Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The professors at the University of St. Thomas Aquinas ( Angelicum) Rome still interpret Vatican Council II, the Creeds and Catechisms, extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Profession of Faith( Professio Fidei) with the irrational premise , inference and conclusion, even after being informed about the error.None of them acknowledge that they made a mistake.None of them, including the priests and nuns, say that they will interpret Vatican Councl II without the irrational premise, inference and conclusion.

Image result for photoss angelicum university

The professors at the University of St. Thomas Aquinas ( Angelicum) Rome still interpret Vatican Council II, the Creeds and Catechisms, extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Profession of Faith( Professio Fidei)  with the irrational premise , inference and conclusion, even after being informed about the error.None of them acknowledge that they made a mistake.None of them, including the priests and nuns,  say that they will interpret Vatican Councl II without the irrational premise, inference and conclusion.
Image result for photoss angelicum university
The Dominicans will also, only accept religious vocations who interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and they will not allow students to study at the Angelicum, who do not use the irrational model to interpret the Council and other magisterial documents of the Catholic Church.
Image result for photoss angelicum universityImage result for photoss angelicum university
A few professors are members of the Vatican International Theological Commission . They do not acknowledge that the ITC  also uses the irrational premise, inference and conclusion to interpret Vatican Council II, extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the baptism of desire, baptism of blood, invincible ignorance etc. This is done in two theological papers Christianity and the World Religions and The Hope of Salvation for Infants who die without Baptism .They were approved by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and Bishop Charles Morerod OP.
Image result for photoss angelicum university
The Dominican Archbishop Augustine di Noia , Ad junct Secretary at the Congregation for the Doctrien of the Faith also interprets Magisterial documents with the irrationality. He has officially asked the religious community, the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at the St. Benedict Center, New Hampshire, to interpret the Catechism of the Catholic Church and EENS with this irrational premise, inference and conclusion.
At the Angelicum a professor, a diocesan priest who is the Director of the Human Life Internation office in Rome, uses the irrationality and considers it the teaching of the Holy Spirit, for the present times. The same is done by a professor at the Urbaniana Ponfitical University Rome.-Lionel Andrades

Mons. Marco Gnarvi ,the Diocesan Secretary, Vicariate, Rome for the Office for Inter Religious Dialogue and Ecumenism interprets Vatican Council II with the irrational premise, inference and conclusion

Dove 2020, comunità di sant'egidio, guida michelin dei poveri Marco Gnavi
Mons. Marco Gnarvi ,the Diocesan Secretary, Vicariate,Rome  for the Office for Inter Religious Dialogue and Ecumenism interprets Vatican Council II with the irrational premise, inference and conclusion  and so creates an artificial rupture with extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS), the Syllabus of Errors, the Athanasius Creed and ecumenism of return of the Magisterium of the Church in the Middle Ages.So with this error he presents the Catholic Church to the Jews and Muslims organisations here, approved by the Left.
Mons. Gnarvi's inter religious dialogue and ecumenism is based on this irrational model.


If he chose  the rational model he would be saying in Heaven there are only Catholics  and they are there with 'faith and baptism'(AG 7).He would also be saying that  most people on earth go to Hell when they die.Since they die outside the Church, without faith and baptism, which all people need for salvation according to Vatican Council II (AG 7).

-Lionel Andrades

- Tipo Ufficio: Pastorale -

Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano 6/A - 00184 ROMA
tel. uff. 06-

Incaricati attuali:
[data nomina | N. Decreto | data inizio | data fine ]
Delegato Diocesano:
S.E. Mons. Paolo SELVADAGI (Vesc. tit. di Salpi, Salapia - ROMA - ROMA - ROMA -
 ROMA - Aus. di ROMA)
 [ 24/05/2019 |       1136/19 | 24/05/2019 |                  ]
Membro del Consiglio dei Prefetti:
Mons. Marco GNAVI
 [ 28/09/2018 |       1514/18 | 28/09/2018 | 03/12/2019 ]
Mons. Marco GNAVI
 [ 01/02/2020 |         221/20 | 01/02/2020 |                  ]
Responsabile del Settore Sette e Nuovi Culti:
 [ 01/09/2007 |       1240/07 | 01/09/2007 |                  ]
Dott.ssa Francesca MEROLLA
 [ 01/01/2004 |                  | 01/01/2004 |                  ]


- Commissione Diocesana -

Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano 6/A - 00184 ROMA
tel. uff. 06-698.86.517 (Segreteria)

Incaricati attuali:
[data nomina | N. Decreto | data inizio | data fine ]
Segretario Diocesano:
Mons. Marco GNAVI
 [ 17/10/2017 |       1298/17 | 17/10/2017 | 16/10/2020 ]
Responsabile per i Rapporti con l’Ebraismo:
Mons. Giuseppe PULCINELLI
 [ 17/10/2017 |       1298/17 | 17/10/2017 | 16/10/2020 ]
Responsabile del Settore Sette e Nuovi Culti:
 [ 17/10/2017 |       1298/17 | 17/10/2017 | 16/10/2020 ]
Responsabile per i Rapporti con l’Islam:
Dott. Federico DI LEO
 [ 17/10/2017 |       1298/17 | 17/10/2017 | 16/10/2020 ]
Responsabile per i Rapporti con le Religioni Orientali:
Prof. Bryan LOBO
 [ 17/10/2017 |       1298/17 | 17/10/2017 | 16/10/2020 ]
Prof.ssa Paola APOSTOLI
 [ 17/10/2017 |       1298/17 | 17/10/2017 | 16/10/2020 ]
Mons. Manlio ASTA
 [ 17/10/2017 |       1298/17 | 17/10/2017 | 16/10/2020 ]
Don Felice BRUNO (F.D.P.)
 [ 17/10/2017 |       1298/17 | 17/10/2017 | 16/10/2020 ]
Don Marcello BUSSOTTI
 [ 17/10/2017 |       1298/17 | 17/10/2017 | 16/10/2020 ]
Dott. Ing. Stefano ERCOLI
 [ 17/10/2017 |       1298/17 | 17/10/2017 | 16/10/2020 ]
Prof. Ignazio GENOVESE
 [ 17/10/2017 |       1298/17 | 17/10/2017 | 16/10/2020 ]
 [ 17/10/2017 |       1298/17 | 17/10/2017 | 16/10/2020 ]
Prof. Claudio GUERRIERI
 [ 17/10/2017 |       1298/17 | 17/10/2017 | 16/10/2020 ]
Fr. Franz Helmut (Johannes) LECHNER (Congregazione San Giovanni)
 [ 17/10/2017 |       1298/17 | 17/10/2017 | 16/10/2020 ]
Don Francesco MAZZITELLI (F.D.P.)
 [ 17/10/2017 |       1298/17 | 17/10/2017 | 16/10/2020 ]
Sr. Rosalba MORELLI (F.d.C.)
 [ 17/10/2017 |       1298/17 | 17/10/2017 | 16/10/2020 ]
Prof.ssa Donna ORSUTO
 [ 17/10/2017 |       1298/17 | 17/10/2017 | 16/10/2020 ]
Don Alessandro PAGLIARI
 [ 17/10/2017 |       1298/17 | 17/10/2017 | 16/10/2020 ]
Don Massimo TALAMONA
 [ 17/10/2017 |       1298/17 | 17/10/2017 | 16/10/2020 ]
 [ 17/10/2017 |       1298/17 | 17/10/2017 | 16/10/2020 ]
Don Alessandro ZENOBBI
 [ 17/10/2017 |       1298/17 | 17/10/2017 | 16/10/2020 ]

Pope Francis gets an award from a Jewish Left organisation which also interprets Vatican Council II with the false premise, inference and conclusion like him : if he did not use the irrationality he would not be eligible for the award


A Jewish Left organisation which interprets Vatican Council II with the false premise, inference and conclusion 1, recently gave Pope Francis an award. The pope interprets the Council just like them.Otherwise he would not be eligible for the prize.Since if magisterial documents were interpreted rationally, he would be saying that all Jews need to convert into the Catholic Church, for salvation.Since there would be nothing in Vatican Council II to contradict extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and Ad Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation.The past ecclesiology would be intact.
So Pope Francis pleases the Masons and the Left and accepts the award and interprets the Council just like them.
If Pope Francis chose the following rational model 2 to interpret Vatican Council II, then it would mean the cardinals and bishops would be able to offer Holy Mass in Latin or Italian, with the old ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.The old ecclesiology would not be contradicted any more . 
So Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, Archbishop of Bologna, would offer Holy Mass in Italian affirming outside the Church there is no salvation.When Cardinal Raymond Burke would offer Holy Mass in Latin, he also would be affirming outside the Church there is no salvation.
But now the popes, cardinals and bishops use the irrational model to interpret the Creeds and Catechisms, and this creates the New Theology, Cushingite theology, the common Rahner-Ratzinger  theology taught at the pontifical universities , which are approved by the liberal, left rabbis.
When Pope Francis uses the rational model he would be saying outside the Church there is no salvation. Every one needs to be a Catholic to avoid Hell.So the priority to avoid Hell is 'faith and baptism'(AG 7) in the Catholic Church.Then it is important for the political government to be Catholic, to save souls from going to Hell.There must not be a rupture between Church and State.
It would also mean that the Lutherans are outside the Church without Catholic faith and the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.
The rational model supports the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King.
Organisations that want a secular state do not use the rational model.The John XXIII Foundation for Religious Sciences (FSCIRE), also known as the Bologna School is  funded by the Italian government.It's director is the historian Alberto Melloni and he is not going to choose the rational model.Similarly the ecumenical monastic Community of Bose established by Catholic layman Enzo Bianchi in Italy can not use the rational model. Since it would be saying that the non Catholic Christians in the community are outside the Church and on the way to Hell. The  Sant Egidio community of Andrea Riccardi chooses to interpret Vatican Council II, the Creeds and Catechisms and EENS with the false premise, inference and conclusion.Since their conclusion is outside the Church there is salvation these communities  reject traditional mission and the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King in law and politics.They support the non separation of Satanic secularism and State and the separation of the Catholic religion and the State. They would all be eligible for the award given to the pope.
With the change in the understanding of the Creeds and Catechisms, Vatican Council II, EENS, Profession of Faith, the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance  etc- Pope Francis and Pope Benedict, like Pope Paul VI, are telling us that they reject Vatican Council I ( I repeat Vatican Council 1) on the infallibility of the pope ex cathedra.
Pope Paul VI chose to interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism and accepted the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office (LOHO) with its irrational premise, inference and conclusion.May be he acted in ignorance.Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and Cardinal Karol Wojtyla could also have been in ignorance.So they did not correct Pope Paul VI on his use of Cushingism instead of traditional and rational Feeneyism, to interpret the Council. 
 The dogma EENS and the Creeds are infallible teachings of the Catholic Church and they cannot be changed or rejected. The Athanasius Creed is rejected and the understanding of the Nicene Creeds has been changed with the irrationa premise, inference and conclusion.-Lionel Andrades



February 8, 2020


I affirm Vatican Council II with the rational interpretation and reject the irrational one (Graphics).
