Saturday, February 1, 2020

German theologian Marianne Schlosser a professor of theology at the University of Vienna and recipient of the 2018 Ratzinger Prize, interprets Vatican Council II with the false premise, inference and non traditional conclusion which says outside the Catholic Church there is salvation.She accepts the New Theology of Pope Benedict and Pope Francis and so she is given the award.

 Marianne Schlosser
German theologian Marianne Schlosser a professor of theology at the University of Vienna  and the recipient of the 2010 Ratzinger Prize, interprets Vatican Council II with the false premise, inference and non traditional conclusion which says outside the Catholic Church there is salvation.She accepts the New Theology of Pope Benedict and Pope Francis and so she is given the award. a professor of theology at the University of Vienna  and the recipient of the 2018 Ratzinger Prize, interprets Vatican Council II with the false premise, inference and non traditional conclusion which says outside the Catholic Church there is salvation.She accepts the New Theology of Pope Benedict and Pope Francis and so she is given the award.
 Fondazione Ratzinger
If she interpreted the Council rationally she would not be considered eligible for the award.Since with the rational premise and inference her conclusion would be outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation.She would then have to conclude that there are no theological basis for Pope Benedict's New Theology, New Ecclesiology, New Evangelisation, New Canon Law and New Ecumenism.
 Third Conference
Now with her irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II like that of the German Catholic Church and Germans in general, she is proclaiming  that there are known exceptions to the general rule on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
 Ratzinger Prize 2012
So for her  there is no more the need for the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King , the non separation of Church and State and traditional mission theology. Traditional Mission theology in harmony with Vatican Council II, interpreted rationally, still says all non Catholics, outside the Church are on the way to Hell, with no known exceptions . 
Now he books could be thrown out.They are not Catholic.
 Image result for h  Marianne Schlosser  contact

 Image result for h  Marianne Schlosser  contact
She needs to write books on Vatican Council II for her students in Vienna without the irrational and objective error, which is there in two theological papers of the International Theological Commission, Christianity and the World Religions(1997) and the The Hope of Salvation for Infants without Being Baptism(2007), which she has overlooked.-Lionel Andrades

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