How can Cardinal Koch tell the Jewish Left organizations that Pope Francis' interpretation of Vatican Council II is magisterial ?

 How can Cardinal Koch tell the Jewish Left organizations that Pope Francis' interpretation of Vatican Council II is magisterial ? How can Vatican Council II interpreted with an irrational premise, to create a rupture with the past Magisterium, be the Magisterium of the Church after 1965? There was a choice for Pope Paul VI in 1965.

How can he project ' a development of doctrine' with specious reasoning , which rejects the original and traditional doctrines of the Catholic Church ? - Lionel Andrades

Trisulti monastery

Benjamin Harnwell has converted into the Catholic Church. The next step is for him to interpret Vatican Council II, the Creeds and Catechisms without the false premise and  with the rational option.Then he could officially ask Bishop Lorenzo Loppa and the Cathusians to do the same or not call themselves Catholic.If the Carthusians are not Catholic then they have no right to come and live as Catholics, in the Trisulti monastery. Ask Bishop Loppa and the Carthusians, to affirm the Faith other wise the judicial decision seems partisan.- Lionel Andrades