Saturday, September 26, 2009



St. Maximillian Kolbe once said that if your religious superior teaches heresy you do not have to be obedient to him. If you are obedient, St. Alphonsus Ligouri would say it is a mortal sin. He even says do not go to receive the Sacraments from your Superior. Disobedient- this is exactly what Bro. Francis Malus M.I.C.M was when he affirmed Catholic dogma and opposed the Jesuit Rector of Boston College, USA. Of course, he was expelled from the faculty as a professor. Bro. Francis died on Sept 5. His funeral Mass was held  Thursday (Sept.10).

A disciple of Fr. Leonard Feeney and Superior of the community Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, St. Benedict Center, NH, he taught the Catholic dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. His message was de facto all people needed to enter the Catholic Church, for salvation, with no exceptions. Everyone in Boston needed to be Catholic.

Opposed by the Rector of Boston College and the Cardinal Archbishop of the diocese, it was assumed wrongly that Bro. Francis was teaching – de jure (in principle, at the theological and intellectual level) there were no exceptions to salvation e.g. baptism of desire etc.

Prohibitions were placed by the Archbishop on St. Benedict Center. The issue was Catholic doctrine. Or, so it was said.

The Vatican issued a Letter addressed to Cardinal Richard Cushing the Archbishop of Bishop (1949). The Letter affirmed ‘the infallible teaching’ and ‘the dogma’- as taught ex cathedra by the Council of Florence and many other Councils and popes. All Jews in Boston de facto needed to convert. De jure there could be exceptions (implicit faith etc), known only to God. Bro. Francis was not in heresy.

However there was no going back to Boston College for him.

Since the Letter criticized the St. Benedict Center for being disobedient to the Archbishop.

Criticism was based on material and explanations sent to the Vatican by the Archbishop.

Secular newspapers reported that the Vatican had condemned the St. Benedict Center for heresy. False.

The newspapers reported that Fr. Leonard Feeney was excommunicated for heresy. False. It was for disobedience. It was lifted during his lifetime.

It was reported incorrectly that the baptism of desire and implicit faith was a de facto exception to the rule that all non-Catholics needed to convert for salvation.

The propaganda continued. Vatican Council II, Nostra Aetate it was said changed Church teaching on the need for all non Catholics to convert. Even though there was no mention of this change in Nostra Aetate. Instead Ad Gentes 7 maintains ‘all people’ need Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water for salvation. The Archbishop read the newspapers. He remained silent.

He had placed St. Benedict Center under interdict. Now the Vatican was supporting Bro. Francis and Fr. Feeney on Catholic doctrine. For three years he did not make the Letter known. Now the Vatican was asking him to do so.

The Letter was made public.

However the condemnations continued in the press. There was no apology from the Archbishop and the Jesuits. The latter had expelled Fr. Feeney from the community.

Today the secular and ‘Catholic’ media still refer to the ‘strict interpretation ‘of the dogma. They assume there can be two interpretations of a dogma. The original and the one they created mixing the de facto and de jure level.

Heretics accused Bro. Francis of heresy. They said he did not accept the ‘Vatican Council II reforms’. They never specified which Church document mentioned these ‘reforms’.

They accused him of being a traditionalist. Implying, those who go for Mass in the vernacular, like many of us, reject the teaching of the Church, Bro.Francis, the Bible and Jesus (John 3:5).

Expelled from Boston College he was never to return there as a guest. He could not be invited by the St. Thomas More Law Society, a Catholic pro life student organisation in Boston College. Neither can this small group, affirm the Catholic dogma. The students would be expelled in their leftist ‘equal opportunity employer’ university with an intolerant Diversity Office.

Bro. Francis’ work continues with the communities he leaves behind. Men and women. Two of them have already been granted canonical status by the Catholic Church.

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