Friday, April 16, 2021

The teaching of the Catholic Church on religious freedom, ecumenism, the Church, and collegiality does not change with Vatican Council II interpreted with the rational premise, interpretation and conclusion

 Dr. Lamont concluded his analysis with this statement, underlining the universal significance of the SSPX’s relations with Rome:

The nature of the teaching of the Catholic Church on religious freedom, ecumenism, the Church, and collegiality, is of great importance to all Catholics. The questions raised by the discussions between the Holy See and the SSPX thus concern the whole Church, not merely the parties to the discussion."

  -SSPX, USA website

The  teaching of the Catholic Church on religious freedom, ecumenism, the Church, and collegiality does not change with Vatican Council II interpreted with the rational premise, interpretation and conclusion. Since the Council then affirms the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and traditional ecclesiocentrism upon which was based religious freedom, ecumenism, the Church and collegiality.

When we return to Tradition collegiality is not an issue.

When we return to Tradition we are back to the old ecumenism.

We return to the old ecclesiology of the Catholic Church since the false premise is no more used.

We can proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King and the non separation of Church and State since the priority is saving souls from going to Hell, since outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation.-Lionel Andrades

The present two popes' interpretation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Vatican Council II, EENS and the Creeds is Cushingite.It is non magisterial.It is modernism. It is an objective error which cannot be attributed to the Holy Spirit.

 Redemptoris Missio and Dominus Iesus were written based upon the non magisterial version of Vatican Council II. The Balamand Declaration and the Joint Declaration on Justification with the Lutherans  were also based on the irrational premise, inference and conclusion employed to interpret Vatican Council II.Without this error the Council would be traditional and this would have to show up.The Council would be Feeneyite and not Cushingite.

So when the Catechism of the Catholic Church is interpreted with Cushingism( unknown non Catholics are known and visible in the present times and so EENS is contradicted)  instead of Feeneyism ( invisible cases of non Catholics in the present times are not relevant or objective exceptions to EENS) it is an error and so is not magisterial.

The present two popes' interpretation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Vatican Council II, EENS and the Creeds is Cushingite.It is non magisterial.It is modernism. It is an objective error which cannot be attributed to the Holy Spirit.. -Lionel Andrades

When the Council Fathers at Vatican Council II interpreted the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance with the false premise they were non magisterial. The false inference and conclusion had to follow.

 When the Council Fathers at Vatican Council II interpreted the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance with the false premise they were non magisterial. The false inference and conclusion had to follow. -Lionel Andrades

Pope Paul VI accepted the non magisterial version of the Council and Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre rejected it. Both were using the false premise

 The liberals, Lefbvrists, Thucs and Feeneyites in general only know of the non magisterial interpretation of Vatican Council II, which is the interpretation of the popes since Paul VI to Francis.They confuse the non magisterial interpretation as being magisterial. Since, they do not know of the rational premise, inference and conclusion.

So with their false premise there is a rupture with the past Magisterium.Now they have to go back to Tradition and side step Vatican Council II non magisterial.

Pope Paul VI accepted the non magisterial version of the Council and Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre rejected it. Both were using the false premise. -Lionel Andrades

In Germany all the theological journals ( and there are many) use the irrational, non traditional, heretical, schismatic and non magisterial version of Vatican Council II. The rational model would be unthinkable and unacceptable for some of the prelates

 In Germany all the theological journals ( and there are many) use the irrational, non traditional, heretical, schismatic and non magisterial version of Vatican Council II. The rational model would be unthinkable and unacceptable for some of the prelates. Can you picture Cardinal Marx  affirming the rational, traditional and magisterial version of Vatican Council II in harmony with the strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX( Ecumenism of return, Protestants must enter the Catholic Church for salvation, they are outside the Church and cannot receive the Eucharist etc)? -Lionel Andrades

Remember Archbishop Guido Pozzo who would offer Holy Mass in Latin. He would speak about Vatican Council II having a hermeneutic of continuity with the past and interpret the Council, like Pope Benedict, with the fake premise, inference and conclusion, which creates a rupture with Tradition (EENS etc)

 Remember Archbishop Guido Pozzo who would offer Holy Mass in Latin. He would speak about Vatican Council II having a hermeneutic of continuity  with the past and interpret the Council, like Pope Benedict, with the fake premise, inference and conclusion, which creates a rupture with Tradition (EENS etc). -Lionel Andrades

If you are going to study theology at one of the pontifical or secular universities in Europe are you prepared to interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise, inference and conclusion for the rest of your life ?

 If you are going to study theology at one of the pontifical or secular universities in Europe are you prepared  to interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise, inference and conclusion for the rest of your life ? You can get an academic degree and a salary as a Catechist, who will teach this error, for the rest of his or her life, in the Catholic parishes and schools or universities. -Lionel Andrades

Catholics in general use the false premise to create a false rupture with Catholic Tradition on doctrine, dogma and theology

 The articles on Vatican Council II on the websites of Rorate Caeili, Remnant News, Most Holy Seminary of Bishop Donald Sanborn, Novus Ordo Watch,, SSPX, FSSP, Una Voce Internaional, Corrispondenza Romano and the Most Holy Family Monastery are written with the non magisterial interpretation of Vatican Council II. I have mentioned this before and no one has acknowledged it.The issue no more is a division between the liberals and conservatives.

Catholics in general use the false premise to create a false rupture with Catholic Tradition on doctrine, dogma and theology. - Lionel Andrades

But what do you do when the popes since Vatican Council II have interpreted the Council with an irrational premise, inference and conclusion and the popes since Pius XII have interpreted EENS with an irrational, premise,inference and conclusion ?

S.D Wright on Life Site News Catholic Edition cannot go back to the old theological manuals  and expect theology to be the same as the past. Unlike in the past, the Church today interprets the baptism of desire(BOD)  and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) as being exceptions to the traditional strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus. This is a new non traditional conclusion. The premise is that there are known cases of BOD and I.I for them to be exceptions. So today it is said that not every one needs to enter the Catholic Church for salvation. This is the theological position of the popes, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican, the liberals and the Lefebvrists.

The initial mistake was there in the Baltimore Catechism when the baptism of desire was placed in the Baptism Section of that Catechism.The baptism of desire is not physically visible or repeatable like the baptism of water. It cannot be administered and it is not a Sacrament like the Baptism of Water.

Then in 1949 the Letter of the Holy Office (CDF) to the Archbishop of Boston projected unknown cases of BOD and I.I as being known exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.This Letter( LOHO) was referenced in Vatican Council II .In principle the Council Fathers assumed invisible and unknown cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc were relevant to EENS as exceptions. 

So a New Theology entered the Catholic Church.It says outside the Church there is known salvation. It made the dogma EENS and the Athanasius Creed obsolete. So the New Ecumenism, New Ecclesiology etc is based upon there being known salvation outside the Church. This is a false premise which was not there in the old theological manuals. There cannot be any such known case of a non Catholic being saved outside the Church. This could only be known to God if it happened.It is common sense. So it was not mistaken before the 1930's.

The bottom line is that the 1930 theology no more exists for most Catholics in the Church. Since they use the false premise to interpret Vatican Council II.

We have two options now.

1. LG 8,LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II is the conclusion of the use of a false premise.The false premise is assuming LG 8 etc refers to known and visible, non Catholics saved outside the Church. They are exceptions to EENS since they are known and visible. Invisible cases cannot be exceptions.So traditional exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church is made obsolete.

2.LG 8,LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II is the conclusion without the use of a false premise.LG 8 etc refer to unknown, hypothetical and theoreteical cases only. They are not known non Catholics saved outside the Church. So they cannot be practical exceptions to EENS.They do not exist in our human reality. They are not moving bodies in the Newton's time and space.So traditional exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church is not contradicted. It is not obsolete.

So we can be a true Catholic community, one Body, one Spirit, one Lord and one Baptism, and one Faith with the second option. There is no rupture with the past.We are still in the one, holy Catholic and Apostolic Church outside which there is no known salvation.There could be Catholics who have chosen option number 1 but they would be in schism with the past Magisterium and the rejection of the Creeds and EENS is heresy.It would be heresy and schism created with a false premise.

And what is to be professed? Vatican I teaches that:

By divine and catholic faith all those things are to be believed 

  • which are contained in the word of God as found 

    • in scripture 

    • and tradition, 

  • and which are proposed by the Church as matters to be believed as divinely revealed, 

    • whether by her solemn judgment or 

    • in her ordinary and universal magisterium.[iv]

[Our separation into bullet points]

Wilhelm and Scannell teach, as do many others, that “it must be a union of belief not simply in so-called fundamental doctrines, but in all revealed truths”.[v] These sources do not teach that the object of profession is just limited to those truths solemnly defined by the extraordinary magisterium.

But what do you do when the popes since Vatican Council II have interpreted the Council with an irrational premise, inference and conclusion and the popes since Pius XII have interpreted EENS with an irrational, premise,inference and conclusion ?--Lionel Andrades


What does it mean for the Catholic Church to be visibly one?

'In the true Christian community there is only one Body, one Spirit, one Lord and one Baptism, so there can be only one Faith.' Pope Pius XII

The propaganda article on the Internet ,titled 'The Tragic Errors of Fr. Leonard Feeney' by Fr. William Most was based on Most's non Magisterial interpretation of the Council

 The propaganda article on the Internet ,titled 'The Tragic Errors of Fr. Leonard Feeney' by Fr. William Most  was based on Most's non Magisterial interpretation of the Council.The article has been placed on the Internet by Jeff Mirus, Trinity Communications and EWTN. They also choose the non Magisterial interpretation of the Council.

Jeff Mirus and Phil Lawler at Catholic Culture will not comment. - Lionel Andrades

Rare interview with seer of 'Virgin of Revelation' (English)

 Rare interview with seer of 'Virgin of Revelation'

Our Lady of Revelation - Focus TV - Subsplash