Sunday, December 18, 2022

I have been getting a free pass from Massimo Faggioli


I have been getting a free pass from Massimo Faggioli.He has no objections.There is no criticism.He cannot point out any theological fault.Understandable.  My area of work is philosophy and it is here where he takes a beating. There is no way out. Liberalism based upon irrational philosophy has been exposed. It is only time before his idol crumbles.My interpretation of Vatican Council II is not political.The liberal interpretation of Vatican Council II is political. Pope Paul VI had a choice.

Theology has its base in philosophy. Here is where he finds the damage done the most to his formation and present writings. He knows it is all finished for liberal theology. Since with integrity, he cannot really continue to interpret the baptism of desire etc, as being physically visible.Then he cannot use this decepton to create a New Theology in which he projects visible cases of the baptism of desire, as a practical exception for Feeneyite EENS.

This was the mistake of his teacher Alberto Melloni of the Bologna School which still sells the leftist deception. I am not obligated to use the False Premise which he has to choose to create a break with 16th century extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Only in this way he has a New Theology, which was nurtured by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. It says outside the Church there is known salvation.Since there was known salvation; visible cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church, the liberals could create the New Ecumenism etc.

 But for me there is no known salvation outside the Church. This is common sense. So there can only remain an ecumenism of return.

What I write here is seen as a disaster for the liberals. Michael Sean Winters and Massimo Faggioli called an emergency meeting at Chicago which was attended by prominent leftist cardinals.O’Malley, and Cupich were there to discuss the end of Vatican Council II as we knew it for over half a century. There was a new version on the horizon and it was fatally traditionalist for them.

But Faggioli did not have the answers they wanted at the meeting. His keynote address was old stuff. There was no approach to counter what I write here and over the last nine months or so on Twitter.He was of no practical help for them.

Faggioli, knows that I am going back to the old theology by using the old rational philosophy. My strength is in traditional philosophy. I completed the two years philosophy studies at the University Pontifical Regina Apastolorum (UPRA) Rome but they would not let me sit for the final matriculation examination. Even today I am not allowed to complete the final semester or speak to students there. Since with the rational philosophy they too would have to come back to Tradition. There is no other choice.This is not a personal opinion of mine.

The professors at the Legion of Christ's  UPRA know this. It is the same at the other pontifical universities. What they are teaching is political and not Catholic.Faggioli knows this too. So he does not respond to my emails or posts on Twitter.

I am not presenting a new theology. Instead I am pulling down their New Theology, with rational philosophy.So I am out of his firing range.Faggioli, like Pope Benedict, gets his   New Theology only by choosing to interpret the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance as being physically visible cases in the present times.He makes a philosophical mistake. 

This is their weak pooint and we have found it. 

Visible cases of the baptism of desire become alleged objective exceptions for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla sales. The liberals  will say," Look Vatican Council II says outside the Chruch there is ( known) salvation". In this way there is a New Theology created which says outside the Catholic Church there is known salvation.

Faggioli continues to teach students about Vatican Council II and does not tell them that he is dishonestly interpreting the Council irrationally to produce an artificial break with Tradition.Villanova University now has a reputation of being acadamically unethical and there is no colleague of Faggioli, who can defend this university of the Augustinian Recollect community.It is  forced to choose an irrational premise, inference and conclusion to interpret Vatican Council II. With the rational premise there is always a hermeneutic of continuity with the Athanasius Creed, the Syllabus of Errors etc.This is an upset for them.

The old Vatican Council II is fading out..-Lionel  Andrades

DECEMBER 17, 2022

The basic issue which I keep writing about here is philosophical and not theological.