Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Cardinal Ratzinger could have pointed out to Archbishop Lefebvre that Vatican Council II could be interpreted without the irrationality and the traditionalists could choose the rational interpretation of the Council and accept it

 Pope Benedict as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) should not have excommunicated  Archbishop Lefebvre.The cardinal was creating division in the Church. 

Instead he could have pointed out to Lefebvre that Vatican Council II could be interpreted without the irrationality and the traditionalists could choose the rational interpretation of the Council and accept it.

But Cardinal Ratzinger wanted to please the Masons and progressivists.He did not lift the excommunication of Archbishop Lefebvre.

As Pope Benedict he wanted the SSPX to accept Vatican Council II with the false premise and not without it, for canonical recognition.

So he changed doctrine and wanted the SSPX to accept heresy and innovation. He was expecting Archbishop Lefebvre to do the same. -Lionel Andrades

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