Judges at the Vatican Courts are poltical and dishonest


Judges at Vatican Court dishonest

 The Judges of the Vatican’s Signatura, the Vatican Tribunals, still interpret Vatican Council II irrationally. They are not  competent to handle Canon Law cases until this issue is settled.

 For instance canonical petitions were filed by the religious community Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, at the St. Benedict Center (SBC), New Hampshire. This community interprets Vatican Council II rationally and they are in the diocese of Manchester, USA. Their bishop Peter Liabsci, the bishop of Manchester, and the Judicial Vicar Fr. Georges de Laire, interpret Vatican Council II irrationally. Along with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican, the diocese has placed a Decree of Prohibitions against the SBC in New Hampshire.

Cardinal Luiz Ladaris sj and Archbishop Augustine di Noia at the CDF, Vatican, interpret Vatican Council II irrationally like Bishop Libasci and the judges at the Vatican courts.

So how can there be justice for Brother Andre Marie micm, the prior at the SBC in New Hampshire? He interprets Vatican Council, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus etc rationally. A thorn in the flesh.

The CDF, Bishop Libasci and his Curia and the Judges of the Signatura are all unethical. They are dishonestly trying to force Brother Andre Marie micm. to interpret the Council etc irrationally like them. So a Decree has been issued against the SBC in New Hampshire.

The CDF and Bishop Libasci have a rational option but they are not choosing it for political-Left reasons. They intentionally want a break with Tradition.So they are unethical.

The Canon lawyer for Brother André Marie is forced to interpret the Creeds, Catechisms, the baptism of desire, being saved in invincible ignorance etc. irrationally and dishonestly for political reasons.It is only in this way that he can function in the courts.

The SBC is a traditionalist religious community like the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX).They  have had their chapel taken away by the Vatican and are not allowed the Latin Mass like before. Why? Since they do not interpret Vatican Council II and EENS like the Vatican and the other religious communities in New Hampshire.

Catholic Canonist Associations in the USA and Italy and also in other countries, should be free to interpret Vatican Council II rationally.Now they are not.

The canonist Cardinal Gianfranco Ghirlanda sj interprets Vatican Council II irrationally and as the Commissar of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, expects Fr. Stefano Manelli ffi, to also interpret the Council irrationally. This is not Catholic.

The Catholics Lawyers Associations should start filing petitions, appealing to the judges at the Vatican courts to interpret the Council rationally and so honestly. Lawyers in the secular courts and ecclesiastical courts must appeal for Vatican Council II to be interpreted honestly and non politically.This is the Catholic thing to do.

Also TV stations in Italy and the rest of the world, must interpret the Council rationally and support Tradition and not a false liberalism. TV 2000 and RAI 1 must produce new documentaries and talk shows on Vatican Council II, with LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc interpreted as only hypothetical cases. The old programs they produces were politcal and interpreted LG 8 etc with the fake premise and inference. So there was a non traditional conclusion.

Italian TV’s, present leftist propaganda on Vatican Council II, supported by Alberto Melloni and the Bologna School (FSCIRE) must end. It’s dishonest.- Lionel Andrades