Saturday, January 7, 2023

It is unethical for Cardinal Luiz Ladari sj to allow Massimo Faggioli, Alberto Melloni and Cardinal Matteo Zuppi to interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and pretend this is the norm for the Council.


Pope Benedict went without putting things straight and Cardinal Ladaria seems to want to do the same. Like Pope Benedict he chooses the False Premise (Lumen Gentium 16 refers to a visible person in the present times, saved outside the Catholic Church) and False Inference (LG 16 is a visible example of salvation outside the Church and so an objective exception for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus). So his False Conclusion is that Vatican Council II (LG 16 etc.) is a rupture with Tradition (EENS, Syllabus of Errors etc.).

This is Cardinal Ladaria’s False Reasoning; a False Philosophy which he does not deny. Neither do the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) deny this common error. They officially approve it.

This issue is not being reported by the media. Neither do any of the cardinals’ comment on this.

This error has spread throughout the Church. It has spread like the Arian heresy of past times.

I have e-mailed these blog posts to Cardinal Ladaria and there is no comment.

There is no response also from Fr. Georges de Laire, Judicial Vicar, Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire, USA.

They are not telling the Jewish Left that they will avoid the False Premise and Inference in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.

Cardinal Ladaria is dishonest on this issue and is allowing the error to be taught throughout the world.

He was dishonest on Amoris Laetitia. There cannot be changes in faith and morals based upon a Vatican Council II which is a break with Tradition when interpreted irrationally.

The Council can also be interpreted rationally. Then there is no break with Tradition. So Cardinal Ladaria cannot justify Amoris Laetitia based upon Vatican Council II (irrational).

It is the same for the Catholic –Lutheran Declaration on Justification. The Lutherans are outside the Church according to Vatican Council II (rational) but he does not mention it. The Council says all need faith and the baptism, of water for salvation. The reference is to Catholic faith and the baptism of water, in general, in the Catholic Church. LG 8, 14, 16 etc. are not objective exceptions for Ad Gentes 7 and the dogma EENS. Lutherans do not have Catholic faith.

The Abu Dhabi Declaration also cannot be based upon Vatican Council II (irrational), Cardinal Ladaria would know this. Also the ecclesiology of the Synods cannot have its foundation upon Vatican Council II irrational. He does not talk about this dishonesty.

It is unethical for Cardinal Luiz Ladari sj to 

allow Massimo Faggioli, Alberto Melloni and Cardinal Matteo Zuppi to interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and pretend this is the norm for the Council. -Lionel Andrades

JANUARY 5, 2023

I get no response when I e-mail Fr. George de Laire, the Judicial Vicar of the Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire, USA.


JANUARY 2, 2023

Vatican Council II cannot be used any more to justify a break with traditional teachings on homosexuality,abortion, adultery, fornication, no salvation outside the Church,polygamy etc. So the cardinals must oppose the appointment of Bishop Heiner Wilmer scj, as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican.

DECEMBER 31, 2022

Cardinals must ask Bertone to affirm the Catholic Faith in public

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