Saturday, June 13, 2020

The CDF and Bishop Athanasius Schneider support heresy : here is the proof

International Theological Commission: Texts and Documents 1986 ...
1. The two papers of the International Theological Commission (ITC) were approved by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj.They are Christianity and the World Religions and The Hope of Salvation for Infants who die without being Baptised.  1

These ITC papers are saying that LG 8, GS 22,LG 16 etc in Vatican Council II are 'exceptions' to Feeneyite EENS.
9781860824579: The Hope of Salvation for Infants Who Die without ...

That’s proof.It is there in black and white on the Internet.

So there are also exceptions to the Creeds for the CDF and Bishop Schneider.


2. Then at the Plaquet Deo Press Conference ( March 2016) Cardinal Ladaria cited LG 8.For him it was an exception to the traditional teaching on the Church having a superiority and exclusiveness in salvation. He was responding to a question from a lady correspondent of the Associated Press. Watch the video in Italian.2
This is proof.

So for him there are exceptions to the Creeds, Catechisms and other magisterial documents.This is heresy.There are exceptions with the use of a false premise!
Vatican Council II is  a rupture with the past only with the false premise i.e LG 8 which is invisible and hypothetical in 2020 is considered a visible example of someone saved outside the Church. Objective and unknown in real life.This is false reasoning.


3. Then in 2016 in Avvenire Pope Benedict was quoted in an interview. He said that extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) today was no more like it was for the missionaries in the 16th century.He called it 'a development' with Vatican Council II.3 He meant LG 8. etc in Vatican Council II were exceptions.

This is proof.

All this has been approved by the CDF and Bishop Athanasius Schneider.

There is no denial from the bishop and neither does he interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise.

He complains about Vatican Council II and calls for a Syllabus of Errors since he is interpreting the Council with a false premise and does not know about the alternative or does not want to use the rational-alternative.

This heresy and error is being followed practically in the dioceses.

4.The Diocese of Manchester, USA and the CDF grant canonical status ONLY for religious communities which interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise, inference and conclusion.4
The Diocese of Manchester, USA interprets 1) Vatican Council II 2) baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance 3) Catechism of the Catholic Church 4) extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and the 5) Athanasius Creed with a false premise and inference to create a non traditional conclusion.This is approved by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) officials who want the St.Benedict Center,USA, in the diocese, to do the same. All the religious communities in the diocese are obliged to interpret magisterial documents with a false premise to receive canonical recognition.

The St.Benedict Center interprets EENS without the false premise.It does not have canonical recognition.

5.The FSSP uses the false premise.It is recognised.They have canonical status.All the FSSP priests who offer Holy Mass in Latin or English have to use the false premise to interpret the Creeds.This is heresy.It is an impediment to offering Holy Mass but it is the norm which is approved.5

6. Another practical example is the Thomas More College of Liberal Arts in the same diocese of Manchester.Phil Lawler teaches there.He chooses to interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise and this is approved by Bishop Peter Libasci and the CDF.6

7.Another practical example is that the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, at the St. Benedict Center, in the diocese of Manchester are not allowed to make a profession of faith with the Athanasius Creed.7

The Creed begins:-

Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the catholic faith. Which faith unless every one do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly.-Athanasius Creed
It says that the Catholic Faith is necessary for salvation.
Even Vatican Council II in Ad Gentes 7 says all need faith and baptism for salvation.The word 'all ' is used.

There are no objective exceptions mentioned in the Council text to Ad Gentes 7 for me. So I interpret Vatican Council II in harmony with the Athanasius Creed.

But for those who project LG 8, LG 16, UR 3 etc as visible examples of salvation outside the Church, there are exceptions to the Athanasius Creed. They have to pretend and say that there are known non Catholics saved outside the Catholic Church. So all do not need the Catholic faith for salvation.So the Athanasius Creed is obsolete for them as is the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX.So the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in the diocese of Manchester were not allowed to affirm the Athanasius Creed.

The examples above show that the present popes and the CDF asume there are 'exceptions' to EENS.Bishop Schneider goes along with it since he considers it 'magisterial'.
8. For over a year the proof is there on the website of the Catholic Diocese of Manchester and it is approved by Bishop is Peter Libasci.It is also there on the website of the St. Benedict Center, N.H,  8
The CDF asks that CCC 847-848 ( invincible ignorance) be considered an excepton to Feeneyite EENS.They are now proclaiming the error in public. Cardinal Ratzinger was discreet.
There are known exceptions to EENS for  Brother Andre Marie.So penalties have been placed on the SBC. This is the practical or 'pastoral' action of the false theology of the International Theological Commission. Members of the ITC include Cardinal Muller and archbishops Augustine di Noia and Guido Pozzo.

The CDF is saying there are exceptions to EENS, the Athanasius Creed, the Nincene Creed and the Apostles Creed. The Catechisms, like Vatican Council II have to be read also with alleged unknown and invisible exceptions in  2020 being visible and personally known non Catholics saved outside the Church.They  'contradict' Tradition ( Syllabus of Errors of Pius X, Catechism of Pope Pius X etc).

9. Redemptoris Missio and Dominus Iesus do not affirm exclusive salvation but acknowledge the exceptions.
Vatican Council II is read with ambigous passages contradicting the orthodox passages.Instead for me the 'ambigous' passages  are hypothetical passages which do not contradict the orthodox passages.9
For me Vatican Council II has only orthodox passages which support EENS since the hypothetical passages are not exceptions.This is not the way the CDF and Bishop Athanasius Schneider read Vatican Council II.
10. There concept of exceptions is false philosophy.
If there are a group of school boys standing at a bus stop and then a boy joins them who is very tall, then that tall boy is an exception among those boys who are short.

That tall boy is an exception primarily because he is there and not just because he is tall.

If he would stand at another bus stop on the same street but far away, he would not be an exception.

He would have the same height but would not be an exception among this group of boys.

So to be an exception it is not enough to be different, the person or thing must be present, among other persons or things,who or which are different.

If there is an orange in a box of apples that orange is an exception because it is different but also because it is there in that box.

For the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) and the liberals the baptism of desire(BOD) is an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). But there are no known cases of the BOD on earth ? No practical cases.

For the CDF being saved in invincible ignorance is an exception to the Athansius Creed which says all need faith and baptism for salvation.But there are no known cases of non Catholics saved without faith and baptism and instead with invincible ignorance. So how can invincible ignorance be relevant to the Athanasius Creed or EENS, as an exception ?

This is a false premise of the CDF. 10

11.With the false premise they make a false inference and so there is no more Catholic Mission, no traditional mission, any more. They assume there is known salvation outside the Church and so non Catholics do not need to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation.There is no need for mission.

In the interview in Avvenire Pope Benedict questioned the need for mission since there were exceptions to EENS, for him, in Vatican Council II. He was not going to interpret Vatican Council II without the exceptions.

Now there  could be mission by only proclaiming Jesus without the necessity of telling people they should not sin nor telling them that they need to be members of the Catholic Church with faith and baptism to avoid Hell.

CDF always interprets Vatican Council II with the false premise and Bishop Athanasius Schneider does not correct them

12. Bishop Athanasius Schneider has said that God does not will a plurality of religions for salvation yet he interprets Vatican Council II with the false premise and so the inference is that there is salvation outside the Church. There are known cases of non Catholics saved outside the Catholic Church for him.There are known cases of non Catholics saved in invincible ignorance(LG 16) and so they are exceptions to the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).So the conclusion is that God does will a plurality of religions for salvation. This is what Pope Francis has been saying all along citing Vatican Council II( interpreted with the confusion).

Bishop Schneider’s conclusion is that Vatican Council II contradicts EENS.So he confirms that God wills a plurality of religions for salvation. 11

If he did not use the false premise( invisible cases of I.I are visible and objective exceptions to EENS),he would be affirming 16th century EENS.He would be theologically saying, citing Vatican Council II, that God does not will a plurality of religions for salvation.He would be affirming like a traditionalist, that there is exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church.

But if there is known salvation outside the Church for Bishop Schneider then Pope Francis is correct in supporting a theology of Christian or general religious pluralism and salvation.

13. Unfortunately Bishop Schneider supports the Letter of the Holy Office 1949( LOHO) which wrongly assumed unknown cases of the baptism of desire ( BOD) and invincible ignorance were known and objective exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.So every one did not need to be a member of the Catholic Church for salvation.

‘Therefore that one may obtain salvation it is not always required that he be incorporated into the Church actually as a member.’-Letter of the Holy Office 1949(LOHO).

LOHO is the foundation for the New Theology.Without the mix up between what is invisible-visible there is no New Theology. Invisible cases were projected as objected exceptions to EENS.Bishop Schneider does not correct the mistake.

These are points related to Vatican Council II and EENS which are never responded to by Bishop Schneider and the Lefbvrists.

14. In Italy the judges in the secular courts interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise. They do the same at the Vatican Tribunal and Bishop Schneider remains silent.

His last book with Diane Montagna,interprets Vatican Council II with the error.Very convenient and politically correct. 

When the CDF asked the traditionalist St. Benedict Center, N.H., to interpret CCC 847-848( invincible ignorance) as an exception to Feeneyite EENS, Bishop Schneider did not protest.-Lionel Andrades




They need to clarify that Pope Benedict XVI made a mistake in March 2016 when he stated in Avvenire that extra ecclesiam nulla salus was no more like it was for the 16th century missionaries. He said that there was a development with Vatican Council II.He meant Vatican Council II interpreted with Cushingism.He did not mention Vatican Council II and EENS being interpreted with Feeneyism.


JULY 26, 2019

The Militia Christi members go back to the Old Ecclesiology while rejecting Vatican Council II( Cushingite).The FSSP support Vatican Council II(Cushingite) and the New Ecclesiology, like the priests who offer the Novus Ordo Mass in Italian in Rome.




    Graphics ( Bishop Schneider and Brother Andre Marie MICM ) (1)
