churches in various villages. Then to Malacca in Malaya, and for eighteen months from island to island, preaching, instructing, baptizing.
On his return to Goa he heard of the vast harvest of souls awaiting the laborers in Japan and he set out for this field with several companions, arriving at Kagoshima in 1549. He set himself to learn the language and started to preach and teach with such success that twelve years later his converts were found still retaining their first fervor. In 1551 he returned to Malacca to revisit his converts in India. Now a new goal loomed up before his eyes—pagan China, but he was not to reach it.
Arriving on the island of Sancian at the mouth of the Canton river, he became ill of a fever and would have died abandoned on the burning sands of the shore if a poor man named Alvarez had not taken him to his hut. Here he lingered for two weeks, praying between spells of delirium, and finally died, his eyes fixed with great tenderness on his crucifix. He was buried in a shallow grave and his body covered with quicklime, but when exhumed three months later it was found fresh and incorrupt. It was taken to Goa where it is still enshrined. St. Francis Xavier was proclaimed patron of foreign missions and of all missionary works by Pope St. Pius X.
Excerpted from A Saint A Day by Berchmans Bittle, O.F.M.Cap
Patron: African missions; diocese of Alexandria, Louisiana; Apostleship of Prayer; Australia; black missions; Borneo; China; East Indies; foreign missions; Goa, India; diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin; India; archdiocese of Indianapolis, Indiana; Japan; diocese of Joiliet, Illinois; missionaries; Missioners of the Precious Blood; Navarre, Spain; navigators; New Zealand; parish missions; plague epidemics; Propagation of the Faith.
Symbols: bell; crucifix; vessel; Pilgrim's staff; rosary; lily; font; ship and crucifix; globe.
Often portrayed as: young bearded Jesuit with a torch, flame, cross and lily; young bearded Jesuit in the company of Saint Ignatius Loyola; preacher carrying a flaming heart.
Things to Do:
  • What does it mean to be an apostle? Consider how you might imitate St. Francis Xavier in apostolic works in your own situation. Read this letter from St. Francis to St. Ignatius to get an idea of his zeal.
  • Read some more about St. Francis and ideas for Celebrating the Feast of St. Francis Xavier.
  • St. Francis was sent to India and Japan. Pray for the Church in these countries, and learn more about the modern Church in India here and here, read about the history of the Church in Japan.
  • Find out about and support the Holy Childhood Association (St. Francis always started with the children first).
  • Teach your children to pray St. Francis' favorite prayer, "Give me souls" when they have some suffering to offer up.
  • Spend some time meditating on St. Ignatius' response to St. Francis before his conversion, "What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but suffers the loss of his soul?"
  • Say the Litany of St. Francis Xavier.
  • Make a big pot of soup for the Feast of St. Francis Xavier.
  • Study some beautiful art depicting St. Francis Xavier at Olga's Gallery

Feast of St. Francis Xavier : thousands gather at the Basilica of Bom Jesus today

The Feast of Saint Francis Xavier

Updated on Oct 28, 2019 by Kathryn Burrington

Each year, on 3rd December, marks the anniversary of St Francis Xavier’s death, when thousands gather at the Basilica of Bom Jesus.
This annual festival, known as the Feast of St Francis Xavier or Goinchea Saibache Fest, (Lord of Goa Festival), is the biggest of all the Christian festivals in Goa. People from near and far come to participate in the morning mass.

Saint Francis Xavier

St Francis Xavier came to Goa as a missionary in 1542, and began preaching to both the Goans and his fellow Europeans. During the next ten years he converted many thousands to Christianity, despite the resistance of some of the European officials he encountered, as well as language constraints (he wasn’t proficient in foreign languages as is commonly believed).
He died of a fever on a Chinese island in 1552, at just 46 years old, and was brought back to Goa a few years later.
In 1637 his body was laid to rest in a silver casket, constructed by Goan silversmiths, who blended beautifully both Italian and Indian aesthetics in its design. 32 silver plates placed on the sides of the casket each depict a different episode in the life of the Saint. The casket was placed in the Basilica of Bom Jesus where it remains to this day. Once every ten years there is a public viewing of his body, the next being due in 2024.
Considered one of the greatest missionaries since St Paul, the anniversary of his death is also remembered in Spain, the land of his birth, as The Day of Navarre (Día de Navarra).

Visiting Old Goa and the Basilica of Bom Jesus

Once known as the ‘Rome of the East’, Old Goa is fascinating to explore with many reminders of the region’s former grandeur and the importance it held in the colonial era. There are a number of colonial buildings, convents, and churches, including the Basilica of Bom Jesus, that are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites and are protected by the Archaeological Survey of India.
The basilica itself is one of the oldest churches in Goa. Completed in 1605, it is regarded as the finest example of baroque architecture in the whole of India and is today one of Goa’s most popular attractions.
The interior is relatively simple with a few exceptions - the floor is made of marble inlaid with precious stones and there is an elaborately gilded alter.
A mausoleum, holding the remains of the Saint, was designed by the 17th-century Florentine sculptor Giovanni Battista Foggini and took ten years to complete.