Sunday, June 25, 2023

Then the media cannot nurture the traditionalist-liberal division.Since there would not be any such division. We would have unity in doctrine and theology, with Vatican Council II.

JUNE 25, 2023

The French media refer to the Chartre pilgrimage as a meeting of traditionalists against Vatican Council II. The media creates the traditionalist-liberal division by interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally. If the Council is interpreted rationally then the ecclesiology of the Church is the same at Mass in Latin or French. Vatican Council II is traditional even for those who offer/attend the Novus Ordo Mass, like me.

The French media refer to the Chartre pilgrimage as a meeting of traditionalists against Vatican Council II. The media creates the traditionalist-liberal division by interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally. If the Council is interpreted rationally then the ecclesiology of the Church is the same at Mass in Latin or French. Vatican Council II is traditional even for those who offer/attend the Novus Ordo Mass, like me. The Mass and Vatican Council II is not a source of division for me. I interpret the Council rationally and so there is the hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition. The media in Francs needs to interpret the Council rationally and not irrationally.

When the Council is interpreted rationally the liberalism, associated with the Novus Ordo Mass, ends. It’s not there.

Being a traditionalist does not depend upon the Latin Mass. We know at the Rome chapel and the Albano District Headquarters of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) that they will not affirm Vatican Council II in harmony with the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) on the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).This is not a problem for me.I affirm Vatican Council II, rational and I also go for Mass in Italian. I am affirming Tradition and do not go for only the Latin Mass. Neither do I reject Vatican Council II, rational. 

I do reject Vatican Council II, irrational, as do the SSPX.

But it is the SSPX who is supporting the division in the Church expressed by the liberal media, when they interpret Vatican Council II irrationally.

Archbishop Lefebvre saw the liberalism in the Church with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus being replaced by LG 14, LG 16, LG 8, UR 3 etc. He blamed Vatican Council II and the new Mass for the break with Tradition. But this was not the cause of the liberalism. It was an effect which was obvious. The cause was deeper and he did not know it.

Today we see the liberalism in the Synods and think this is the cause of Vatican Council II. No. The polygamy etc of the Synods is the effect. The cause lies elsewhere.

The 'cause': was there in 1949.

The cause is the invisible cases are visible premise. The confusion over what is implicit and explicit.

It  precedes Vatican Council II. It was there in the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston relative to Fr. Leonard Feeney.

Here is the cause for the liberalism in the Church. We have found it. We have a discovery. Now we can avoid the mistake and the liberalism drops off.

Once Vatican Council II is interpreted with LG 8,14,16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc being hypothetical and theoretical cases, then the Council is not a break with Tradition. There is no traditionalist-liberal division. Since there is no more theological support for liberalism.

So the Chartres pilgrimage would be a Catholic pilgrimage and not a traditionalist pilgrimage. Since the ecclesiology is traditional at the Novus Ordo and Latin Mass when Vatican Council II is interpreted rationally.

The Novus Ordo Mass would support 16th century EENS since the Council supports it. The Council returns to Tradition and is in harmony, and not a rupture, with the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors. So future popes, cardinals and bishops can only interpret the Council rationally and support the ecclesiology of the 16th Roman Missal. There is no other rational and honest choice.

Then the media cannot  nurture the traditionalist-liberal division.Since there would not be any such division. We would have unity in doctrine and theology, with Vatican Council II. -Lionel Andrades

JUNE 23, 2023

Father Stefano Visintin osb has reconciled with the developments in the Church and chooses to remain a professor of theology at St.Anselm , where the atmosphere is political and not Catholic.

The French media refer to the Chartre pilgrimage as a meeting of traditionalists against Vatican Council II. The media creates the traditionalist-liberal division by interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally. If the Council is interpreted rationally then the ecclesiology of the Church is the same at Mass in Latin or French. Vatican Council II is traditional even for those who offer/attend the Novus Ordo Mass, like me.

The French media refer to the Chartre pilgrimage as a meeting of traditionalists against Vatican Council II. The media creates the traditionalist-liberal division by interpreting Vatican Council II irrationally. If the Council is interpreted rationally then the ecclesiology of the Church is the same at Mass in Latin or French. Vatican Council II is traditional even for those who offer/attend the Novus Ordo Mass, like me. The Mass and Vatican Council II is not a source of division for me. I interpret the Council rationally and so there is the hermeneutic of continuity with Tradition. The media in Francs needs to interpret the Council rationally and not irrationally.

When the Council is interpreted rationally the liberalism, associated with the Novus Ordo Mass, ends. It’s not there.

Being a traditionalist does not depend upon the Latin Mass. We know at the Rome chapel and the Albano District Headquarters of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) that they will not affirm Vatican Council II in harmony with the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) on the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).This is not a problem for me.I affirm Vatican Council II, rational and I also go for Mass in Italian. I am affirming Tradition and do not go for only the Latin Mass. Neither do I reject Vatican Council II, rational. 

I do reject Vatican Council II, irrational, as do the SSPX.

But it is the SSPX who is supporting the division in the Church expressed by the liberal media, when they interpret Vatican Council II irrationally.

Archbishop Lefebvre saw the liberalism in the Church with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus being replaced by LG 14, LG 16, LG 8, UR 3 etc. He blamed Vatican Council II and the new Mass for the break with Tradition. But this was not the cause of the liberalism. It was an effect which was obvious. The cause was deeper and he did not know it.

Today we see the liberalism in the Synods and think this is the cause of Vatican Council II. No. The polygamy etc of the Synods is the effect. The cause lies elsewhere.

The 'cause': was there in 1949.

The cause is the invisible cases are visible premise. The confusion over what is implicit and explicit.

It  precedes Vatican Council II. It was there in the 1949 Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston relative to Fr. Leonard Feeney.

Here is the cause for the liberalism in the Church. We have found it. We have a discovery. Now we can avoid the mistake and the liberalism drops off.

Once Vatican Council II is interpreted with LG 8,14,16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc being hypothetical and theoretical cases, then the Council is not a break with Tradition. There is no traditionalist-liberal division. Since there is no more theological support for liberalism.

So the Chartres pilgrimage would be a Catholic pilgrimage and not a traditionalist pilgrimage. Since the ecclesiology is traditional at the Novus Ordo and Latin Mass when Vatican Council II is interpreted rationally.

The Novus Ordo Mass would support 16th century EENS since the Council supports it. The Council returns to Tradition and is in harmony, and not a rupture, with the Athanasius Creed and the Syllabus of Errors. So future popes, cardinals and bishops can only interpret the Council rationally and support the ecclesiology of the 16th Roman Missal. There is no other rational and honest choice.

Then the media cannot  nurture the traditionalist-liberal division.Since there would not be any such division. We would have unity in doctrine and theology, with Vatican Council II. -Lionel Andrades