Saturday, February 1, 2020

Angelus Press of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise, inference and conclusion instead of the rational premise and inference and traditional conclusion.They have published another book with this error.

Authors at the Angelus Press of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise, inference and conclusion instead of the rational premise and inference and traditional conclusion.They  have published another book with this error. It is One Hundred Years of  Modernism Fr. Dominique Bourmaud.
SSPX bishops and priests have no concept of Cushingism being modernism. Since it is normal for all of them, as it was for Archbishop Lefebvre, to interpret Vatican Council II, extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Catechism of Pope Pius X  and other magisterial documents with modernist Cushingism.
The author here puts the blame on Vatican Council II when the fault lies with his false premise, inference and conclusion.
There is no book of the Angelus Press which affirms Vatican Council II in harmony with the past exclusivist ecclesiology with no exceptions, an ecumenism of return with no exceptions and 16th century EENS with no exceptions.With Cushingism there are always exceptions. -Lionel Andrades

One Hundred Years of Modernism


One Hundred Years of Modernism: A Genealogy of the Principles of the Second Vatican Council
"Change" was the buzzword of the 1960's and '70's. When it hit the Catholic Church, its faithful were told to expect a glorious springtime. Instead, doubt and instability have prevailed. 


Where has the destruction come from? All indicators point to the Second Vatican Council (1962 - 65) as its epicenter. To prove it, the author reconstructed a family tree - a genealogy - of Vatican II to uncover the chain of causes that resulted in this Council and its novelties.


The Vatican II "effect" is related to a heresy going back one hundred years: Modernism. The modernists, actively fought by Pope Pius X (1903-14) and condemned by the encyclical Pascendi (1907), had been working ever since to align the Church with new ideas in philosophy. But their "new ideas" had an origin, too. Following back links in the chain, the author reached the first link: Martin Luther.


One Hundred Years of Modernism is an everyman's survey of the history of philosophical ideas from Aristotle's sane realism to the existentialists' insanity. In chronological order, from its roots in Luther's principle of private judgment through its subsequent developments, it shows that modernism, prematurely declared dead after St. Pius X's reign, revived after World War II and reached the highest levels of the Catholic Church's hierarchy.
From causes to effects and from masters to disciples. The book is divided into five historical periods:
-Christian Truth

-Protestant critical modernism in Germany
-Modernism in France

-Neo-modernism in Europe
-Triumphant modernism in Rome itself


JANUARY 25, 2020

Angelus Press of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) sell books with misinformation on Vatican Council II. The most recent is a A layman's Guide to Vatican Council II by Fr. Arnaud De Lassus who interprets the Council with a false premise and inference.

JANUARY 25, 2020

Image result for Michael Matt criticizes fr. leonard feeneyImage of James Vogel

Angelus Press, Michael Matt and James Vogel need to apologize for the irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS)

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