Sunday, February 28, 2021

Dignitatis Humanae Institute, Trisulti, Italy has still to call for the non separation of the Catholic Church and State in France affirming Catholic theology based upon Vatican Council II interpreted rationally

 Dignitatis Humanae Institute, Trisulti, Italy has still to call for the non separation of the Catholic Church and State in France with the interpretation of  Vatican Council II without the false premise, so affirming the strict itnterpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS),which is the theological basis for the  and the non separation of Church and State and the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King in all politics. -Lionel Andrades

If the Dignitatis Humanae Institure, Trisulti, Italy as part of its political, social and religious policy, interpreted Vatican Council II, the Creeds and Catechisms and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) without the common fake premise, they could support the traditional strict interpretation of EENS with the non separation of Church and State, to save souls from going to Hell. They could proclaim the non separation of the Catholic Church and the State.

If the Dignitatis Humanae Institure, Trisulti, Italy as part of its political, social and religious policy, interpreted  Vatican Council II, the Creeds and Catechisms and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) without the common fake premise, they could support the traditional strict interpretation of EENS with the non separation of Church and State, to save souls from going to Hell. They could proclaim the non separation of the Catholic Church and the State and the separation of Satanic secularism and the Government.-Lionel Andrades

The Cardinal-Advisors of the DHI interpret Vatican Council II with an irrationality and so contradict the doctrinal position on the Council and EENS of the traditionalist St. Benedict Center, New Hampshire, USA. Conservatives contradict each other.

 The Cardinal-advisors who have lent their names to the Dignitatis Humanae Institute,Trisulti, Italy do not announce that they affirm Vatican Council II with the hermeneutic of continuity with Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Athanasius Creed . They are not affirming exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church as it was known in central Europe during the Middle Ages.So they cannot proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King in all politics and the non separation of Church and State.

They interpret Vatican Council II with an irrationality and so  contradict the doctrinal position on Vatican Council II and EENS, of the traditionalist St. Benedict Center, New Hampshire, USA.

The conservatives contradict each other.

The DHI must recognise that the Christian roots of Europe were Catholic. Europe was Catholic. The ecclesiology of the Catholic Church was ecclesiocentric. It supported an ecumenism of return and not an ecumenism of plurality.

Pope Benedict calls Europe back to God but does not call Europe back to its Catholic roots.Since he uses the false premise to reject traditional EENS and so the ecclesiocentrism of the past.-Lionel Andrades

FEBRUARY 28, 2021

It shows how deep the doctrinal division and confusion is there in the Catholic Church among the conservatives.

 The cardinal-advisors of the Dignitatis Humanae Institute, Italy have given their names to be used by the DHI and have not given their names to support the St. Benedict Center, New Hampshire, USA.It shows how deep the doctrinal division and confusion is there in the Catholic Church among the conservatives.

The SBC affirm Vatican Council II without the false premise and extra ecclesiam nulla salus without the false premise. The conservative cardinals and the DHI do not do the same.-Lionel Andrades

FEBRUARY 28, 2021

The cardinals associated with the Dignitatis Humanae Institute, Italy as advisers are all Christocentric but not ecclesiocentric. They use the false premise

 The cardinals associated with the Dignitatis Humanae Institute, Italy as advisers are all Christocentric but not ecclesiocentric. They use the false premise to reject Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( with no exceptions of hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire etc ) and Vatican Council II( with LG 8, UR 3, LG 16 not being practical  exceptions to Feeneyite EENS).

Instead they choose a Vatican Council II and EENS interpreted with exceptions.

This is schismatic.It is division with the past Magisterium of the Church.The division is created with a false premise.

How can a cardinal reject the necessity of the Catholic Church for salvation ? -Lionel Andrades

It shows how deep the doctrinal division and confusion is there in the Catholic Church among the conservatives.

 The cardinal-advisors of the Dignitatis Humanae Institute, Italy have given their names to be used by the DHI and have not given their names to support the St. Benedict Center, New Hampshire, USA.It shows how deep the doctrinal division and confusion is there in the Catholic Church among the conservatives.

The SBC affirm Vatican Council II without the false premise and extra ecclesiam nulla salus without the false premise. The conservative cardinals and the DHI do not do the same.-Lionel Andrades

FEBRUARY 28, 2021

The cardinals associated with the Dignitatis Humanae Institute, Italy as advisers are all Christocentric but not ecclesiocentric. They use the false premise

 The cardinals associated with the Dignitatis Humanae Institute, Italy as advisers are all Christocentric but not ecclesiocentric. They use the false premise to reject Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( with no exceptions of hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire etc ) and Vatican Council II( with LG 8, UR 3, LG 16 not being practical  exceptions to Feeneyite EENS).

Instead they choose a Vatican Council II and EENS interpreted with exceptions.

This is schismatic.It is division with the past Magisterium of the Church.The division is created with a false premise.

How can a cardinal reject the necessity of the Catholic Church for salvation ? -Lionel Andrades

The cardinals associated with the Dignitatis Humanae Institute, Italy as advisers are all Christocentric but not ecclesiocentric. They use the false premise

 The cardinals associated with the Dignitatis Humanae Institute, Italy as advisers are all Christocentric but not ecclesiocentric. They use the false premise to reject Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( with no exceptions of hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire etc ) and Vatican Council II( with LG 8, UR 3, LG 16 not being practical  exceptions to Feeneyite EENS).

Instead they choose a Vatican Council II and EENS interpreted with exceptions.

This is schismatic.It is division with the past Magisterium of the Church.The division is created with a false premise.

How can a cardinal reject the necessity of the Catholic Church for salvation ? -Lionel Andrades

Don Pietro Leone ( Rorate Caeili) interpret Vatican Council II superficially and then they write books on the Council


Don Pietro Leone ( Rorate Caeili) interprets Vatican Council II superficially and then they write books on the Council. - Lionel Andrades

The Archbishop-Secretaries are supporting heresy and schism with the use of an irrational false premise. The Archbishop-Secretaries and the Prefect of the CDF would be excommunicated by a past Magisterium and called up at the Inquisition,their books would be on the Index,like those of Pope Benedict

 The Archbishop-Secretaries of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF), Vatican are telling Bro.Andre Marie micm, and the religious community at the St. Benedict Center, New Hampshire, USA, that they have to interpret invisible cases of being saved in invincible ignorance(CCC 847-848) in 2021, as being visible examples of salvation outside the Church and practical exceptions to Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).Otherwise the Decree of Prohibitions will be maintained upon them.This is a condition for all religious communities in the diocese of Manchester, USA.

The Archbishop-Secretaries are supporting heresy and schism with the use of an irrational false premise.

The Archbishop-Secretaries and the Prefect of the CDF would be excommunicated by a past Magisterium  and called up at the Inquisition,their books would be on the Index,like those of Pope Benedict. -Lionel Andrades

The SSPX priest who will offer Sunday Mass today has a different understanding of the Nicene Creed.It is different from mine

 The SSPX priest who will offer Sunday Mass today has a different understanding of the Nicene Creed.It is different from mine. It is the same with the priests who offer  Holy Mass in Italian or English in Rome's main line churches.The SSPX priests who offer the Latin Mass and the priests who offer Mass in Italian today in Rome have the same understanding of the Nicene Creed. Since both groups use the same false premise.

However their Profession of Faith is different from mine since we interpret the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I) differently

The SSPX priest will use the false premise like the popes, cardinals and bishops who offer Mass in other Rites.

This error came into the Catholic Church with the Letter of the Holy Office 1949(LOHO) in the Fr. Leonard Feeney case.The popes and the SSPX accept the LOHO.

LOHO created a New Theology based upon a false premise. So there emerged two interpretations of extra ecclesiam nulla salus. 1)EENS with exceptions and 2)EENS without exceptions.

We can now also interpret Vatican Council II with 1)exceptions for EENS and 2) Vatican Council II  with no exceptions for EENS. The Council can  be a rupture with EENS or in harmony with EENS.

The Nicene Creed indicates that 1) we believe in one baptism , which is the baptism of water. This is how I interpret it. But for others,it is 2) we believe in three or more 'baptisms' which exclude the baptism of water, in the Catholic Church.So they are practical exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.This is irrational but this is the interpretation of the SSPX and the popes, cardinals and bishops.-Lionel Andrades

We are in the same Church, at the same Holy Mass, we recite the Nicene Creed but our Profession of Faith is different, since our salvation- doctrine is different. He uses a false premise and I avoid it

 Yesterday Saturday, evening at Holy Mass in Italian, with the Sunday liturgy, the priest recited the Nicene Creed in the form of a question with the answer given by the congregation.I replied in the affirmative.

 "Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church...?"  I responded, " Si, io credo ( Yes, I believe).

But I know that my interpretation of the Nicene and Apostles Creed is different from that of the priest and so our understanding of the faith is different.

We both interpret the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I) differently. So whenever in Magisterial documents, they are mentioned, there are two interpretations, two meanings, his and mine. It is really mine and every one else.

For me the Nicene Creeds says ' I believe in one baptism'. It is a known baptism and repeatable physically.It can be seen.For this Italian priest, the Creed says, 'I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins' but it means three or more 'baptisms' which are visible and so are practical exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). They are the baptisms of desire, blood and invincible ignorance etc.

Since our interpretation of BOD, BOB and I.I are different( they refer to visible cases for him and so are exceptions to EENS and for me they refer to invisible cases and so are not exceptions to EENS) the interpretation of the Athanasius Creed is different.I accept the Athanasius Creed  which says all need Catholic faith for salvation. He rejects it. Since for him there are exceptions. 

So our understanding of the Nicene Creed and the Athanasius Creed is different.

It is the same with Vatican Council II, Lumen Gentium 16( invincible ignorance) and Lumen Gentium 14 ( baptism of desire) are either implicit or explicit, invisible or visible.

It is the same with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. CCC 1257 ( Necessity of Baptism) contradicts itself for him but not for me. It says all need the baptism of water for salvation but 'God is not limited to the Sacraments'.For me'God is not limited to the Sacraments' is a reference to a hypothetical and speculative case.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church 846(Outside the Church No Salvation) would also contradict itself for him but not for me. It says all who are saved are saved through Jesus and the Church. Ths is a reference to BOD, BOB and I.I but it also quotes Ad Gentes 7 which states all need faith and baptism for salvation. Of course, BOD,BOB and I.I do not contradict AG 7 for me.There are no practical exceptions in 2021.

The Catechism of Pope Pius X contradicts itself for him but not for me.

So we have two interpretations of these Catechisms.

One interpretation of these Catechisms contradict the Athanasius Creed and EENS, and the other does not.

In general there is known salvation outside the Church for him but not for me.For me it is still outside the Church there is no salvation; there is no known salvation.

There still is an exclusivist ecclesiology in the Church for me but not for him.

We are in the same Church, at the same Holy Mass, we recite the Nicene Creed but our Profession of Faith is different, since our salvation- doctrine is different. He uses a false premise and I avoid it. -Lionel Andrades

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano mentions the doctrinal chaos in the Church not the doctrinal chaos among the the bishops and priests of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) who interpret the Creeds and Catechisms with an irrationality and do the same for Vatican Council II and the dogma EENS

 Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano mentions the doctrinal chaos in the Church not the doctrinal chaos among the the bishops and priests of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) who interpret the Creeds and Catechisms with an irrationality and do the same for Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

The Catechism of Pope Pius X contradicts the Athanasius Creed for them and the Catechism of the Council of Trent is a rupture with the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX. This is their lex credendi. 

It is with a hermeneutic of rupture, created by the fake premise which the SSPX uses, that they offer Holy Mass in Latin.Their Mass is a rupture with the ecclesiology of the Traditional Latin Mass and the Greek Byzantine Mass of the centuries.

They don't know that they are in a doctrinal mess because they interpret the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance irrationally. Then they put the blame on the Novus Ordo Mass and Vatican Council II.

Bishop Bernard Fellay would ask the Vatican to resolve the doctrinal problem in the Church as if they had the answers. He did not know that the popes and cardinals were also interpreting the Council with the same fake premise which created heresy and schism.

Inspite of so many reports on the media, the SSPX is not aware of the fake premise which they depend upon to interpret Vatican Council.Then they are disappointed with the non traditional result and then blame the Council and not their faulty premise.

So in their ignorance they criticize the Council for being in schism with the past Magisterium- and not the false premise which they use to create the schism, approved by the liberals and the Left.

They oppose Tradition and call themselves traditionalists.

It is with these same errors that Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano interprets Magisterial documents unaware of his doctrinal chaos.-Lionel Andrades

There is no opposition to the error of the liberals since the Lefebvrists support the liberals by interpreting Magisterial documents with the same false premise to create a rupture with Tradition

 There is no opposition to the error of the liberals in the Catholic Church since the Lefebvrists support the liberals by interpreting Magisterial documents with the same false premise to create a rupture with Tradition. - Lionel Andrades

Raymond Arroyo has to interpret EENS with the false premise un- like Mother Angela : he also interprets Vatican Council II and Magisterial documents (Creeds, Catechisms) with the fake premise to create a rupture with Tradition

 Raymond Arroyo promoted his career by denying the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( EENS) he now will also not interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise. He has to interpret EENS with the false premise unlike Mother Angela.

The B'nai Brit, ADL  and the rest of the Jewish Left will not allow Arroyo and the Papal Posse to remain at EWTN World News if he does not use the politically approved irrationality.

It is often said that not every one needs to enter the Church for salvation and the example is given of the Good Thief( Dismas)who went to Heaven, allegedly without the baptism of water and faith.

But what is ignored is that we do not know of a Dismas today. We cannot judge and say that any one in particular will go to Heaven without faith and the baptism of water.So a modern- day Dismas, if he existed, would not be a practical exception to the strict interpretation of EENS which Arroyo is not allowed to affirm.

Also Raymond Arroyo does not  interpret Vatican Council II rationally, otherwise he would be affirming the past exclusivist ecclesiology, the past ecclesiocentrism with exclusive salvation being there in only the Catholic Church. - Lionel Andrades

Raymond Arroyo pays tribute to the Good Thief in new book