Thursday, May 26, 2022

A 3-Year-Old Catholic Girl With Supernatural Powers To Heal



by Fr. Paul John Kalchik  •  •  May 25, 2022    

Ignoring the 'Great Commission'

Ascension Thursday was kept as a holy day of obligation and strictly observed in U.S. dioceses on Thursday, the 40th day of Easter. But for some reason, its celebration in all but a few dioceses has been moved to the following Sunday, seemingly making the solemnity of little or no importance.

Sadly, the transfer of this solemnity from Thursday to Sunday in most U.S. dioceses with little or no explanation has only increased confusion surrounding this holy day. Many think what took place during Our Lord's Ascension wasn't too important because "they don't change the date when other important holidays like Christmas are celebrated."The Ascension of Our Lord is often greatly misunderstood. When asked about its significance, Catholics will start asking questions: "You're asking about when Jesus disappeared into the clouds, right?" or "Is that after or before Jesus commissioned the disciples?" or "Did Jesus sort of float up into the sky like a balloon?"

But what took place at Our Lord's Ascension is important and of great theological significance.

Saint Mark recounts the commission Jesus gave to His disciples: "He said to them, 'Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned.'"

Our Lord clearly orders His disciples to bring converts into His Church.

By this "Great Commission," Our Lord clearly orders His disciples to bring converts into His Church. By this commissioning of His disciples on the Mount of Olives, Jesus leaves them no wiggle room whatsoever.

Mic'd Up Report: The One True Faith

All nations are to be told the good news that, in Christ, God has redeemed all people, and all are to be baptized. Period. Any disciple who ignores this mandate of Our Lord is not much of a disciple. It's lamentable that so few Catholics are even aware of the Great Commission or the importance of baptism in man's redemption.

The sacrament of baptism

But this lack of understanding is changing, thanks to Church Militant and other good Catholic media sites spreading authentic Church teaching. Jesus wants all to be baptized, and we are all on the hook to evangelize those we encounter in our day-to-day activities. If we slow walk this commandment or ignore it outright, we'll be forced to render an account for our negligence at our judgments.

Many clerics and bishops appear to be ignoring this commandment from Our Lord. Instead of evangelizing and baptizing, they shutter and demolish thousands of our Catholic Churches throughout the world. And despite this horror playing out plain for all to see, they remain indifferent and apathetic.

You would think that these bishops, after closing even one parish in their own diocese, would start to connect the dots — that the lack of evangelization and baptisms is evidence of neglect for Christ's Great Commission. They should see that to rectify the problem, they need to get back to work and do their job of building the Church!

The lack of evangelization and baptisms is evidence of neglect for Christ's Great Commission.

Our Lord did not commission the Apostles on Mt. Olivet to "dialogue" with all nations or to publicize the evils of global warming. Our work as disciples, depending on the position we hold, clerical or lay, is to carry on Christ's work of salvation. You can be sure we will be judged on how well we fulfill or neglect this task!

The Second Coming of Christ

The second major thing we celebrate on the solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord is how Jesus showed by His ascent into Heaven that He was truly divine. Jesus is Lord, and there is no other.

In the fullness of time, as He promised, He will return on the clouds and usher in the new heavens and new earth. And just as Jesus fulfilled His promise to rise from the tomb on the third day, we can also be confident that in the fullness of time, Christ will keep His promise to return.

Knowledgeable of all these things, we should be mindful to keep the commandments Christ gave us, including the Great Commission. We have no other more important tasks. The really great news is that if we, as laymen and clerics, get down to business evangelizing and calling people to the sacraments of the Church, souls will be saved.

Pope Francis appoints pro-LGBT Cardinal Matteo Zuppi praised by top Freemason as pres of Italian bishops’ conference


"Francis appoints pro-LGBT cardinal praised by top Freemason as pres of Italian bishops’ conference"

"Pope Francis has appointed a pro-LGBT cardinal to be the new president of the Italian Bishops Conference, two years after a Masonic Grand Master praised him as a potential Pope.

On the second day of the 76th General Assembly of the Italian Bishops’ Conference (CEI), Pope Francis chose Cardinal Matteo Maria Zuppi, the 66-year-old Archbishop of Bologna, to lead the CEI for the next five years...

Cardinal Zuppi had received the most votes from the assembled bishops...

Pope Francis, prior to the General Assembly, declared that he wanted 'an authoritative cardinal' as leader of the CEI. Zuppi is considered by Vatican observers as a possible future Pope, or papabile, and is a familiar figure on Italian television networks.

History of pro-LGBT activism

Zuppi is widely regarded as a liberal in ecclesiastical circles, being a public proponent of LGBT ideology. In 2018 Zuppi penned an essay for the Italian translation of Father James Martin’s widely condemned pro-LGBT book, saying that the work was 'useful for encouraging dialogue, as well as reciprocal knowledge and understanding, in view of a new pastoral attitude that we must seek together with our L.G.B.T. brothers and sisters.'

He also quoted Cardinal Kevin Farrell’s commendation of the book, noting 'it will also help L.G.B.T. Catholics feel more at home in what is, after all, their church.'

Zuppi also praised another pro-LGBT work, written by an employee of the CEI in 2020, which called for a change in the Church’s teaching on homosexuality. Writing a preface for the work: 'When in our communities we really begin to look at people as God looks at them, then homosexual people, and everyone else, will also begin to feel, of course, part of the ecclesial community, on the way.'

'Sexual orientation, which no one ‘chooses,’ is not separable from the identity of the person; in welcoming the person we cannot prescind from his or her orientation,' wrote Zuppi."

They want to label you a domestic terroris and put you in prison if you speak out...

Court fines man for "gay hate crime" - Orders him to pay more than $3,000 and apologize to people he offended

Pelosi Banned From “Communion”

There is a lot of truth in this video made by Brother Peter Dimond of the Most Holy Family Monastery, New York. I agree with many things which they say here but I also disagree with many things. For example, Peter and Michael Dimond interpret Vatican Council II, with the False Premise. It is the same with ‘the Vatican Council II sect’.

I have mentioned this before but I get no response. I am also not allowed to comment on their website and there is no dialogue between us.Though, I appreciate their work on EENS and Catholic Tradition.

I don’t see the need to go into sedevacantism like them, since Vatican Council II is not a break with Catholic ecclesiocentism for me,when I use the Rational Premise to interpret the Council.

I affirm the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS like them. I also reject the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance as being practical exceptions for EENS, just like them.

But our understanding of BOD, BOB and I.I seems different.Since I do  accept BOD, BOB and I.I but only as being hypothetical cases. So I do not have to reject them. It is not BOD, BOB and I.I or EENS. I do not have to make the choice since BOD, BOB and I.I are not explicit for me.

For me they are always hypothetical and invisible cases in 2022. I would like to assume it is the same with the MHFM, but I do not know. Since there is a lot of confusion and there is no communication between us.

If BOD, BOB and I.I were hypothetical for them then LG 8, LG 14 (BOD), LG 16 (I.I), UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 would not be practical exceptions for their concept of EENS. So the Council would not be a rupture with Tradition.

Yet for Pope Francis and Brother Peter Dimond, Vatican Council II is a break with EENS, the Syllabus of Errors and the Athanasius Creed. So it means they are all interpreting LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc as being visible and objective cases in 2022. Only since they are physically visible in personal cases on earth this year, that they can be practical exceptions for EENS and the past exclusivist ecclesiology of , for example, the missionaries in the 16th century.Invisible people cannot be objective exceptions for EENS etc.

There is no comment from the MHFM. 

-Lionel Andrades

Archbishop Carlo Vigano and Dr. Taylor Marshall do not interpret Vatican Council II rationally and ask the political parties in Italy to have Jesus in the Catholic Church at the center of all politics


Archbishop Carlo Vigano and Dr. Taylor Marshall do not interpret Vatican Council II rationally. They also do not ask the political parties in Italy (Fratelli Italia, Lega Salvini etc) to affirm the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).Upon EENS was based the theological proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King in all political legislation. The priority to save souls from going to Hell, was also the non separation of the Catholic Church and the Catholic State.

This is what I believe today.Since I interpret Vatican Council II, rationally. So when I meet a non Catholic I know he is oriented to Hell. Since, this is the teaching of the Catholic Church only when Vatican Council II is interpreted with a Rational Premise.Ad Gentes 7 says all need faith and baptism for salvation while LG 8,14 and 16 are hypothetical and invisible cases in 2022.So they do not contradict Ad Gentes 7.

Ad Gentes 7 is in harmony with Feeneyite EENS. So we have a de fide teaching of the Church (EENS) supported by Vatican Council II (Rational). This is the Conciliar Church interpreted rationally (Creeds, Catechisms etc). This is not just a personal view, a private opinion.

Vigano and Marshall do not interpret Vatican Council II with the Rational Premise (invisible people are invisible).So they do not ask Pope Francis, Georgia Melloni and Matteo Salvini to do the same. Instead they choose to interpret Vatican Council II with the False Premise (invisible people are visible. LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 refer to visible non Catholics saved outside the Church in 2022).They remain politically correct with the Left. 

In Vatican Council II they project false exceptions for Tradition (EENS, Syllabus etc ).They also  reject Vatican Council II ( Rational) which would be in harmony with the Magisterium and missionaries of the 16th century, Italy.

 Vatican Council II (Irrational, with the False Premise) is the source of the present liberalism and modernism in Italy. It is an official break with the historical Catholic Church with it historical culture.

Georgia Melloni, Silvio Berlusconi and Matteo Salvini do not know about the False Theology. No one is telling them about it. They do not know that the False Premise is being used by the popes, cardinals and bishops to please the Left. So the whole Church, people in general, re-interpret Vatican Council II unethically and irrationally. All the members of these political parties in ignorance - are doing the same.

Italians are not told that with Vatican Council II (Rational) there is no rupture with the old theology. Since there are no practical exceptions mentioned in the Council-text for the old teaching on exclusive salvation being there, in only the Catholic Church.

The people do not know that with Vatican Council II (Rational) we return to Traditional Mission based upon exclusive salvation in the Church and then we can then proclaim Jesus at the center of all political legislation. We proclaim the Kingship of God at the center of all politics. We do not have to believe Pope Benedict when he says that there are exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II.There are exceptions only with Vatican Council II interpreted with the False Premise.

So that the people know, and the Church comes back to Tradition, it would be helpful if Archbishop Carlo Vigano would affirm Vatican Council II (Rational-invisible non Catholics are invisible in 2022) and admit that Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre made a mistake.

He wrongly interpreted Vatican Council II with the False Premise like Pope Paul VI and the popes who followed. Now the Society of St. Pius X and the liberals are following the same mistake. There is no one to tell the people the truth.-Lionel Andrades