Sunday, June 21, 2020

Jim Keane, Senior Editor, of the Jesuit magazine America calls St. Benedict Center, N.H schismatic based upon the irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II by the Jesuits, Patricia Chadwick,CDF and the Diocese of Manchester, USA

The following are comments on Patricia Chadwick's report 'I grew up in a Catholic cult' pubished in the Jesuit magazine America.

A senior editor of America, Jim Keane, indicates that the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, at the St. Benedict Center Richmond, N.H is  schismatic and suggests it is a cult and not  Catholic.

This is false.It is the leftist magazine America and Patricia Chadwick who are schismatic. They interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise to create a rupture with the popes over the centuries on extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).The SBC community in New Hampshire,USA do not make this mistake.

The 'rigid theological views' on EENS expressed by the St. Benedict Center Richmond, N.H are those of  Vatican Council II.
They are those of the Council in Ad Gentes 7 (CCC 846 Outside the Church No Salvation).

There are no exceptions mentioned in the Council-text  to extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) when Vatican Council II is interpreted rationally.So the N.H community is part of the Conciliar Church. They are Catholics who accept Vatican Council II but only when it is interpreted rationally.

Patricia Chadwick like the Jesuit magazine America interprets Vatican Council II with the false premise to create a false rupture with the 'rigid theological view' of the professors who were dismissed by Cushingite Boston College, including her father. 1

When she was young the CDF (Holy Office) and Pope Pius XII had wrongly assumed that  unknown cases of being saved in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire were known and objective exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). 

How can she say that the community in New Hampshire is schismatic ?

Vatican Council II interpreted without the false premise does not contradict the popes over the centuries, on their 'rigid theological interpretation' of EENS. So the community at New Hampshire is not in schism with them. 

However Boston College and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) need to use the same false premise to interpret Vatican Council II, for political reasons, and so  are in schism with the popes before the 1930's on EENS.They are creating division within the Catholic Church.

The community at New Hampshire can affirm Vatican Council II without the false premise which would be in harmony with the rigid theological interpretation of EENS.So they do not have to deny Vatican Council II. 

I affirm the rigid interpretation of EENS and my principal reference is Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite).

They cannot be  in schism for rejecting Vatican Council II, a charge levelled at other traditionalists. They do not reject Vatican Council II. They simply do not confuse what is invisible as being visible. The baptism of desire refers to a physically invisible case in 2020.The Jesuits do not dispute this.

So it is wrong for the Senior Editor of America to label the New Hampshire community as schismatics.They are not traditionalists, I repeat,  who reject Vatican Council II (Feeneyite).

It was also necessary for the magazine America to clarify that  the St.Benedict Center in the diocese of Worcester are in full communion with the Bishop of Worcester and the  CDF, since they interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise to create a rupture with Feeneyite EENS.

Brother Thomas Augustine MICM, Superior at the St.Benedict Center, Still River, has still not announced that the community affirms Vatican Council II (Feeneyite) i.e the Council interpreted without the false premise.So there is confusion. This can be misleading.

Since Brother Andre Marie MICM, Prior, St. Benedict Center, N.H,the non schismatic community,  in his response to a CDF communique, has interpreted Vatican Council II and invincible ignorance, without the false premise.

The Still River community uses the false premise and the New Hampshire community avoids it.So a disclaimer is needed from Brother Thomas Augustine MICM, at Still River MA.

When the N.H community affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and EENS ( Feeneyite) they are not liberals like  the Jesuits who reject EENS ( Feeneyite) with Vatican Council II( Cushingite).This is schism, heresy and division in the Catholic Church. It is following a new revelation based upon a false premse.

The St.Benedict Center N.H, USA affirm the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance as referring to invisible and hypothetical cases only.This is something obvious. 

All the popes over the centuries affirmed the strict interpretation of EENS along with hypothetical cases,unable to be objective exceptions to EENS.The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at Richmond, N.H do the same.
So it is false to call them schismatic or a cult.They affirm magisterial teachings of the Church but interpret them rationally.-Lionel Andrades

Rosalee Leung
It should be clarified in the article that the group currently at Still River, MA has been reformed and "regularized" by their diocese. Some original members who did not agree with the reform (and who were part of the original community spoken of in this article), left and started a community in New Hampshire. This community in NH is not under their respective diocese and is considered schismatic. Without clarifying this point, the article borders on slandering the current communities at Still River as it leaves it to the readers' assumption that this cult is still in effect, especially since they link to the current community's webpage. However, the current community has been reformed and is striving to live in accordance with the traditions of our faith and follow Christ's call to evangelize.

I ask that the editor removes the link to the current Still River community in order to prevent misunderstandings on the part of their readers or clarify the current situation.

Still River:


 In reply to Rosalee Leung
This letter should suffice for getting out that information.

 In reply to Mary Reinhardt
What letter? Are you referring to my comment?

I believe it is editors' job to make sure the truth is told. It is not my comment which should correct, but truth should come from the "sources". Especially since as Catholics, they should be concerned with conveying truth and not spreading slander. 

 In reply to Rosalee Leung
Dear Ms. Leung,
Thank you for your note--I can see how this would be misleading. We have added a line: "While some members formed a new schismatic community in New Hampshire, the Still River community is in full communion with the Catholic Church." We have also removed the link to the Still River community.

Many thanks,
Jim Keane
Senior Editor

JUNE 20, 2020

Patricia Chadwick's book Little Sister calls the St.Benedict Center, New Hamphire schismatics

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