Saturday, February 1, 2020

Cornelia Ferrara speaks at the ISOC and otherwise, like Christopher Ferrara and John Salza interprets Vatican Coucil II with the common false premise, inference and conclusion.They will not interpret Vatican Council II with the rational premise and inference and non traditional conclusion.

Cornelia Ferrara speaks at the ISOC and, otherwise,  like Christopher Ferrara and John Salza interprets Vatican Coucil II with the common false premise, inference and conclusion.They will not interpret Vatican Council II with the rational premise and inference and non traditional conclusion.
If they do interpret Vatican Council II without the irrationality then they would be affirming extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to the missionaries in the 16th century.
They do not want to do this. They want to interpret Vatican Council II and EENS with exceptions. This was done by Archbishop Lefebvre and it is continued by the SSPX bishops.
John Salza once spoke along with Cornelia Ferrara  at a Fatima Conference and he said that he believed that the dogma of the faith, which Our Lady mentioned at Fatima, was the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. 
However Salza will continue to interpret EENS with exceptions. He will not say that there are no physically visible exceptions to EENS. It is the same with Christopher and Cornelia Ferrara.
The dogma of the faith has been lost. May be at some time it will be accepted in Portugal.
The Angelus Press of the Society of St. Pius X is also publishing books on Vatican Council II with the lie. It is supported by Cornelia Ferrara.-Lionel Andrades

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