Saturday, June 5, 2021

Catholic priests in the parish Santa Maria di Nazareth, Casalotti, Rome agree with me on five points

In the parish Santa Maria di Nazareth, Casalotti, Boccea, Rome, near the Battistini Metro Station, there have been two religious communities housed there, the Joseleitos Christo and the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate.This is also the parish of Lionel Andrades according to his blog Eucharist and Mission( Lionel's Blog).The religious communities there agree with him on the following five points.

1.They agree that there are no physically visible cases of non Catholics saved with the baptism of desire over the last 60 years in Italy.If any one was saved as such it would only be known to God.
2.They agree that there are no physically visible non Catholics saved in invincible ignorance and without the baptism of water over the last 60 years in Italy.If any one was saved as such it would be known only to God.
3.The priests of the two religious communities agree with Lionel Andrades when he says that we do not know of any one in the present times who is saved as a martyr(baptism of blood)and without the baptism of water.If St.Emerentiana or Dismas, the Good Thief, was saved without the baptism of water,we do not know of any such case over the last few years or more in Italy.
4.So the baptism of desire,baptism of blood and invincible ignorance cannot be practical examples of salvation outside the Catholic Church.They cannot be practical exceptions for the Athanasius Creed.It says outside the Church there is no salvation.They cannot be practical exceptions for Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II, which says all need faith and baptism for salvation(to avoid Hell).
The Catholic priests agree on this point too.
5.So there can be nothing in Vatican Council II ( interpreted rationally) to contradict the Athanasius Creed and Pope Pius IX's Syllabus of Errors.Since LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2,GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II, can refer to only hypothetical cases.They are speculative. They are not practical exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus( Cantate Domino, Council of florence 1441 etc).
None of these FIVE POINTS are denied by the religious communities Joseleitos Christo and the Franciscans of the Immaculate in the parish Santa Maria di Nazareth.This is the parish in which Pope Francis closed down the seminary of the Franciscans of the Immaculate.-Lionel Andrades

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