Saturday, June 5, 2021

What is the essence of the Lionel Andrades interpretation of Vatican Council II ? It is the listing of the rational and irrational premise, inference and conclusion. It identifies two different premises with two different conclusions.

 What is the essence of the Lionel Andrades interpretation of Vatican Council II ?

It is the listing of the rational and irrational premise, inference and conclusion. It identifies  two different premises with two different conclusions. So the rational premise produces a traditional conclusion and the Vatican Council II is in harmony with Tradition. It has a hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition even though Rahner, Congar, Rarzinger and Cushing were present at the Council in 1965.

Collegiality, ecumenism and religious liberty are no more an issue for the conservatives , when Vatican Council II is traditional. - Lionel Andrades

JUNE 5, 2021

Vatican Council II has a hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition when the Lionel Andrades interpretation is used : Pope Beneduct used a false premise and so there was a rupture with Tradition .He did not know about the rational premise, inference and conclusion

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