Thursday, November 11, 2021

It is a mortal sin of faith for a Catholic to affirm the Nicene Creed ( Cushingite), Athanasius Creed ( Cushingite), EENS ( Cushingite), Catechisms ( Cushingite), Vatican Council II (Cushingite). In TC, Pope Francis has made Vatican Council II ( Cushingite) obligatory to follow.


Traditionis Custode has a built in mistake and Catholics are not obliged to follow it without a correction being made by the Vatican.Traditionis Custode (TC) refers to Vatican Council II Cushingite which is heretical, schismatic, divisive, irrational and so null and void.

The Vatican must refer anew to Vatican Council II Feeneyite which has a hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition and so is not heretical. Schismatic, liberal and divisive.

Vatican Council II Cushingite  is not Magisterial since the Holy Spirit would not make an objective mistake.

Catholics can attend/offer Holy Mass in Latin or the vernacular  and affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite), EENS ( Feeneyite),Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX( Feeneyite), Athanasis Creed ( Feeneyite),Nicene Creed ( Feeneyite), Catechisms ( Feeneyite).

It is a mortal sin of faith for a Catholic to affirm the Nicene Creed ( Cushingite), Athanasius Creed ( Cushingite), EENS ( Cushingite), Catechisms ( Cushingite), Vatican Council II (Cushingite).

In TC, Pope Francis has made Vatican Council II ( Cushingite) obligatory to follow.

In Dijon, France Bishop Roland Minnerath  offers Mass with Magisterial Documents  interpreted  with Cushingism and so do the Diocesan priests and the priests of the Institute of Christ the King.

In Chicago Cardinal Cupich offers Holy Mass with Cushingism and so do the priests who offer Holy Mass in Latin.This is historically irregular. It is a sin of faith.

The present two popes and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith ecclesiastics are Cushingite but St. Ignatius of Loyola , St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Pius X… were Feeneyite in their theology.

Cardinal Vince Nicols and Dr. Joseph Shaw are Cushingite at Mass and otherwise.Cushingism does not depend upon the liturgy. It is the False Premise which creates the new Cushingite theology. This is irrespective if a Catholic is a conservative or liberal on other subjects.-Lionel Andrades

If Judge Joseph DiClerico Jr., in New Hampshire is Feeneyite on Vatican Council II and EENS then he will note that Fr. Georges de Laire is unethical and dishonest, even after being informed and so is Bishop Peter Libasci, the Bishop of the Diocese of Manchester.


There are two interpretations of Magisterial Documents , one with the False Premise which I call Cushingite and the other with the Rational Premise I call Feeneyite.Cushingism is a break with the Athanasius Creed, the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX and extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( with no exceptions).Feneeyism is in harmony with Tradition.

So it is not enough to refer, for example, to Vatican Council II, without specifying if you mean Vatican Council II Cushingite or Feeneyite.

Here is a short list.

Nicene Creed ( Feeneyite or Cushingite).

Athanasius Creed ( Feeneyite or Cushingite).

Extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( Feeneyite or Cushingite ).

Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite or Cushingite).

Catechism of the Council of Trent ( Feeneyite or Cushingite).

Catechism of the Baltimore ( Feeneyite or Cushingite )

Catechism of Pope Pius X ( Feeneyite or Cushingite).

Catechism of the Catholic Church ( Feeneyite or Cushingite ).

These are Primary Church Documents. We can interpret them with the False Premise or the Rational Premise and the conclusion would be irrational or rational.

There are also Secondary Church Documents. They are only Cushingite.There are no Church Documents after Vatican Council II, which I can think of , which are only Feeneyite.

Traditionis Custode is Cushingite.Pope Francis used the False Premise to interpret Vatican Council II.

The Lutheran-Catholic Declaration on Justification is Cushingite.

The Balamand Declaration is Cushingite and so null and void.

In a Primary Document we can choose between Feeneyism and Cushingism. In a Secondary Document we cannot choose.It is Cushingite.

Vatican Council II itself is a Primary Document since there are Feeneyite and Cushingite passages.

In Dijon, France the writings of Bishop Roland Mitterand are Cushingite and so he was made a consultant to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF).

The Dominicans today, unlike St.Dominic, are Cushingites and so they were appointed members of the Vatican’s International Theological Commission.

Bishop Athanasius Schneider and Dr.Taylor Marshall have been Cushingite but when they said that there are no literal cases of the baptism of desire and there are no explicit cases of Aquinas’ implicit baptism of desire, they were Feeneyite.They implied that there were no objective exceptions for Feeneyite EENS. There were none mentioned in Vatican Council II.

Fr. Georges de Laire, Vicar General, in the Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire, USA, is Cushingite and so he was approved by the CDF to place a harsh Decree of Prohibitions upon the St. Benedict Center(SBC).The SBC are Feeneyite on Vatican Council II and EENS.

If Judge Joseph DiClerico Jr., in New Hampshire is Feeneyite  on Vatican Council II and EENS then he will note that Fr. Georges de Laire is unethical and dishonest, even after being informed and so is Bishop Peter Libasci, the Bishop of the Diocese of Manchester.

They are following the CDF which is also Cushingite on Vatican Council II and EENS, the Creeds and Catechisms.Cushingism is irrational.So they are irrational on Vatican Council II, EENS, the Creeds and Catechisms.

For a secular  or religious judiciary , a False Premise is a False Premise, a lie is a lie.-Lionel Andrades

Judge Joseph A. Diclerico Jr., in New Hampshire must ask Fr. Georges de Laire, the CDF and the liberal media to clarify their theological and doctrinal position : SBC being slandered

 Judge Joseph A. Diclerico Jr., in New Hampshire could note that the St.Benedict Center, Richmond, New Hampshire ( mentioned  by Fr. Georges de Laire  in the legal suit against Michael Voris) is being defamed only because they refuse to interpret Vatican Council II and EENS with a False Premise.

Fr. Georges de Laire and the Curia in the Diocese of Manchester,USA, use the False Premise to interpret all Magiserterial Documents and there is no denial from any of them. The Curia does not deny using the unethical False Premise.

Even the National Catholic Reporter and New Hampshire Union Leader use the False Premise  to interpret Magisterial Documents.Then they calumninate the St. Benedict Center directly or innuendo for not choosing the same deception and the lie.

The diocese of Manchester cannot explain  their theological and doctrinal position in writing( as I have done on this blog Eucharist and Mission ).They would say that they are following the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF).But the CDF also uses the same False Premise , to interpret Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).

The CDF has no  right to violate the Principle of Non Contradiction .It must not suggest that people saved with the baptism of desire etc are in Heaven  and also visible on earth for them to be exceptions  to Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus .

They cannot be in two places at the same time.

This is fantasy and irrational.This nonsense cannot be a reason to impose a harsh Decree of Prohibitions on the religious at the St.Benedict Center.

The Slaves, an ultra-traditionalist offshoot of a Massachusetts group founded by the late Rev. Leonard Feeney, were ordered to stop calling themselves Catholic in January 2019 under the terms of a letter from the diocese. The group was given an extensive list of prohibitions, including a restriction against raising money for a Catholic entity. 1

It is false to call them ultra traditionalist when they affirm Vatican Council II and EENS but interpret them rationally unlike Damien Fisher(New Hamphire Union Leader) and Christopher White and Heidi Schlumpf at the National Catholic Reporter, who affirm Vatican Council II and EENS irrationally to create a break with Feeneyite EENS.

Rev. Georges de Laire, the episcopal vicar for canonical affairs for the Diocese of Manchester, said the fundraising for the school may fall just short of violating the 2019 restrictions. While the group cannot claim it is operating a Catholic school, it instead claims its school offers an education in the “Catholic tradition.”

“They know exactly what they are doing,” de Laire said. “It is not the first time the group has manipulated language in order to project official recognition by the Catholic Church.”

According to a statement on the diocesan website, the group is not supposed to imply in any way an affiliation with the church. 2

Fr.Georges de Laire refuses to say in public what really is his theological position, if he has any on this issue. The CDF is irrational and so non traditional on this issue.

 The CDF Archbishops use the same False Premise as Fr. Georges de Laire to avoid affirming Feeneyite EENS.This is unethical and dishonest. For political reasons they change the theology and doctrines of the Catholic Church, with the use of a Fake Premise.Then those who do not support this deception are hit with sanctions.

How can Fr. Georges de Laire remain a Judicial Vicar when he interprets Magisterial documents deceptively and does not deny it?

Bishop Peter Libasci, Fr. Georges de Laire, the  National Catholic Reporter and the New Hampshire Union Leader reporters could clarify that they do not interpret Vatican Council II with the Fake Premise. They are not unethical and dishonest.

1.If they do use the False Premise they are unethical and dishonest. 

2.If they do not use the False Premise they hold the same theological and doctrinal position as the St.Benedict Center. They would be rejecting the New Theology and going back to the old theology. They would be affirming extra ecclesiam nulla salus with the traditional exclusivist interpretation.The irrational and deceptive interpretation of the CDF would be avoided.

The liberal media and Fr. Georges de Laire and the CDF must let us know where they stand on these issues.-Lionel Andrades





NOVEMBER 6, 2021

For Judge Joseph A. Diclerico Jr. there would be no literal cases of the BOD, BOB and I.I in New Hampshire in 2021 : but for Fr. Georges de Laire there are