Tuesday, April 5, 2022

I peccati mortali orientano una persona all'Inferno secondo il Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica. Basta serve un peccato mortale non confessato per un cattolico vada all'inferno.

L'oratore in questo video dice che il peccato mortale rompe il nostro legame; la nostra connessione con Gesù Cristo. Egli parla della differenza tra peccato mortale e veniale.

Ci sono alcune persone che vengono in chiesa ma sono veramente in peccato mortale e in cui Cristo non è lì. Dal momento che il peccato mortale ha rotto il legame. Vuol dire che non c'è più la Grazia Santificante.

1857 Perché un peccato sia mortale si richiede che concorrano tre condizioni: « È peccato mortale quello che ha per oggetto una materia grave e che, inoltre, viene commesso con piena consapevolezza e deliberato consenso ». 116

1858 La materia grave è precisata dai dieci comandamenti, secondo la risposta di Gesù al giovane ricco: « Non uccidere, non commettere adulterio, non rubare, non dire falsa testimonianza, non frodare, onora il padre e la madre » (Mc 10,19). La gravità dei peccati è più o meno grande: un omicidio è più grave di un furto. Si deve tenere conto anche della qualità delle persone lese: la violenza esercitata contro i genitori è di per sé più grave di quella fatta ad un estraneo.

Menziona poi due condizioni che si riferiscono alle nostre intenzioni e motivazioni.

L'oratore, accenna poi ai tre elementi del peccato mortale. Il soggetto deve essere grave. Uccidere qualcuno è una cosa grave.

 Perché il peccato sia mortale deve anche essere commesso con piena consapevolezza e pieno consenso. Presuppone la conoscenza del carattere peccaminoso dell'atto, della sua opposizione alla Legge di Dio. Implica inoltre un consenso sufficientemente libero perché sia una scelta personale. L'ignoranza simulata e la durezza del cuore 117 non diminuiscono il carattere volontario del peccato ma, anzi, lo accrescono.

1860 L'ignoranza involontaria può attenuare se non annullare l'imputabilità di una colpa grave. Si presume però che nessuno ignori i principi della legge morale che sono iscritti nella coscienza di ogni uomo. Gli impulsi della sensibilità, le passioni possono ugualmente attenuare il carattere volontario e libero della colpa; come pure le pressioni esterne o le turbe patologiche. Il peccato commesso con malizia, per una scelta deliberata del male, è il più grave.

Qui abbiamo spesso un'interpretazione 
liberale del peccato mortale. È la nuova 
teologia morale delle università cattoliche.
Tuttavia Papa Giovanni Paolo II, nel Veritatis 
Splendor (1993) ha detto che un peccato
mortale è un peccato mortale e l'azione
esterna indica l'interno pensando alla persona. Ma per la Nuova Teologia Morale liberale l'eccezione conferma la regola. Dal momento che non possiamo conoscere oggettivamente lo stato interiore di una persona, non possiamo davvero dire che un atto sia un peccato mortale, è il loro falso ragionamento. Non è più in bianco e nero, ma è tutta una ‘zona beige’, per il vescovo Robert Barron, per esempio. Questa interpretazione del Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica sul peccato mortale è stata una fondazione per il controverso Amoris Laetitia di Papa Francesco. Ha approvato l'Eucaristia per ai divorziati e risposati come se non fossero in peccato mortale pubblico e oggettivo. Allo stesso modo l'Eucaristia viene data ai non cattolici che sono ovviamente fuori dalla Chiesa e senza la Grazia Santificante.
I matrimoni inter-religiosi sono accettati
quando uno dei coniugi non è un Cattolico.
Ma questo matrimonio non è un Sacramento
quando il coniuge non fa parte della comunità
dei credenti. Tutto questo è un rifiuto della 
teologia morale di sant'Alfonso Liguori, 
padre della teologia morale Cattolica. 
Non pretendeva che potessimo giudicare
lo stato interiore di una persona e quindi 
rifiutare la tradizionale comprensione del
peccato mortale. 
L'immodestia nei vestiti è un peccato mortale. La comprensione interiore può essere conosciuta solo da Dio.
 La rapina in grandi quantità è un peccato 
L'aborto è un peccato mortale.
La sodomia è un peccato mortale.

Il rifiuto dei Credo è un peccato mortale.

Il rifiuto o la reinterpretazione del 

Primo Comandamento per i Cattolici è 

peccato mortale.

Quando un cattolico lascia la Fede Cattolica

è un peccato mortale di fede.

I peccati mortali orientano una 

persona all'Inferno secondo il 

Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica.

Basta un peccato mortale non confessato 

per andare all'inferno, per l'eternità, per un Cattolico.

-Lionel Andrades


MARCH 30, 2022

Mortal sins orient a person to Hell according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. All it takes is one un-confessed mortal sin for a Catholic to go to Hell.


La Madonna ha  menzionato un lago di 
fuoco all'Inferno. 
Così anche fa la Bibbia.


Chicago Catholics did not hold a Press Conference asking Cardinal Cupich to interpret Vatican Council II in harmony with the Roman Missal



On April 3, 2022 Catholics in Chicago held a Rosary Rally and there was no Press Conference  asking Cardinal Bliase Cupich to interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise at Holy Mass in English. Then there would be a theological and doctrinal harmony with the Roman Missal(1580).The Roman Missal and the Latin Mass have been banned for the Easter Triduum.


Cardinal Blaise Cupich is aware of the False Premise used in the interpretation of Vatican Council II at Holy Mass in English. A high level  meeting of 70 cardinals, bishops and liberal theologians was held on March 25-26, 2002 to address the subject of Vatican Council II being interpreted with the Rational Premise and the Church returning to Catholic Tradition as it was known in the 16th century.

The Latin Mass was not the real issue at the Chicago meeting of liberals last month. They were really afraid of Vatican Council II  being interpreted with the Rational Premise.

When diocesan priests in Chicago interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise at the Novus Ordo Mass there could be a new type of ban- it will not be restricted to the Latin Missal and liturgy.

Vatican Council II has to be interpreted as a break with Tradition at Mass irrespective if it is a Novus Ordo or Latin Mass.This is poltiical.

The Chicago meeting of liberals have decided to continue to interpret Vatican Council II with the False Premise as if all is normal. So there will be the usual hermeneutic of rupture with the Creeds and Catechisms as it was known to the Magisterium over the centuries.This produces mortal sins of faith.

It is also unethical and the deception is approved by the USCCB.It may not be legal.It indicates that the USCCB, which is promoting a lie officially, with the False Premise, cannot be trusted on even other issues. 

The Chicago Rosary rally organizers must  discuss the issue of unity and not division in theology and Catholic doctrine in the Catholic Church. The Curia must be informed.

Why should there be a ban of the Traditional Latin Mass when the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church can also be promoted by a priest and the faithful at the Novus Ordo Mass. ? This would happen when they interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise to produce a Traditional Conclusion. The Traditional Conclusion was  feared by the liberals at their March 25-26 meeting in Chicago and they have decided to go along with the false narrative on the Council being a break with Tradition.

-Lionel Andrades

Vatican Council II (Rational) will bring unity in theology and doctrine within the Catholic Church.It was Vatican Council II (Irrational) which brought liberalism and theological division


Vatican Council II (Rational) will bring unity in theology and doctrine within the Catholic Church.This  was not known to the Society of St. Pius X during their doctrinal talks with the Vatican during the pontificate of Pope Benedict.

It was Vatican Council II (Irrational) which brought liberalism and theological division into the Church. The liberal media would accuse the SSPX of being in schism, when really it was the liberalism of the media and the Vatican, which brought a separation with Tradition,schism with the past Magiseterium. With the False Premise non existing practical exceptions were viewed in Vatican Council II for the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX, the Athanasius Creed and the dogma EENS.

Rome can now come back to the Faith as Archbishop’ Marcel Lefebvre wanted. He did not know that there were two ways to interpret Vatican Council II, with and without the False Premise.With Vatican Council II ( Rational) we have a coherence with the Patristic period.  -Lionel Andrades




Lionel Andrades

Catholic lay man in Rome. Writer on the discovery of the two interpretations of Vatican Council II, one is rational and the other is irrational, one is interpreted with the false premise and the other without it. One is Magisterial and the other, the common one, is non Magisterial. Vatican Council II is dogmatic and not only pastoral.

It is the same for the Creeds and Catechisms. There can be two interpretations.Catholics must choose the rational option.

Why should Catholics choose an irrational version which is heretical, nontraditional and schismatic, when a rational option is there which is traditional?

Blog: Eucharist and Mission (eucharistandmission)

E-mail: lionelandrades10@gmail.com


Cardinal Sean O Malley was called for the emergency meeting of liberals at Chicago, he had no solution : Rome has come back to the Faith.The past has caught up with the Catholic Church

Cardinal Sean O’Mally the archbishop of Boston was present at the crisis-meeting in Chicago(March 25-26,2022) on Vatican Council II.He has discovered that the Council is traditional when interpreted with a Rational Premise and supports extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston. Pope Francis knows it too. The horses have left the stable.The Council is no more under liberal-control. Conservative Catholics are smiling.They are waiting for an announcement from the Vatican.

We have come back a full circle from the Boston Heresy Case.This was when the Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Richard Cushing, was not accused of heresy and the blame was placed on an innocent priest. The Jesuit priest Fr. Leonard Feeney refused to say that there are visible cases of the baptism of desire etc.


 Recently, Bishop Athanasius Schneider supported the Boston priest, when interviewed by Dr. Taylor Marshall. Schneider said that there are no literal cases of the baptism of desire. Taylor confirmed that there are no explicit cases of Aquinas’ implicit baptism of desire.This was a theological explosion for the liberals.They  could not find a solution last month.


The liberals now have to say that LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, Gs 22 etc in Vatican Council II refer to implicit and hypothetical cases only.So LG 8, GS 22 etc are no more  practical exceptions for the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX. It means the Catholic Church is back to an ecumenism of return and extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) according to the missionaries in the 16th century.


The past has caught up with Massimo Faggioli who addressed the 70 cardinals,bishops and lay theologians in Chicago.Faggioli, as expected, had no answer. There was no way out.His defeat shows in a lengthy article he has written for the National Catholic Reporter.He does not even mention the specific problem.Since there is only one rational alternative before him and Pope Francis would call it ‘rigid’.It means Faggioli's formation with Alberto Melloni of the Bologna School (FSCIRE) with the common false premise is obsolete. It has been exposed on the Internet.

Cardinal Cupich too is now forced to interpret Vatican Council II rationally and return to the old theology of the Roman Missal.This is the Missal banned in Rome by the Vicariate for the Easter Triduum.


But the liberalism of Vatican Council II at the Novus Ordo Mass has also taken a hit.  Catholics in the pews will learn that the Council supports Tradition in a radical turn around. Bishops and parish priests could affirm the Social Reign of Christ the King in all politics, based up Feeneyite EENS.There will be a political fall out.So the Chicago meeting was called.


Cardinal Mardiaga, present at the meeting, will now have to affirm Tradition like the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX). Cardinal Semeraro at Albano, Italy will now theologically be in line with the SSPX.Since Vatican Council II ( Rational) brings unity into the Catholic Church just as Vatican Council II ( Irrational) brought heresy and schism.The ecclesiology of Holy Mass in Latin and Italian at Albano, will now be exclusivist.

This is good news for the persecuted St. Benedict Center in Richmond, New Hampshire, USA. Vatican Council II interpreted rationally supports them. The liberal theologians at Chicago can see the obvious. LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II are hypothetical 24-hours, in season and out.The Athanasius Creed is no more contradicted and so Cardinal Sean O Malley must return to the extra ecclesiam nulla salus of Fr. Leonard Feeney and the St. Benedict Center of Boston.

Boston College expelled Fr. Leonard Feeney and other Catholic professors, when they did not project unknown cases of the baptism of desire and beings saved in invincible ignorance, as being known exceptions for EENS. The Jesuits, like Boston College, expelled the Jesuit priest, and then interpreted EENS with the False Premise.Cardinal Sean O Malley must apologise.


With the False Premise Rahner and Ratzinger brought liberalism and division in theology.We now have unity before us. We can also undo the bad work of Pope Paul VI after 1965.

We now have coherence with the Magisterium of the Patristic period and the Jesuit missionaries of the Middle Ages. The Catholic Church has returned to the past. Chicago did not have a solution.

 'Rome has come back to the faith'.

-Lionel Andrades

APRIL 4, 2022

Vatican Council II has become a crisis for the liberals : 70 cardinals, bishops and liberal theologians met privately in Chicago last month


                                                                                                                                                                                        -Lionel Andrades

APRIL 4, 2022

Liberals on the defensive in Chicago : Vatican Council II can be interpreted with a rational premise and the conclusion is traditional


APRIL 4, 2022

Massimo Faggioli and Michael Sean Winters cannot accept reality. Vatican Council II ( Irrational) is finished . It’s obsolete. We have a rational alternative and we Catholics are not obliged to follow their irrational and deceptive interpretation of the Council.


APRIL 3, 2022

Bishop Robert Barron and John Allen Jr., were cheating with their book which was sold at the Los Angeles Religious Conference and was based upon Vatican Council II interpreted with the Fake Premise

 Bishop Robert Barron and John Allen Jr., were cheating with their book which was sold at the Los Angeles Religious Conference.In their New Evangelisation they interpret Vatican Council II, knowingly with the False Premise to create a rupture with Catholic Tradition, which was exclusivist on salvation.

Bishop Barron and John Allen were proclaiming Jesus without the necessity of membership in the Church, without the reference to Hell and without the reference to mortal sins of faith.

In the past they could put aside the original teachings of the Church Fathers on salvation by saying that Vatican Council II ( Irrational), interpreted with the False Premise, contradicts extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). But now we know that we can interpret Vatican Council II (rationally) with the Rational Premise and there are no exceptions mentioned in the text for the strict interpretation of EENS, which would be rejected by Catholics in ignorance, at the L.A Conference.

So Barron and Allen have produced a politically -correct -with -the -Left book which denies the Athanasius Creed and considers it Catholic.

They both know that there are two interpretations of Vatican Council II, their’s and mine, and the conclusion is different.They are intentionally choosing the Fake Premise to produce a break with Tradition and which would contribute towards the New Ecumenism in a  New World Order.

Without the Fake Premise there would not be the New Theology, New Evangelisation and New Ecumenism.

Scott Hahn praised this book because he too interprets Vatican Council II with a Fake Premise to produce a rupture with the dogma EENS which was affirmed by the Vendees, St. John of Arc and the Cristoforos in Mexico, whom he refers to at times.

Similarly Ralph Martin’s books are also written with the Fake and not Rational Premise in the interpretation of Vatican Council II. So he does not have to affirm the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX.

So he was invited at the Synod for the New Evangelisation.His books are approved by writers on Vatican Council II who also use the Fake Premise and then suggest that non Catholics do not need to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation.This is their New Evangelisation.

Bishop Barron could not tell Ben Shapiro that he needs to enter the Catholic Church for salvation. This is the New Evangelisation.They interpret Lumen Gentium with the Fake Premise and then project non existing exceptions for John 3:5 and Mark 16:16.

This is what Barron and Allen are doing in their books.

They are proclaiming Jesus in a vague way without mentioning that outside the Catholic Church there is no known salvation in the present times.There are no practical exceptions for Magisterial Documents which they re-interpret with the False Premise.

There were people at the L.A Conference who were catechizing at the parish level, who do not know that all non Catholics are oriented to Hell, with no known exceptions, unless they convert into the Catholic Church and that this is the traditional teaching of Vatican Council II, interpreted rationally.

With the Fake Premise they are influenced by the culture which rejects the Church Fathers, the missionaries of the 16th century and the traditional Catholic ecclesiology which is exclusivist, after Vatican Council II (rational).

-Lionel Andrades
