Wednesday, June 28, 2023

We now have a Vatican Council II which is rational and traditional. So Cardinal Grech and Hollerich's Instrumental Laboris of the Synod is obsolete. How can you have a Synod which comes ‘out of the blue’ and supports polygamous, homosexual-sex and other mortal sins of faith?


We now have a Vatican Council II which is rational and traditional. So Cardinal Grech and Hollerich's Instrumental Laboris  of the Synod is obsolete. How can you have a Synod which comes ‘out of the blue’ and supports polygamous, homosexual-sex and other mortal sins of faith?

They cannot justify all this irrationalism with a traditional Vatican Council II.Since it supports only the old exclesiology of the 16th century Roman Missal at the Latin Mass. - Lionel Andrades

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