Please, Simona do something

Please, Simona do something

Where I live in Rome, the churches are coerced into following the leftist theology on Vatican Council II. They are forced to use a false premise to create a false break with Catholic Tradition.So there is a new liberalism and division in the Church.It’s political.This is a religious liberty issue.Simona Baldassarre is the Lega-Salvini  candidate in the Rome municipal elections for the Councilors, leading up to the election (Administrative) of the Mayor.

Please, Simona do something.There is no unity on the First Commandment, the Creeds and Catechisms.The catechists are forced to cheat and choose a false premise, inference and non traditional conclusion to interpret Vatican Council II.They then emerge politically correct with the Vatican-under the Left.

This is the diocese of Porta Santa Rufina, Rome under the Administration of the Archbishop of Civitavecchia.

Simona Baldassarre please ask the pope, the cardinals, bishops and the priests and especially the lay Catholics in my parish, Santa Maria di Nazareth,Casalotti, Boccea, Rome, to be honest.Ask them to interpret Magisterial documents rationally.Tell them to be Catholic.They could stop using the false premise to create a break with the historical Church of St. Francis of Assisi, St. Catherine of Siena and Padre Pio.

Please ask the priests in Boccea and also the religious sisters there, to interpret Vatican Council II rationally and so traditionally. They must affirm the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church, like the Nicene Creed, Athansius Creed etc.

The new liberalism, produced with a fake premise, for political-Left reasons, has created division in the Church.There is no unity when the people recite the Profession of Faith.I avoid the false premise. They have to use it.At First Communion classes children are taught a false version of the First Commandment and the Creeds.There is no denial from the parish priests.They agree with me. They would tell Simona, “We do it for political reasons”.

Priests, bishops, cardinals and popes who offer Holy Mass are expected to affirm the traditional teachings of the Church.

When Vatican Council II is interpreted with the rational premise,inference and traditional conclusion ( blue left hand side column) the Church will once again be rational and conservative. There will no more be a rupture between faith and reason. It will support Le Pen and Salvini.The false premise of the red right hand side column creates the liberalism.It divides Catholics.Political ideology comes into the Catholic Church.

The present liberalism created with the false premise supports Macron and Matterella. So Salvini and Melloni in Italy will have the Church against them.

When Vatican Council II is interpreted with the rational premise there is no separation.The traditional Church and conservative politics are on the same wave length.There is no liberalism to divide them doctrinally.Le Pen in France and Salvini in Italy  would not have the Church against them.When the false premise is not there  liberalism ends.

Now in ignorance Le Pen and Salvini allow Pope Francis to interpret Vatican Council II with the fake premise. This is a politico-religious  issue and they are silent.

The pope is in schism for political Left reasons. He rejects the rational interpretation of Vatican Council II, Creeds and Catechisms.The whole Church follows the deception.

The political party Lega-Salvini( and also Fratelli Italia, Forza Nuova, Militia Christi …) must ask Pope Francis to correct his theological and doctrinal error.It is unethical to use a false premise to change Church teachings and then support Pope Benedict’s New Ecumenism, New Theology, New Ecclesiology, New Evangelisaton etc.

There is, no new Heaven and Hell. The rules are still the same.-Lionel Andrades



Visit my parish

Visit my parish

I saw a publicity vehicle moving at Cornelia, Rome saying there would be a talk at Boccea. Matteo Salvini was to speak.I thought that he needs to call for the interpretation of Vatican Council II without the false premise.This is a political issue he must address.

If a fake premise is used then there is a break with the historical Catholic Church, a break  with the traditional Catholic Church which Salvini supports.

So the Lega needs to affirm Vatican Council II ( rational) and even make it a part of their manifesto.

For instance, in the churches  at Boccea, the Left  forces the priests, to create a rupture with the historicl Catholic Church and this is approved by Pope Francis.

Pope Francis ‘ interpretation of Vatican Council II is political and not Magisterial. He would have to interpret the Council with the rational premise, inference and conclusion, for Vatican Council II to be Magisterial. He must not deliberately continue to use the fake premise to interpreta the Council. This is a political issue for the Left which the Lega must address.

He could visit my parish in Boccea, the church Santa Maria di Nazareth and ask the priests  to interpret Vatican Council II rationally and not with falsehood. Tell the people that political candidates who support abortion and homosexual acts are in mortal sin and voting for them in cooperating in this mortal sin. This is  politically non separation of the Leftist state and the Church.The Parish Priests cannot ask that the Mayor of Rome be a Catholic, who interprets Vatican Council II rationally.This would be the separation of the Leftist State and the Church.

The Rome Vicarate does not allow any Parish Priests to publically support any candidate for the Mayor’s office but allows him to interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and then in an indirect way support the Left. So the priest cannot say that outside the Church there is no salvation.Since with the premise there is salvation. And so all must be Catholic to avoid Hell and so it is necessary that Government also be Catholic.

Presently there is the non separation of Church and State in Rome where the pontifical universities have to interpret Vatican Council II with a fake premise, create a rupture with Tradition and then be able to receive funds.

If they used the rational premise, inference and non tradtional conclusion to interpret  that Council they would be black listed.Since then they would be supporting exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church, like the historical Church in Italy.

So the professors and students to avoid being expelled interpret Vatican Council II, the Creeds, Catechisms etc with the irrational premise and create  the break with Tradition, which is presently approved by the Leftist government in Italy.

With the fake premise the Council is a break with the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX.New doctrines are created on Ecumenism, Evangelisation etc.

The New Theology created with the false premise says outside the Church there is known salvation. There are known non Catholics saved without faith and baptism and ias referenced in LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc of Vatican Council II. So when there are known people  saved outside the Church in 1965-2021, it is asked by Pope Benedict, and others, why have traditional Mission? He supports the Left.

Why also proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King in all politically legislation and the non separation of Church and State , he may ask.So the Parish Priests in Boccea, Rome where Matteo Salvini visited and spoke do not proclaim that it is necessary that Government should also be Catholic.

He could visit my parish and talk to the priests and parishioners. Tell them to interpret the Council without the common false premise, approved by the leftist government. -Lionel Andrades


 SEPTEMBER 14, 2021

The false premise of the right hand side creates the new liberalism and division in the Church