Sunday, April 10, 2022

Vatican Council II can only interpreted rationally whether one like it or not. So the conclusion has to be traditional, whether we like it or not. One may not like it and call it ‘this’ or ‘that’ but the Council can only be interpreted rationally and so there is a continuation with Tradition.


Vatican Council II can only interpreted rationally whether one like it or not. So the conclusion has to be traditional, whether we like it or not.

One may not like it and call it ‘this’ or ‘that’ but the Council can only be interpreted rationally and so there is a continuation with Tradition.

One may call the traditional conclusion rigid, extremist, narrow, triumphalistic,  etc but Vatican Council II interpreted rationally produces this result.There is no other ratinal choice.

Whether you go for the Novus Ordo, Latin, Greek Byzantine, Syro Malabar  or Ambrosial Rite Mass… , Vatican Council II interpreted with the Rational Premise, has a continuity with Tradition.

We can no more interpret Vatican Council II with the Fake Premise, False Inference and non-traditional, heretical and schismatic conclusion. We can no more do it since people now know about it. They expect us to be honest.

In England Gavin D’Costa, a professor of theology at the University of Bristol is a liberal and is allowed to attend Holy Mass in English. Since he uses a False Premise to interpret Magisterial Documents and so creates heresy and schism, like the cardinals and bishops in England and this is approved by the Masons. They create division in the Church with the False Premise.

The old concept of being liberal or conservative based upon the Mass in Latin or the vernacular (English/ Italian) is now obsolete.The division does not come with the Latin Mass. The division really depends upon the Fake or Rational Premise in theology. With the Fake Premise there is a New Theology and with the Rational Premise we return to the old theology.

With the False Premise we create exceptions for the Syllabus of Errors     which really has no exceptions in real life.

With the False Premise at the Latin Mass there is a theological liberalism  and with the Rational Premise there is no liberalism at Holy Mass at all Mass.

With the Rational Premise we become traditionalists like Jesus, in John 3:5 and Mark 16:16. Was Jesus a ‘triumphalist’ in Mark 16:16 when he said those who do not believe will be condemned?

Was Jesus an extremist in John 3:5 when he said all need the baptism of water for salvation? Of course not. He was telling us about objective reality as it will be after we die. There is a Heaven and a Hell and most people are outside the Catholic Church.

–Lionel Andrades


APRIL 9, 2022

We have returned to the old lex orandi, lex credendi. Even Andrea Grillo in Rome has to go for the Novus Ordo Mass with the old theology. There is no other rational choice. Massimo Faggioli knows there is no way out

APRIL 8, 2022

Latin Mass Society, Una Voce must confirm that they interpret Vatican Council II rationally and in harmony with Tradition.