Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Bradley Eli and the Vatican official mean the SSPX has to interpret and accept Vatican Council II irrational and not rational.



by Bradley Eli, M.Div., Ma.Th.  •  •  May 12, 2017    

Abp. Pozzo: The ball's in their court

ROME ( - A top Vatican official is saying the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), headed by Bp. Bernard Fellay, must sign a doctrinal declaration involving Vatican II before they can reunite with the Church.

Lionel:Bradley Eli and the Vatican official mean the SSPX has to accept Vatican Council II irrational and not rational. The SSPX has to interpret LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc irrationally and not rationally. They have to assume that LG 8 etc are objective cases in the present times, examples of salvation outside the Church and so the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (ENS) has become obsolete.


In a report published Thursday, Abp. Guido Pozzo, secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, the body tasked with facilitating the reunion with Rome of traditional breakaway groups like the SSPX, is saying, "The reconciliation will occur when Monsignor Fellay formally adheres to the doctrinal declaration that the Holy See presented to him. This is also the necessary condition to then proceed to the institutional regularization with the creation of a personal prelature."

Reportedly, Abp. Pozzo sees the proper interpretation of Vatican II as an essential element of this declaration. According to the report, "Guido Pozzo points out that the key to reconciliation lies in understanding the Second Vatican Council. The interpretations that were promoted by some theologians, intellectuals and the media have encouraged ruptures similar to the Lefebvrians." 

Lionel: Vatican Council II interpreted with a false premise, causes a rupture with Tradition. There are alleged exceptions for the dogma  EENS, the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors of Pius X. Archbishop Guido Pozzo, Archbishop Augustine di Noia, Archbishop Giacomo Morandi and Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj have always been interpreting Vatican Council II with a false premise. Politically they need to produce a rupture with Tradition.

The archbishop affirmed Thursday that the misinterpretations about the council's 16 documents led to misperceptions of the council by the SSPX, which diverged from Church teaching.
"This contradiction, this 'overlap,'" noted Pozzo, "has generated that climate of conflict, confusion and uncertainty about the Council's interpretation, which is at the root of the criticisms and difficulties raised by the Fraternity of St. Pius X."

Lionel: In 2012 the General Chapter of the SSPX issued a Statement in which they affirmed the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to the past Church Councils(1215 and 1442).This was the dogma EENS with no exceptions.

This Statement would have been rejected by the Vatican for political reasons.

During an interview in March, Abp. Pozzo likewise contrasted the so-called "spirit of Vatican II" as being essentially the problem rather than what the "true council" actually taught.

"The problem is therefore not the Second Vatican Council as such, but a certain way of understanding, applying and practicing the Council, the so-called 'spirit of the Council,'" he explained. "Pope Benedict XVI has spoken of a 'true council' and a 'virtual council,' the latter being the fruit of the mass media, the modernist currents of theology, in other words the 'conciliation ideology' that superimposed the genuine mens (mind) of the Council's Fathers."

Lionel: The liberalism, the ‘spirit of the Council’, ‘the true Council of Pope Benedict’ and the ‘conciliation ideology’ of Pope Benedict are all produced by interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally. Without the irrational premise and inference there is no non traditional conclusion. There is no liberalism. The mass media and modernist theologians choose the rational premise to produce the politically needed break with Tradition (EENS, Syllabus etc).

In March 2009, Pope Benedict XVI wrote a letter explaining the SSPX separation is doctrinal in nature and not merely canonical or legal:

The fact that the Society of Saint Pius X does not possess a canonical status in the Church is not, in the end, based on disciplinary but on doctrinal reasons. ... In order to make this clear once again: Until the doctrinal questions are clarified, the society has no canonical status in the Church, and its ministers — even though they have been freed of the ecclesiastical penalty — do not legitimately exercise any ministry in the Church. ... In light of this situation, it is my intention henceforth to join the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei — the body which has been competent since 1988 for those communities and persons who, coming from the Society of Saint Pius X or from similar groups, wish to return to full communion with the Pope — to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. This will make it clear that the problems now to be addressed are essentially doctrinal in nature and concern primarily the acceptance of the Second Vatican Council and the post-conciliar magisterium of the Popes.

 Lionel: The ‘doctrinal question’ has never been clarified by Pope Benedict. The doctrinal issue of the false premise and inference has never been discussed by anyone at the Vatican. At the Vatican-SSPX Doctrinal talks during the pontificate of Pope Benedict, both sides were interpreting Vatican Council II with the same false premise. Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj accepted the non traditional and heretical conclusion and the SSPX side rejected it, as always.

Pope Francis will not say that he interprets LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc as being only hypothetical and theoretical. So they are not objective exceptions for the dogma EENS according to the past Church Councils which defined EENS.He will not admit that Vatican Council II supports EENS with Ad Gentes 7 and Lumen Gentium 14 and the Catechism of the Catholic Church 845,846, while the baptism of desire (LG 14),being saved in invincible ignorance(LG16), UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc, are not objective exceptions for AG 7 and LG 14 or CCC 845,846. 

He continued:

The Church's teaching authority cannot be frozen in the year 1962 — this must be quite clear to the society. But some of those who put themselves forward as great defenders of the council also need to be reminded that Vatican II embraces the entire doctrinal history of the Church. Anyone who wishes to be obedient to the council has to accept the Faith professed over the centuries, and cannot sever the roots from which the tree draws its life. 

 Lionel: This is false. This is a political left statement.I interpret the Council with the rational premise and so there is no break with the dogma EENS according to the Church Councils. I interpret LG 8,14 and 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc as being only hypothetical cases. So they do not contradict Feeneyite EENS i.e EENS according to the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) etc. So this 'embraces the entire doctrinal history of the Church'.This is 'the Faith professed over the centuries', 'the roots' from which the ecclesiastical tree draws life.

Obviously Pope Benedict and Pope Francis have not been saying the same thing. They have chosen the hermeneutic of rupture.- Lionel Andrades



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