Monday, June 19, 2023

Der Bezirksobere der SSPX in Italien bekräftigt den katholischen Glauben nicht in der Öffentlichkeit


19. JUNI 2023

Der Bezirksobere der SSPX in Italien bekräftigt den katholischen Glauben nicht in der Öffentlichkeit



- Lionel Andrades

JUNE 19, 2023

SSPX's District Superior in Italy does not affirm the Catholic faith in public

Le supérieur de district de la FSSPX en Italie n'affirme pas la foi catholique en public


Le supérieur du district de la Fraternité Saint-Pie X (SSPX) à Albano, en Italie, une fois de plus lors de la messe dominicale en latin à la chapelle de la FSSPX à Rome, hier à 11 heures, n'a pas interprété rationnellement le Concile Vatican II et a ainsi affirmé le dogme extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) selon le quatrième concile du Latran (1215). La FSSPX continue sciemment d'interpréter le Concile Vatican II comme une rupture avec la Tradition. C'est un scandale. Le Supérieur réinterprète hérétiquement le Credo de Nicée, rejetant le Credo d'Athanase et mettant de côté l'interprétation traditionnelle des Catéchismes. C'est du libéralisme et un gâchis doctrinal. Don Louis Sentagne a offert la messe à la chapelle de la FSSPX près de la station de métro Cavour.


 1.Dans son sermon, il aurait pu dire que LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc. dans le Concile Vatican II se réfèrent uniquement à des cas hypothétiques. Ils font toujours référence à des cas physiquement invisibles de baptême de désir (LG 14) et ignorance invincible (LG 16)  mentionnés dans la Lettre du Saint-Office de 1949 à l'Archevêque de Boston relative au P. Léonard Feeney (LOHO).

 2.So LG 14 etc ne sont pas des exceptions pratiques pour le dogme EENS du quatrième Concile de Latran (1215) du Pape Honorius III, qui a approuvé la communauté religieuse Ordre des Prêcheurs de Saint Dominique Guzman.


3. Don Louis Sentagne aurait pu dire que Mgr Marcel Lefebvre s'est trompé en acceptant la LOHO de 1949 avec son erreur objective, confondant l'invisible avec le visible. Il a mal interprété le Concile Vatican II.

4. Aussi les évêques de la FSSPX et Don Davide Pagliarani, le supérieur général de la FSSPX interprètent le Concile Vatican II de manière irrationnelle pour des raisons politiques et ils ont accepté la confusion et l'erreur de la 1949 LOHO , tout comme Pape Pie XII. 


Pie XII a ignoré l'erreur du LOHO de 1949. C'était après la Seconde Guerre mondiale et la création de l'État d'Israël. Ainsi, une nouvelle théologie est entrée dans l'Église - ça ditl  qu'en dehors de l'Église, il y a salut connu. Cette nouvelle théologie est basée sur la fausse prémisse invisible-les gens-sont-visibles de la LOHO de 1949. La LOHO (Lettre du Saint-Office) a été placée dans le Denzinger et référencée dans le Concile Vatican II (LG 16). L'erreur n'a jamais été corrigée par le cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, en tant que préfet de la CDF.  Sinon, Ratzinger affirmerait  Feeneyite EENS, le Credo d'Athanase et le Syllabus des Erreurs du Pape Pie IX. 


J'avais mentionné dans un article de blog précédent qu'ici à Rome, les prêtres de la FSSPX ont peur d'affirmer le dogme EENS en public et qu'ils interprètent donc le Concile Vatican II de manière irrationnelle comme les libéraux, les papes et les cardinaux. Puisqu'ils veulent protéger leur "carrière" de prêtres. Les laïcs les suivent. C'est la même chose au Vatican.-Lionel Andrades

JUNE 19, 2023

SSPX's District Superior in Italy does not affirm the Catholic faith in public

Il Superiore Distretto della FSSPX in Italia non afferma la fede cattolica in pubblico



Il Superiore di Distretto della Fraternità San Pio X (FSSPX) ad Albano, Italia, ancora una volta alla Messa domenicale in latino nella cappella della FSSPX a Roma, ieri alle 11, non ha interpretato razionalmente il Concilio Vaticano II e quindi non ha affermato il dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) secondo il IV Concilio Lateranense (1215). La FSSPX continua consapevolmente a interpretare il Concilio Vaticano II come una rottura con la Tradizione. Questo è uno scandalo. Il Superiore sta reinterpretando ereticamente il Credo Niceno e rifiutando il Credo di Atanasio e l'interpretazione tradizionale dei Catechismi. Questo è liberalismo e un pasticcio dottrinale. Don Louis Sentagne ha offerto la Messa nella cappella della FSSPX vicino alla stazione della metropolitana Cavour. 


1. Nella sua omelia avrebbe potuto dire che LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 ecc. nel Concilio Vaticano II si riferiscono solo a casi ipotetici. Si riferiscono sempre a casi fisicamente invisibili di battesimo di desiderio (LG 14) e di salvezza nell'invincibile ignoranza (LG 16) citati nella Lettera del Sant'Uffizio del 1949 all'Arcivescovo di Boston relativa a p. Leonard Feney (Letter of the Holy Office -LOHO). 

2.Così LG 14 etc non sono eccezioni pratiche per il dogma EENS del IV Concilio Lateranense (1215) di Papa Onorio III, che approvò la comunità religiosa Ordine dei Predicatori di San Domenico Guzman. 


3. Don Louis Sentagne avrebbe potuto dire che l'arcivescovo Marcel Lefebvre ha commesso un errore quando ha accettato la LOHO del 1949 con il suo errore oggettivo, confondendo l'invisibile con il visibile. Ha interpretato il Concilio Vaticano II in modo errato. 

4. Anche i vescovi della FSSPX e Don Davide Pagliarani, Superiore Generale della FSSPX stanno interpretando irrazionalmente il Concilio Vaticano II per motivi politici e hanno accettato la confusione e l'errore della LOHO del 1949, come fece Papa Pio XII. 


Pio XII ha trascurato l'errore nella LOHO del 1949. Questo avvenne dopo la seconda guerra mondiale e la creazione dello stato di Israele. Così una Nuova Teologia entrò nella Chiesa. Dice che al di fuori della Chiesa si conosce la salvezza. Questa nuova teologia si basa sulla falsa premessa.La falsa premessa dice che persone invisibili sono visibili. Questa era la false premessa di 1949 LOHO. La LOHO (Lettera del Sant'Uffizio) è stata collocata nel Denzinger e citata nel Concilio Vaticano II (LG 16). L'errore non è mai stato corretto dal cardinale Joseph Ratzinger, come prefetto della CDF. Altrimenti dovrebbe affermare Feeneyite EENS, il Credo di Atanasio e il Sillabo degli Errori di Papa Pio IX. 


Avevo menzionato in un precedente post sul questo blog che, qui a Roma, i sacerdoti della FSSPX hanno paura di affermare il dogma EENS in pubblico e quindi stanno interpretando il Concilio Vaticano II in modo irrazionale come i liberali, i papi e i cardinali. Dal momento che vogliono proteggere le loro "carriere" di sacerdoti. I laici li seguono. È lo stesso in Vaticano. - Lionel Andrades

JUNE 19, 2023

SSPX's District Superior in Italy does not affirm the Catholic faith in public

SSPX's District Superior in Italy does not affirm the Catholic faith in public



The District Superior of the Society of St.Pius X(SSPX) at Albano, Italy once again at the Sunday Latin Mass at the SSPX chapel in Rome, yesterday at 11 a.m, did not interpret Vatican Council II rationally and so affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) according to the Fourth Lateran Council (1215). The SSPX knowingly continues to interpret Vatican Council II as a rupture with Tradition. This is a scandal. The Superior is re-interpreting the Nicene Creed heretically, rejecting the Athanasius Creed and putting aside the traditional interpretation of the Catechisms. This is liberalism and a doctrinal mess. Don Louis Sentagne offered the Mass at the SSPX chapel near the Cavour Metro Station.


1.In his sermon he could have said that LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II refer to hypothetical cases only. They always refer to physically invisible cases of the baptism of desire (LG 14) and being saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16) mentioned in the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston relative to Fr. Leonard Feeney (LOHO).

2.So LG 14 etc are not practical exceptions for the dogma EENS of the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) of Pope Honorius III, who approved the religious community Order of Preachers of St. Dominic Guzman.


3. Don Louis Sentagne could have said that Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre made a mistake when he accepted the 1949 LOHO with its objective error, confusing what is invisible as being visible. He interpreted Vatican Council II incorrectly.

4. Also the SSPX bishops and Don Davide Pagliarani, the Superior General of the SSPX are interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally for political reasons and they have accepted the confusion and error of the 1949 LOHO, as did Pope Pius XII.


Pius XII overlooked the mistake in the 1949 LOHO. This was after World War II and the creation of the state of Israel. So a New Theology came into the Church. It says outside the Church there is known salvation. This New Theology is based upon the false invisible- people- are- visible premise of the 1949 LOHO. The LOHO ( Letter of the Holy Office)  has been placed in the Denzinger and referenced in Vatican Council II (LG 16). The mistake was never corrected by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, as Prefect of the CDF. Otherwise he would have to affirm Feeneyite EENS, the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX.


I had mentioned in an earlier blog post that here in Rome the SSPX priests are afraid to affirm the dogma EENS in public and so they are interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally like the liberals and the popes and cardinals. Since they want to protect their ‘careers’ as priests. The laity follows them. It is the same at the Vatican. - Lionel Andrades

SACRED HEART WARRIORS - Catholics assemble in L.A. against anti-Catholic bigotry.



Catholics assemble in L.A. against anti-Catholic bigotry.

Franciscans of the Immaculate ( Latin group ) not present at the 50 years celebration of their parish in Boccea


JUNE 19, 2023

Franciscans of the Immaculate ( Latin group ) not present at the 50 years celebration of their parish in Boccea

Franciscans of the Immaculate ( Latin group ) not present at the 50 years celebration of their parish in Boccea

Father Massimiliano M. Zangherati fi the new Vicar General could tell us how do they interpret Vatican Council II. I do not interpret Vatican Council II like Corrado Gnerre and Roberto dei Mattei.

Franciscans of the Immaculate ( Latin group ) not present at the 50 years celebration of their parish in Boccea

Fr. Settimo Manelli ffi  and Fr. Giovanni Manelli ffi and Fr. Paulo Siano ffi were not present yesterday evening at the 50 years celebration of their former parish Santa Maria di Nazareth, Boccea, Rome. However the FFI priests who offer Mass in only Italian were present.The bishops who were invited could not be present it was announced. The old church of the parish which completes 50 years is in the possession of the lay members of the Franciscans of the Immaculate (FFI), the Comitato dell Immaculata. It must be remembered that Pope Francis closed down the Third Order of the FFI. 

The doors of the old church are open day and night after a break in and systemic destruction of the interior over two weeks. The church has an open passageway to the old seminary building in front of it, which Pope Francis closed in 2013.

The Mass in Italian at the new church yesterday evening was concelebrated by Fr. John Francisco ffi, the former Superior of the FFI and Rector of the seminary.He was approved by Pope Francis, after Fr. Stefano Manelli ffi, was replaced by Fr. Fidenzio Volpi.Also concelebrating was Fr. Giseppe Grioni ffi, the former Parish Priest at this parish, Santa Maria di Nazareth, Casalotti, Boccea.There was also Fr. Jose Vellozo, who was the Assistant Parish priest, after the Comitato dell Immaculate asked the Franciscans of the Immaculate ( Fr. Affonso Bruno's group) to leave.A concelebrant yesterday was Fr. Maximmilian M. Zingaharetti ffi ,the new Vicar General, and member of the new administration of the FFI, which has replaced the Commissar. There was no mention of the re-opening of the FFI seminary and church.

Before the intervention of Pope Francis in this Selva Candida-parish, some 10 or 11 years back I would attend Mass here offered in Italian and Latin by Fr. Settimo Mannelli ffi, the Parish Priest and Rector of the FFI seminary. He was not present yesterday.

At yesterday's Mass with Fr. Giuseppe and Fr. John Francesco present there was no mention of the Mannelli family and their contribution for the parish. The Mannellis were in the parish before Fr. Giuseppe and Fr. John Francesco were ordained priests.

Mass was followed by a procession with the statue of Our Lady through the streets of the parish.

The central problem in the parish, and Church, is the lack of Catholic faith and sacrifice.The priests who know the Catholic faith, are not proclaiming the Faith and this is being encourgaed by the Rome Vicariate.They do not want to be martyrs for Jesus Christ and His Church.Life in Boccea is also comfortable for the parishioners, most of whom drive to the church in their car.

There is tension with the Muslims of the area who come with threats. They want Catholics to follow Shariah. Then there is tension with the Masons of the Rome municipality who have their secular, anti-Catholic agenda. A school alongside the Chruch, which belonged to a Catholic missionary religious community, has been handed to Muslims and private ownership. There was no protest by the Catholics.

Muslim-Masonic police from countries like Pakistan, where Freemasony is banned, are the new 'magisterium' in this church, as in others.Muslims who do not believe there is exclusive salvation in only Jesus and the Catholic Church, do the Readings.Catholics like sheep respond , in the responsorial psalm.Those who do not affirm the Leftist agenda will be labelled 'terrorists' and then persecuted.

The Catholic Church is a community of believers. We have unity in doctrine and theology. Non Catholics who serve at the altar at morning Mass in this church of Santa Maria di Nazareth, are not part of the community of belivers.

Priests and altar servers must always be Catholic.There cannot be a non Muslim muezzin, for example, in a mosque calling Muslims to pray. This is something obvious.-Lionel Andrades

Father Massimiliano M. Zangherati fi the new Vicar General could tell us how do they interpret Vatican Council II. I do not interpret Vatican Council II like Corrado Gnerre and Roberto dei Mattei.