Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Doctrinal confusion still remains at Ferrara.

Image result for Mons. Luigi Negri, Emeritus Archbishop of Ferrara

June 30, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Today, Italian Archbishop Luigi Negri published on his website and on the website of Italian journalist Marco Tosatti a public letter to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, in which he gives him his full support for his “message which seems to me to have aptly expressed the living heart of our ecclesial experience.” Speaking about “elements of degradation both in the life of the Church as well as in civil society,” this recently retired Archbishop of Ferrara-Comacchio now endorses Archbishop Viganò's work and says he would like to “accompany” his “path of truth.”
Archbishop Negri clarified that his praise referred to Viganò’s early May interventions, not his June interventions on Vatican II.
Mons. Luigi Negri, Emeritus Archbishop of Ferrara [2013-2017] and previously Bishop of the Diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro [2005-2012] does not interpret Vatican Council II without the false premse. It is the same with Archbishop Carlo Vigano and Bishop Athanasius Schneider.
So doctrinal confusion still remains at Ferrara.
The Lega political party is unable to see the truth of the Faith since the conservative bishops do not interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise.
if they interpreted the Council without the false premise they could appeal to Mons. Giancarlo Peregro to do the same.-Lionel Andrades

MARCH 11, 2020
The young people in Ferrara could produce another video showing what is the Catholic faith for them, when Vatican Council II is interpreted rationally. They need to show the Lega Mayor Alan Fabri and the Lega Senators that the Archbishop of Ferrara-Commacchio, Mons. Giancarlo Peregro rejects a rational interpretation of Vatican Council II. He then suppresses the young priests in his diocese who reject the irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II.

MARCH 11, 2020
The Lega, as a Catholic political party must decide what is their policy on this issue. How will they interpret Vatican Council II so that there is no more doctrinal confusion in the Church which is politically motivated

All the cardinals, bishops and priests who offer the Latin Mass at the FSSP church Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini, Rome, have to interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise.

Confraternity Plans 25th Anniversary Pilgrimage to Italy in ...

All the cardinals, bishops and priests who offer the Latin Mass at the FSSP church Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini, Rome, have to interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise.
It is obligatory for the FSSP priests in Rome to interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise and so reject 16th century extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). If they do not use the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II the Rome Vicariate and the Vatican, will not allow them to be incardinated here.
Remembering Rome - Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter
Fr. Ron Rolheiser in Canada and the priests of his Oblate School of Theology, Texas, USA have no problem in Rome. Incardination is easy. Since they interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise and so reject EENS.
Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke and Fr.John Zuhsldorf are allowed to offer the Latin Mass at the FSSP church. Since they interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise and inference and so create an artificial rupture with Tradition( EENS, Syllabus of Errors etc).
I was a seminarian at the Legion of Christ seminary in Rome (PIMME) and then the Beda College, the English pontifical seminary in Rome and within a month had to leave both seminaries.Since I would affirm Feeneyite EENS which meanT I was not interpreting Vatican Council II with the false premise, as was expected by the Vatican and the Left.
Fr. John Zuhsldorf can offer Mass at  the Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini since he politically supports the Bologna School of Alberto Melloni on Vatican Council II. Melloni has appeared on probably every televison channel and he gets a million euros a year,it was reported, from the present Leftist government in Italy.
 He uses the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II and then attacks traditional ecumenism and exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.Fr.Zuhlsdorf, has also assured Michael Sean Winters at the National Catholic Reporter that he rejects EENS according to Fr. Leonard Feeney. He rejects a dogma of the Church with an irrationality.He changes the understanding of Vatican Council II with an irrationality.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, if he came out of hiding, could technically offer the Latin Mass at Santissma Trinita dei Pellegrini, since he interprets Vatican Council II with the false premise and this is politically acceptable for the Left in Rome.
There is a parallel Church in Rome and every one follows it who interprets Vatican Council II with a non rational premise to bring about a rupture with the past Magisterium, the traditional Catholic Church of the centuries.-Lionel Andrades

CMTV strange like Jim Russell

See the deception.I was checking the extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) entries on the Internet and came across the Church Militant TV (CMTV) Report which mentions, Fr. Feeney's Strange Doctrines.It is written by Jim Russell.
Russell wanted to contradict Fr.Leonard Feeney's strict interpretation of EENS. So he quotes Vatican Council II and the Letter of the Holy Office 1949(LOHO). But he interprets them with the false premise.So the conclusion is a rupture with 16th century EENS. Then he considers the dogma EENS and Fr. Leonard Feeney's interpretation as strange.He considers it a strange new doctrine on salvation.
He doesnot say that there are no known cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I) and that the text of Vatican Council II( GS 22, UR 3, NA 2, LG 8 etc) is referring to only hypothetical and speculative cases.But he creats artificial exceptions.
Instead he re-interprets LG 8 etc as referring to visible, known and seen in the flesh persons saved outside the Catholic Church. Only in this way they can become exceptions to EENS. Then he concludes that there are exceptions to Feeneyite EENS and that this is the norm for salvation -  and all this it not strange for him.Yet this is the common way of interpreting Vatican Council II for the liberals and conservatives. So CMTV did not correct the error.

CMTV interprets Vatican Council II in this irrational way and then does not affirm the traditional strict interpretation of EENS.
CMTV needs to clarify its theological position on Vatican Council II. For me Vatican Council II is not a rupture with the exclusivist interpretation of EENS. The Athanasius Creed which says all need Catholic faith for salvation is not obsolete and neither is the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX, a thing of the past.
Note, I am not denying BOD,BOB and I.I and neither am I asking CMTV to deny them.
I am asking them to clarify that BOD, BOB and I.I are not objective examples of salvation outside the Church in the present times ( 1965-2020) and so they are not exceptions to EENS and never were exceptions to the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.
Bradley Eli at CMTV  cannot say that 'the Church' teaches there is BOD, BOB and I.I . I am not rejecting this. However if 'the Church' teaches there is BOD, BOB and I.I and that they are exceptions to EENS it  contradicts what 'the Church' taught before the 1930's.For the popes and saints over the centuries, BOD, BOB and I.I were simply hypothetical, they could not be any thing else. This is common sense.-Lionel Andrades

 JUNE 30, 2020

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