Vatican Council II with the false premise is not Magisterial

 Vatican Council II with the false premise is not Magisterial.

Vatican Council II with the rational premise is Magisterial.-Lionel Andrades

Bishop Robert Barron interpreted Vatican Council II with a fake premise and received the 1.5 million Templeton Grant

Bishop Robert Barron has received a 1.7 million  Templeton Foundation Grant since he interpreted Vatican Council II with a fake premise. He used the false premise, inference and conclusion. So he created a false break with Catholic Tradition.He rejected exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church only. So he appeared liberal and was in line for the grant.
With the fake premise, Vatican Council II emerges a rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and the Athanasius Creed. The Council would suggest  that other religions are also paths to salvation. So for him the Church no more teaches that there is ecclesiocentrism in the Catholics Church even today.
References to hypothetical cases ( LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc) are projected by him as objective examples of non Catholics saved outside the Church. For him they are known people in the present times. This is his false premise. So his conclusion is that LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc contradicts Scholastics.This is his  conclusion with this false reasoning. He concludes that LG 16 etc refer to objective examples of salvation outside the Church.Since for him the premise is that invisible people are visible, unknown cases are objectively known. This is false philosophy and contradicts the Principle of Non Contradiction.
There really are no such objective cases. Only God would know if someone was saved outside the Church with the baptism of water or invincible ignorance, without faith and baptism.
Without the false premise, Bishop Robert Barron and Word on Fire would be labelled 'narrow minded', 'extremitst' etc for the Left.
So then he would not be eligible for the Templeton funding. -Lionel Andrades