Tuesday, April 11, 2023

So the SSPX irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II, even after being informed all these years, is political and deceptive. It is unethical. It is dishonest for Catholics who continue with this falsehood.


When I ask Fr. Federico Montani questions about the Catholic Faith, he tells me to ask the District Superior, Albano Lazio. Why? Is not the Catholic Faith the same for him and the Superior?

No it is not.

It is not the Catholic Faith of Tradition for the both of them. It differs, because they both choose the same false premise to interpret Vatican Council II. So the Council is political and not Catholic.

This is now a political issue.

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre accepted the mistake of the main line Church in 1965. He did not correct the mistake in the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office .This was about the time of the creation of the new state of Israel. It was as if he wanted a break with Tradition, as if he did not know that the Council could be intepreted rationally and there would be a continuity with the past.

The interpretation of Vatican Council II by Pope Paul VI and Archbishop Lefebvre was irrational and so politically correct in Israel. It was not Anti Semitic.

So the SSPX irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II, even after being informed all these years, is political and deceptive. It is unethical. It is dishonest for Catholics who continue with this falsehood. - Lionel Andrades

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