Thursday, December 12, 2019

Directors of Periodica de re canonica,the journal of the Faculty of Canon Law of the Pontifical Gregorian University interpret Vatican Council II irrationally : so they would discriminate against conservative students

Periodica de re canonica, more frequently called Periodica, is the journal of the Faculty of Canon Law of the Pontifical Gregorian University.
Beyond studies and canonical research, the journal publishes comments regarding rotal sentences and decrees of the Apostolic Signatura. The conferences of "Colloqui" of alumni of the faculty are also produced.
The first issue of each year reports a bibliographic list with recent publications in the field of canon law. The fourth issue presents details regarding the doctoral dissertations from within the Faculty: the arguments put forth by students, defended dissertations, and those that have been published.
The journal is open to contributions from professors of the Faculty, rotal judges, curial officials, those who work in tribunals, and other canonists. Sometimes the results of more interesting doctoral dissertations from within the Faculty are published. The task of the journal is to consider new developments in canonical doctrine, Church legislation and administration, and to be open to new horizons in reflection on ecclesial reality.
Each volume (annual) of Periodica is published in four issues of about 700 pages in total. Articles can be written in Latin, Italian, French, English, Spanish and German.
The Directors of the Periodica are Professors Damian G.Astigueta, Gianfranco Ghirlanda sj.and Yuji Sugawara S.I. They all interpret Vatican Council II irrationally to create a rupture with Tradition.
So at the Gregorian University, and other pontifical universities in Rome, students and seminarians are discriminated against, who affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). They are told that the dogma EENS has been made redundant with Vatican Council II. LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc are said to be exceptions. In other words, Lumen Gentium refers to visible and personally known non Catholics saved outside the Church in the present times.This is irrational.But if they were invisible they couuld not be exceptions to EENS. They would have to be visible to be exceptions.
 Now we know that Lumen Gentium only refers to hypothetical and speculative cases.The professors at the Department of Canon Law have made a mistake.
 Where are the non Catholics saved outside the Church in 2019, what are their names? There are none.Where are the non Catholics saved as referenced in Lumen Gentium 8 for example, over the last 50 years ? There are none.
Vatican Council II nowhere contradicts the past exclusivist ecclesiology, an ecumenism of return and 16th century EENS.Yet this is how the directors of the Periodica would interpret the Council.
Similarly if students affirm the Syllabus of Errors and the Athanasius Creed they are not granted permission to study at the pontifical universities or enter a seminary in Rome. Since the Rector  would say that Vatican Council II is a rupture with these Church documents. In other words hypothetical cases are interpreted as being objectivly known people saved outside the Church.This is the reason given to reject a conservative Catholic student.
Students are not allowed to complete their exams unless they go along with this deception. This subterfuge is supported by canonists and the Department of Canon Law at the Gregorian and other pontifial universities.
The members of the Scientific Committee of the Periodica are Paolo F.Bianchi,Tribunale di Milano,  Giuliano  Brugnotto Facoltà di diritto canonico San Pio X,Alessandra Brzemia-Bonarek,  Pontificia Università Giovanni Paolo II-Cracovia,Poland,Carlos Cerezuela García,Congregation for Bishops, Holy See, Francesco Coccopalmerio, Pontificial Concil for Legislative Texts, Holy See,James conn, Boston College, USA, Grzegorz Erlebach,Supreme Tribunal, Signatura Apostolica, Bruno Esposito Pontificial University of St.Thomas Aquinas, Italy and many others.
-Lionel Andrades,

Canonists and speakers at the Archisodalitium, Curiae Romanae conferences overlook deception in the interpretation of Magisterial documents

An Italian Magistrate was to  speak tomorrow and canonists, who interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and unethically,were  expected to listen to him.It is the re-union of the Archisodalitium, Curiae Romanae, and professors and students of the Pontifical Gregorian University, Department of Canon Law are expected to attend.They have their religious formation based upon an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II.They ignore the discriminatiion of seminarians based upon their religious interpretation of magisterial documents in the Catholic Church.
Many students with a religious vocation are  discriminated against,since they did not choose to interpret Vatican Council II and / or the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) with an obvious irrationality.
This irrationality would also be part of the religious formation of Catholic members of the judiciary in Italy.
Dott.Franesco Mario Fiore, Magistrate, Ministry of Justice, Italy will not be present tomorrow. His talk is to be presented by Prof.Dario Farace, of the University of Tor Vergata, according to the Calendar of the Archisodalitum.
 The title of the talk is privacy and treatment of personal data in family law ( Privacy e trattamento dei dati personali nel diritto di famiglia).
This year there was no talk on the discrimination against Catholic seminarians and students, who do not interpret Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, with a false premise, to create a non traditional and heretical conclusion.This is accepted by the Departments of Canon Law, Rectors and Superiors of seminaries and universities,the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the popes since Paul VI.
The speakers at the Archisodalitum conferences during this year could also have been influenced by the mistake in the interpretation of Vatican Council II. The speakers include Prof.Andrea Nicolussi, Universita Cattolica di Sacro Cuore, Prof.Paulo Moneta, Advocate of the Holy See,Prof.Marco Canonico, University of Perugia.
According to the Calendario 2019, the speakers are  Professoressa Miriam Tinti,Pont. Universita Gregoriana,Prof.Paolo Cavana (LUMSA),Prof.Giuseppe Dalla Torre, (LUMSA),Prof.Umberto Roma, Universita di Padua, Prof.Hector Francheski, Pont. Universita Santa Croce, Prof.Francesco D'Agostino,Pres,Unione Giuristi Catt.It.,Dottoresa Anna Maria Fasano,Cons.Corte Suprema, Cassazione,
Then there is Prof. Andrea Bettetini, Univ.Cattolica di Sacro Cuore,Avv.Vincenzo Comi, Camera Penale di Roma, Prof.Nicola Bartone, Avvocata della Santa Sede, Prof.Alessio Sarais, V.Prefetto, Ministero dell Interno,Don Emmanuele Albanese, Vicariato di Roma and Mons. Davide Salvatori, Prelato Ud.della Rota Romana.
These speakers have not addressed the discrimination, which is the norm, for Catholic students at the pontifical universities.This is also overlooked by the canonists and secular legal advocates.
A vocation to the religious life , male and female, is blocked in Italy, if the candidate does not claim that there are objective cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church,  without faith and the baptism of water. It is obligatory, for an Italian young candidate, for example, to maintain, this irrationality.
Only with this lie can he or she, be admitted into a religious community and then be able to study Catholic philosophy and theology or canon law at a pontifical university. A student cannot proclaim the strict interpetation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). Instead the student has to lie and state :unknown cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance are known exceptions to EENS.Also the student has to lie and state that invisible and hypothetical cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II, are objective and real people in the present times(2019) saved outside the Church. So they become literal and practical exceptions to EENS and the past exclusivist ecclesiolog of the Catholic Church, with an ecumenism of return.This is subterfuge and deception. It is not Catholic. -Lionel Andrades


December 11, 2019

Irrationality would also be part of the religious formation of Catholic members of the judiciary in Italy