Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The U.S and German bishops continue to interpret Vatican Council II with the common irrationality and their governments do not ask them to correct their error.The bishops are handing out false information to receive financial privileges.


The U.S bishops are given a tax- donation exemption status since they deceptively, like the German bishops interpret Vatican Council II irrationally to produce a rupture with Catholic Tradition. 


Even organizations in Germany and the USA , like the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) are given special privileges, since they use the same False Premise , to create a break with Tradition. They are liberals on Vatican Council II since they do not choose the Rational Premise to interpret the Council in harmony with the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius X and the past ecclesiocentrism of the Church. Instead they choose the Christocentrism of the liberals, which is compatible with the New Ecumenism, which will take the Church into the New World Order.They reject the past Ecclesiocentrism by using the False Premise.

The U.S and German bishops continue to interpret Vatican Council II with the common irrationality and their governments do not ask them to correct their error.The bishops are handing out false information to receive financial privileges.

The interpretation of Vatican Council II with the False Premise by Pope Benedict and Pope Francis is political. So even the same interpretation by the SSPX is political.

They are not choosing the Rational Premise for political reasons.

The SSPX, Ecclesia Dei communities and sedevansatists like CMRI get special financial benefits because they use the False Premise.

-Lionel Andrades

Conservative Catholics could petition the German Government to ask the German Bishops Conference to acknowledge that LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II refer to hypothetical cases only in 2022.


Conservative Catholics could petition the German Government to ask the German Bishops Conference to acknowledge that LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II refer to hypothetical cases only in 2022.

The Government must not allow the bishops to project LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II  as being objective cases in 2022. LG 8 etc must not be projected as known non Catholics saved outside the Catholic Church without Catholic faith and the baptism of water.

Bishop Athanasius Schneider and Dr. Taylor Marshall have said that there are no literal cases of the baptism of desire (LG 14). There are no explicit cases of St. Thomas Aquinas’ implicit baptism of desire (LG 14).The German bishops must be asked to accept this rational interpretation of LG 14 etc.

Presently German Bishops Conference consider LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II as refering to non hypothetical cases in 2022.Then with this false premise they reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to the Magisterium of the 12 to 16 century. Then they expect Germans to accept and proclaim this irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II in employment, religious vocations, education scholarships etc.This is discrimination. German Catholics must not be obliged to use a False Premise.      -Lionel Andrades

The German bishops, like Pope Benedict are unethical and dishonest when they project Vatican Council II as a break with the Syllabus of Errors and Tradition


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The German Catholic bishops are unethical and dishonest when they project LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II as being non hypothetical and instead literal persons in the present times. This is a false premise. Then it is wrongly inferred that LG 8 etc are practical exceptions for the Syllabus of Errors, the Athanasius Creed and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). Then it is wrongly claimed that Vatican Council II is a break with Tradition and the Syllabus of Errors, Catechism of Pope Pius X ( 24 Q, 27Q ) etc are obsolete. There is a development of doctrine with Vatican Council II (of course interpreted only with the false premise, inference and conclusion). So the liberalism of the German Synodal Way comes from the False Premise in the interpretation of Vatican Council II and other Magisterial Documents.

-Lionel Andrades

Catholics in Germany are not obliged to interpret Vatican Council II with the False Premise when the rational option is there and it produces a traditional and non heretical conclusion.


In Germany they have an obligation to proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King in all politics, based upon the rational interpretation of Vatican Council II. The Council interpreted with the Rational Premise is in harmony with the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX and the Catechism of Pope Pius X and the Catechism of the Catholic Church of Pope John Paul II, all interpreted rationally.

There are no literal cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in the present times. These are always implicit and not explicit cases. This is something obvious. It is common sense.

But Cardinal Marx interprets Vatican Council II with the False Premise and all who are employed in the Archdiocese of Munich have to do the same. This is discrimination based upon a falsehood.

All young people who wish to become priests or religious sisters have to use the False and not Rational Premise to be accepted. This is organized deception. It is official.

Similarly only those who apply for educational scholarships are approved who use a Fake Premise to interpret Vatican Council II? This is not Catholic.

Now the German Synodal Way is based upon this irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II, it is confirmed by Cardinal Marx.

If he interpreted Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise then he would have to affirm the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX. It supports an ecumenism of return to the Church which the cardinal rejects.

He can no more cite Vatican Council II for his heresy and schism since now we know that the Council can be interpreted with the Rational Premise and the conclusion is traditional. Catholics in Germany are not obliged to interpret Vatican Council II with the False Premise when the rational option is there and it produces a traditional and non heretical conclusion.  -Lionel Andrades

MARCH 14, 2022

The German government must not allow German cardinals and bishops to collect tax donations until they correct their error


 MARCH 13, 2022

The information the German Synodal Way gives out on Vatican Council II is not correct. They are presenting the Council with a lie in official heresy and schism which is approved by the present two popes : the German government and secular and Protestant organizations accept the fake interpretation of Vatican Council II in the area of public spending, educational scholarships, general employment and inter-faith meetings.


 MARCH 12, 2022

Is the German Synodal Way legal?
