Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Fr. Franz Schmidberger and Fr. Nicklaus Pfluger allow the German and French Bishops Conferences to interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and not rationally and they are not correcting them in public on this issue.


All these years the SSPX was in collusion with the Left and interpreted Vatican Council II as a rupture and not continuation with Tradition. They did not want to be considered Anti Semitic. So they did not affirm the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) on the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, with no known exceptions. Instead they were creating exceptions for the Council of Florence and the Fourth Lateran Council. Instead they were creating exceptions for these Councils, which did not mention any exceptions. They did this by interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally and not rationally. They would also interpret the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance, irrationally, like the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office. So in this way they would reject Feeneyite EENS. There was a new version of EENS with exceptions, a Cushingite or Laisneyite EENS.

There is not a single book published by the SSPX Angelus Press, which interprets LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc rationally i.e. they are hypothetical and theoretical cases only. They exist only in our mind. They are not practical exceptions for Feeneyite EENS.

There is no book written by Fr. Franz Schmidberger on LG 8 etc, being only hypothetical. Instead the books in German and French, interpret Vatican Council II irrationally. 

Fr. Franz Schmidberger and Fr. Nicklaus Pfluger allow the German and French Bishops Conferences to interpret Vatican Council II irrationally and not rationally and they are not correcting them in public on this issue. - Lionel Andrades

 APRIL 16, 2023

SSPX conspiracy on Vatican Council II


APRIL 15, 2023

Bishop Fellay remains part of the conspiracy on Vatican Council II

Fr.Federico Montani will be offering the Latin Mass at the SSPX District Center in Albano, during this week, and no one is asking him for an account of his Catholic Faith in public.The SSPX District Albano is also not quick to issue a statement.Fr. Montani is interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally while he has a rational option.


Fr.Federico Montani will be offering the Latin Mass at the SSPX District Center in Albano, during this week, and no one is asking him for an account of his Catholic Faith in public.The SSPX District Albano is also not quick to issue a statement.Fr. Montani is interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally while he has a rational option. This is official schism. Since he changes the traditional understanding of the Nicene Creed and rejects the Athanasius Creed. There are liberal interpretations of the Catechisms of Trent and Pius X on the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance. The Syllabus of Errors is made obsolete.

Fr. Federico Montani is a good preacher and I like his sermons. He is comfortable with Tradition. He has a fluent and particular style which is different from the other SSPX priests in Italy.

However he is obediently following the heresy and schism of the SSPX General Council on Vatican Council II, irrational.There can now be two interpretations of Vatican Council II, one is rational and the other is irrational. It all depends upon how LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are interpreted. They, LG 8 etc,  can be interpreted with or without a false premise and the conclusion is different. The SSPX conclusion is un-ethical.  The General Curia in Econe is now even afraid to talk about it in public for political reasons.

Even lay supporters of the SSPX, like Roberto dei Mattei, a rich man, are interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally and keeping silent on this issue.  -Lionel Andrades

MAY 1, 2023

How can the SSPX faithful at the St. Catherine of Siena chapel in Rome receive a plenary indulgence under the usual conditions?


Forza Nuova website


The Forza Nuova political party according to their website adhere to eight points and so oppose the Left. In keeping with their manifesto they could announce that they support Vatican Council II interpreted rationally. For then LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II would refer to only hypothetical cases. This is not how the Left interprets the Council.

LG 8 ,14, 16 etc would become invisible cases for the FN while they are presently visible cases for the Vatican which follows the Left on this issue.

That LG 8, 14 and 16 refer to only theoretical cases in 2023 is common sense. But the Left is dishonest. It interprets them as physically visible examples of non Catholics saved outside the Catholic Church in the present times. In this way exceptions are created for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. The Athanasius Creed is made obsolete for the whole Church. This is the ruse of the Masons.

The whole Church is interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally and this is approved by the Zionists.

With Lumen Gentium 14 (baptism of desire) and Lumen Gentium 16 (invincible ignorance) referring to visible examples of salvation outside the Church in 1949-2023, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, according to the Fourth Lateran Council (1215), is set aside in the Church.

So Traditional Mission is made obsolete too. Since it is said that there is known salvation outside the Catholic Church, according to Vatican Council II (LG 14, LG 16 etc interpreted irrationally). So then it is asked why must  everyone enter the Catholic Church for salvation. Why have mission? The Church no more claims that it has exclusive salvation after Vatican Council II (interpreted irrationally) it is said. They why must there be mission to non Catholics?

In the same way it said that since there are known cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church in the present times; people who have been saved without faith and the baptism of water, then why must we proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King in all politics?

So it is important for the FN to affirm Vatican Council II, interpreted only rationally. It must be asked: where are are known people saved outside the Church this year? Who has seen someone saved in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire? No one. If someone is saved as such he or she would be in Heaven. These are invisible cases for us human beings. So they cannot be practical exceptions for the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the past ecclesiocentrism of the Catholic Church.

Presently the understanding of the Nicene Creed and the Apostles Creed recited at the Latin Mass is different for the FN members and for me. This is the situation in the Church. We do not have unity on the Creeds. This is the same problem at Mass in Italian. This has to be corrected by the FN.

The FN members could go along with the Catholics in front of the Nuncio’s office in Paris, where they seek liberty for the Latin Mass. The FN could demand there that the Nuncio in Paris and the Archbishop of Paris interpret Vatican Council II and the Creeds, Councils and Catechisms rationally and honestly. This will bring the entire Church in France, including those who go for Mass in the vernacular, back to the ecclesiology of the 1962 Missal. The Catholic Church returns to Tradition with one simple move - interpreting Magisterial Documents rationally. The FN must deal with this issue and express it on its website. -Lionel Andrades
