Sunday, September 12, 2021

The hands of women giving Holy Communion turned pitch black.


The hands of women giving Holy Communion turned pitch black.

Maria Simma (1915-2004) is a simple mystic from Austria who had the grace of contact with the souls in Purgatory. She tried to enter a convent three times, but was refused each time due to her health condition. From 1940, she began to have visions of souls in Purgatory. These visions were accompanied by severe physical suffering.

Theologians and psychiatrists have repeatedly examined Maria Simma and found no signs of deception or mental illness.

Warnings dictated by the souls in Purgatory to Maria Simma regarding receiving Holy Communion:
"How can love for God and neighbor remain if the priest introduces the practice of distributing Communion to people standing in their hands, even if so many wish to kneel while receiving Holy Communion to celebrate the presence of Almighty God? Where to seek this love when there are situations, that people who kneel for Holy Communion are omitted, and even when receiving their First Holy Communion, children are told to stand up and hold out their hands for it, while parents and grandparents suffer a lot when looking at these customs? ?! You know from your own experience that this custom of receiving Communion standing and on the hand is a source of great tension, discord and even quarrels in the family. Now think honestly about it! from Satan? Yes, receiving Holy Communion standing and on the hand is Satan's doing and there is a lot of evidence of it! such an excuse that for the sake of brotherly love it should be left as it is. No, you cannot do something in the name of brotherly love if it contradicts the love of God! Where is obedience? Many bishops accuse other bishops of not following the pope, but do the former obey him?
In addition, the following reasoning is heard: "Yes, but the internal attitude is important." Communion on hand, I have never doubted the presence of Jesus in the Holy Host, and now doubts are everywhere., Either "I quit the seminary because my conscience did not allow me to distribute Communion on the hand" or "I do not go to Communion anymore because I am rude treated when I do not want to accept it. "Does all this lead to a good inner attitude? Yes, the inner attitude is important, so let's end the communion on the hand! will not deepen! How many worthy of Communion are not received because it has become the custom of distributing Communion on the hand, standing or from the hands of the laity, when there is no apparent reason for it! that to allow these practices ONLY if there is a great need.
Satan is a clever fox. Don't you see that the phrase "Inner attitude is important when communion is received in the hand" is an expression of the cunning of the evil enemy? large sums of money? How far have we fallen! How far have we come with modernity in the heart of the church. God does not allow the Church to be modernized, just as the 10 Commandments cannot be modernized, because they are valid today as well as before. forbidden in our Catholic Church, as long as people do not deepen their faith, because it suffers a lot from the attitude towards the Greatest Sacred. "

Souls in Purgatory on touching the Body of Jesus Christ by lay people: Have the souls commented on the ministers of the Eucharist?
Maria Simma: Yes. Under normal circumstances, only the consecrated hands of priests may distribute Communion. Church law specifies that this should be the practice unless "special circumstances" arise, e.g. when the priest is bedridden. We must always prepare ourselves in prayer to receive the Lord Jesus, and people who insist that everything happens as smoothly as possible have no idea how great a privilege, a source of grace and protection is for us to accept the Lord Jesus.
If anyone needs evidence that the ministers of the Eucharist, as they are promoted today, do not fit God's purpose, I can quote the following story that happened not so long ago in this area.
A woman who was distributing Communion recently died and inspired many other women to do likewise. Before the burial, the coffin was opened so that family and friends could say goodbye. He opened the coffin again for a brief moment so that he could see the deceased; the priest agreed, and in the presence of two other witnesses, he lifted the lid of the coffin and looked inside. This little group saw something that had not been visible a moment earlier: the woman's hands turned pitch black For me and for others it was a sign that confirmed that unconsecrated hands cannot distribute the Lord Jesus in Communion.

Why is the topic of Communion in the hand so controversial?
Mystic Maria Simma: "People do not know the whole truth and they should catch up. Church law requires that at least part of the baluster be left for those faithful who wish to receive Communion in a kneeling position and on the tongue. This command is the words of Pope Paul VI. So every church Souls in Purgatory have told me that NO POPE so far has personally endorsed the distribution of communion in the hand, but that it was politically forced by a group of cardinals and bishops. The elderly priests and bishops know this state of affairs. but most of the cases they did not inform the faithful about it - therefore they also bear the greatest responsibility for it. However, every pope was well aware that received communion in the hand offends respect for the greatest sacred. John Paul II does not distribute communion in the hand. "
"One bishop will suffer in Purgatory until the practice of communion in the hand is completely abolished in his diocese."

Based on, inter alia, books :: Free us from here! Nicky Eltz talks to Maria Simma about the souls in Purgatory "

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