Sunday, September 27, 2009


Sunday, September 27, 2009

There is an article on the Eternal Word Televison Network (ETWN)by Fr.William Most titled The Church and Salvation (Click on Faith, Teachings, The Catholic Church and then The Church and Salvation)

EWTN indicates that Fr.Leonard Feeney and Bro. Francis Maluf MICM, Superior, Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Richmond, New Hampshire, USA (who expired on Sept.5, 2009) are in heresy.EWTN also suggests that two Catholic communities of Fr. Leonard Feeney, granted canonical status by the Catholic Church, are also in heresy.

EWTN has posted the Letter of the Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office to Archbishop Richard J.Cushing (August 8, 1949) on the Internet(not on their website). Yet no where does the Letter say that Fr. Leonard Feeney was excommunicated for heresy. This is suggested by Fr. William Most on the EWTN website.

Bro. Francis Maluf 96, was one of the original professors who were dismissed by the Jesuit Rector of Boston College. He was supported by Fr. Leonard Feeney and the issue became public.

The Letter of the Holy Office supported Fr. Leonard Feeney over Catholic doctrine. It did not condemn him as EWTN asserts.

The Letter also referred to the 'dogma'. The 'infallible' teaching.

The dogma- according to Church Councils and popes says that all people need de facto to enter the Catholic Church through Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water. All people- means, de facto no exceptions. This has always been the dogma of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

No more, after some 60 years, can we say that de jure (de iure) Fr. Leonard Feeney and Bro. Francis Maluf believed there can be no exceptions. The exceptions include invincible ignorance, baptism of desire etc.

This would be calumny. The website of the Richmond, NH Catholic community is clear on doctrine. So is the website of the St. Benedict’s Abbey (Men), Still River and St. Benedict Center (Women). They uphold the original teachings of their founder.

De jure there are exceptions. De facto there are none.

EWTN is saying that Br. Francis Maluf at St. Benedict Center in 1949 (and 2009) did not accept that de jure there were exceptions and is in heresy?! It is calumny and slander by EWTN.

1) Where is the proof (Roman Catholic Magisterial document) which says that Brother Francis Maluf MICM and Fr. Leonard Feeney say/said de jure that there are no exceptions (i.e. invincible ignorance, baptism of desire etc,) to salvation?

2) Where is the proof that the Catholic Church teaches that de facto there are exceptions to salvation as suggested by the EWTN website in Fr. William Most’s article?

Recently on a Catholic Canadian website false charges were made against a Canadian Society of St. Pius X priest based on an article he wrote. Could that priest or another SSPX priest, for instance, file charges against EWTN for false claims about the Catholic Church? Also, that EWTN is suggesting that he, the SSPX priest, is in heresy because he has similar views as Fr. Leonard Feeney as do members of the SSPX and orthodox Catholics?

EWTN states :

The Church is sometimes called the universal sacrament of salvation. That use of the word sacrament is broad, not strict. It is true in as much as the Church is the divinely instituted means of giving grace to all. But the Church is not a visible rite - it rather confers these visible rites which we call the seven Sacraments.

From the fact that the Church is God's means of giving grace, is it is clear that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church.

This truth has even been defined by the Church more than once, e.g., in the Council of Florence in 1442.

Comment:The Council of Florence and other Councils and popes were clear: all people de facto needed to enter the Catholic Church. There were de facto no exceptions. Is this also being said by EWTN?

I use the words de facto and de jure. I could also say at the level of theology and the intellect (de jure) as compared to the practical level, the level of personal contact, personal evangelisation (de facto).

However we must take care to understand this teaching the way the Church understands it. We just saw that the Church claims the exclusive authority to interpret both Scripture and Tradition.

Comment : Fr.Most must not asume that his interpretatiojn is that of the Magisterium.
The Letter of the Holy Office August 8, 1949 was in full agreement with Fr.Leonard Feeney on dogma.

The Letter says:

Now, among the commandments of Christ, that one holds not the least place by which we are commanded to be incorporated by baptism into the Mystical Body of Christ, which is the Church, and to remain united to Christ and to His Vicar, through whom He Himself in a visible manner governs the Church on earth.
 Comment:It is necessary de facto to be incorporated into the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ through the Baptism of water. It is necessary de facto for all people. This is the teaching of the dogma and Fr. Leonard Feeney.

Therefore, no one will be saved who, knowing the Church to have been divinely established by Christ, nevertheless refuses to submit to the Church or withholds obedience from the Roman Pontiff, the Vicar of Christ on earth.
 Comment:Therefore no one will be saved; no one can be saved, who knowing about the Church (de jure) does not de facto enter it. This is and was the teaching of Bro. Francis Maluf MICM and the St. Benedict Center under the leadership of Fr. Leonard Feeney.

There is no Church document which says that Fr. Leonard Feeney was excommunicated for heresy. This is implied by EWTN. There is no charge of heresy in the Letter of the Holy Office (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston.
Comment: The Letter does not specify when it is describing de facto or de jure salvation,in what it calls the dogma. Since it was a statement of the Magisterium the Letter had to be in harmony with Sacred Tradition.

From what has been said it is evident that those things which are proposed in the periodical , fascicle 3, as the genuine teaching of the Catholic Church are far from being such and are very harmful both to those within the Church and those without.
Comment: The excommunication would be lifted by the Vatican without the need for Fr. Leonard Feeney to change his teaching and belief on the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

Fr. Francis O’Sullivan S.J, presently a professor of theology at Boston College was a student of Fr. Leonard Feeney. In his book Salvation outside the Church (Paulist Press) he wrote that his teacher was not excommunicated for heresy. Also the priest conducting the negotiations on behalf of the Church before the excommunication was lifted made a press statement. He said Fr. Leonard Feeney was not required to change his teaching on outside the church no salvation.

Two of the religious communities Fr. Leonard Feeney founded would be accepted into the Catholic Church with canonical status affirming the dogma as did Fr. Leonard Feeney.

From these declarations which pertain to doctrine, certain conclusions follow which regard discipline and conduct, and which cannot be unknown to those who vigorously defend the necessity by which all are bound' of belonging to the true Church and of submitting to the authority of the Roman Pontiff and of the Bishops "whom the Holy Ghost has placed . . . to rule the Church" (Acts 20:2.
Hence, one cannot understand how the St. Benedict Center can consistently claim to be a Catholic school and wish to be accounted such, and yet not conform to the prescriptions of canons 1381 and 1382 of the Code of Canon Law, and continue to exist as a source of discord and rebellion against ecclesiastical authority and as a source of the disturbance of many consciences.
Comment: The above paragraphs refer to the disobedience of the St. Benedict Center to the Archbishop of Boston. They believed the Archbishop was in heresy. They refused to follow the doctrinal teachings of the Archbishop and the Jesuit Rector of Boston College. Time would prove St. Benedict Center correct.

After the Archbishop did not make the Letter public and the media reported that non Catholics no more needed to convert the Vatican intervened. They asked the Archbishop to make the Letter public. He finally did - three years after the Letter was issued.

There was no clarification in the media by the Archbishop of Boston Cardinal Richard Cushing.

Furthermore, it is beyond understanding how a member of a religious Institute, namely Father Feeney, presents himself as a "Defender of the Faith," and at the same time does not hesitate to attack the catechetical instruction proposed by lawful authorities, and has not even feared to incur grave sanctions threatened by the sacred canons because of his serious violations of his duties as a religious, a priest, and an ordinary member of the Church.
Comment:The Cardinal is critical of Fr. Leonard Feeney whom he has never met personally. The confusion is largely based on the information given to him by the Archbishop, through opinions and articles. The Archbishop also placed restrictions on Fr. Feeney and St. Benedict Center. He indicated that Fr. Feeney did not de jure accept there were exceptions like the baptism of desire. The Archbishop never publicly corrected the media which said that de facto all non Catholics, no longer need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation as before.

Finally, it is in no wise to be tolerated that certain Catholics shall claim for themselves the right to publish a periodical, for the purpose of spreading theological doctrines, without the permission of competent Church authority, called the "" which is prescribed by the sacred canons.
Comment :An issue of disobedience to the Archbishop based on the information given to the Cardinal. The Archbishop and the Jesuits would not publically say that de facto all people need to enter the Church for salvation.
The Vatican would later realize that it was St .Benedict Center and not the Archbishop who were affirming Catholic doctrine.

Therefore, let them who in grave peril are ranged against the Church seriously bear in mind
Comment: He assumes that it is Fr. Feeney, who personally did not defend himself. Fr.Leonard Feeney knew that he was affirming a dogma and so had to be correct. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus was an ex cathedra, infallible teaching . It was repeatedly endorsed by other Councils and popes.
Here is the ex cathedra dogma:

“There is but one universal Church of the faithful, outside which no one at all is saved.” (Pope Innocent III, Fourth Lateran Council, 1215.).

“We declare, say, define, and pronounce that it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” (Pope Boniface VIII, the Bull Unam Sanctam, 302.).
“The most Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that none of those existing outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans, but also Jews and heretics and schismatics, can have a share in life eternal; but that they will go into the eternal fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless before death they are joined with Her; and that so important is the unity of this ecclesiastical body that only those remaining within this unity can profit by the sacraments of the Church unto salvation, and they alone can receive an eternal recompense for their fasts, their almsgivings, their other works of Christian piety and the duties of a Christian soldier. No one, let his almsgiving be as great as it may, no one, even if he pour out his blood for the Name of Christ, can be saved, unless he remain within the bosom and the unity of the Catholic Church.” (Pope Eugene IV, the Bull Cantate Domino, 1441.) – from the website and “No Salvation outside the Church”: Link List, the Three Dogmatic Statements Regarding EENS)

that after "Rome has spoken" they cannot be excused even by reasons of good faith. Certainly, their bond and duty of obedience toward the Church is much graver than that of those who as yet are related to the Church "only by an unconscious desire." Let them realize that they are children of the Church, lovingly nourished by her with the milk of doctrine and the sacraments, and hence, having heard the clear voice of their Mother, they cannot be excused from culpable ignorance, and therefore to them apply without any restriction that principle: submission to the Catholic Church and to the Sovereign Pontiff is required as necessary for salvation.

Comment:It is assumed here that Fr. Feeney was not faithful to the Holy Father and the Archbishop of Boston. Time would prove that they were in accord with the dogma. Also that the Archbishops of Boston and many of the Jesuits ( even today) have rejected the Catholic teaching according to the Councils and the popes.

In sending this letter, I declare my profound esteem, and remain, Your Excellency's most devoted. Cardinal Marchetti-Selvaggiani.A. Ottaviani, Assessor.(Private); Holy Office, 8 Aug., 1949.
Vatican Council II (1965) would affirm the Letter and say ‘all people’ need Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water for salvation. (Ad Gentes 7). All people at the de facto level. While Lumen Gentium 16 refers to the extraordinary way (de jure) (Ad Gentes 7, -de facto, Lumen Gentium 16-de jure)

The Catechism of the Catholic Church number 1257 on Baptism says the Church knows of no way to eternal beatitude other than the baptism of water and Catholic Faith. This is the general, ordinary means. However CCC 1257 also says God is not bound to the Sacraments.

(Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water are needed de facto by all. However people can be saved without Baptism -de jure).

The Letter refers to this teaching as a dogma and not just a doctrine. The Councils and popes held an understanding of this dogma NOT as the Archbishop of Boston but Fr. Leonard Feeney and Bro. Francis Maluf MICM. The Letter was sent keeping Sacred Tradition in mind.

Fr.William Most continues :

Because of his error, he rejected several teachings of the Magisterium, saying they clashed with this definition - but they clash only with his false interpretation, given in private judgment.
Comment:Fr. William Most is vague here. He has not specified ‘his error’, ‘several teachings’, ‘false interpretation’ and ‘private judgement’. Fr. Leonard Feeney was not excommunicated for his ‘teachings’,'false interpretation’ or ‘private judgement’. Whatever were Fr. Leonard Feeney’s conceptions or misconceptions he was not excommunicated for them. In an article Fr.Most indicates that Fr.leonard Feeney was not excommunicated for heresy. Here he suggests he was in heresy.The confusion will continue.

Pius IX (Quanto conficiamur moerore, August 10, 1863) taught: "God... in His supreme goodness and clemency, by no means allows anyone to be punished with eternal punishments who does not have the guilt of voluntary fault." Vatican II (Lumen gentium # 16) taught the same: "They who without their own fault do not know of the Gospel of Christ and His Church, but yet seek God with sincere heart, and try, under the influence of grace, to carry out His will in practice, known to them through the dictate of conscience, can attain eternal salvation." Pius XII had said (Mystici Corporis Christi) that one can "be related to the Church by a certain desire and wish of which he is not aware", i.e., by the desire to do what God wills in general.
Comment:Here Fr. William Most indicates that the exceptions (Lumen Gentium 16) are the ordinary way of salvation. This is heresy. This would mean Jews in Boston do not have to convert.
He suggests that there are de facto exceptions for salvation. This is contrary to the dogma and the Letter. The Letter indicates that all Jews in Boston de facto need to convert.This is the dogma. There can be de jure those with implicit faith, whose sincerity and genuineness only God can judge.

Fr.Most also contradicts Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7).
all must be converted to Him, made known by the Church's preaching, and all must be incorporated into Him by baptism and into the Church which is His body. For Christ Himself "by stressing in express language the necessity of faith and baptism (cf. Mark 16:16; John 3:5), at the same time confirmed the necessity of the Church, into which men enter by baptism, as by a door…’-Ad Gentes 7,Vatican Ciuncil II(Emphasis added).
He then continues suggesting that the de jure exceptions are the de facto ordinary means of salvation:

Precisely how does this work out? We saw on our very first page that St. Paul insists (Romans 3:29) that God makes provision in some way for all. We saw that one of the earliest Fathers, St. Justin Martyr (Apology 1:46) said that some, like Socrates could even be Christians because they followed the divine Word. Now St. Justin also said that the Divine Word is in the hearts of all. Then we notice in St. Paul's Romans 2:14-16 that "The gentiles who do not have the law [revealed religion] do by nature the things of the law; they show the work of the law written on their hearts." And according to their response, they will or will not be saved.

Comment: This is contrary to Pope Pius XII.

In His infinite mercy God has willed that the effects, necessary for one to be saved, of those helps to salvation which are directed toward man's final end, not by intrinsic necessity, but only by divine institution, can also be obtained in certain circumstances when those helps are used only in desire and longing.-Letter of the Holy Office 1949
Those who are saved through implcit faith (invincible ignorance) etc are rare, 'in certain circumstances' and so not the ordinary means of salvation.EWTN in the above paragraph still suggests that the exceptions make the general rule.

He continues suggesting that the extraordinary means of salvation is the ordinary means of salvation. This is contrary to the dogma, the infallible teaching of the Catholic Church. It is contrary to the teaching of the Catholic Magisterium which has been consistent on this issue.

Clearly, it is this Divine Word, or the Spirit of Christ, the Divine Word, that writes the law on their hearts, i.e., makes known to them what they should do. If they follow that, although they do not know that that is what they are following, yet objectively, they do follow the Logos, the divine Word. And so St. Justin was right in calling them Christians. We can add that St. Paul in Romans 8:9 makes clear that if one has and follows the Spirit of Christ, he "belongs to Christ." But, to belong to Christ is the same as being a member of Christ, and that is the same as being a member of the Church. Not indeed by formal adherence, but yet substantially, enough to satisfy the requirement of substantial membership. Indeed, Vatican II even wrote (LG # 49): "All who belong to Christ, having His Spirit, coalesce into one Church."

Comment:This paragraph is a repetition of the earlier one. The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary de jure accept the exceptions as did Fr. Leonard Feeney their founder.However de facto there are no exceptions, according to the dogma, the infallible teaching.

A non Catholic can be saved de facto in invincible ignorance however Fr.William Most cannot judge who specifically is this non-Catholic. Only Jesus can judge.

So, St. Paul was right: God does take care of them; St. Justin was right too: they can be Christians without knowing it. Otherwise, God would be sending millions upon millions to hell without giving them any chance at all, if they lived far from places where the Church was known, e.g., in the western hemisphere before 1492.
Comment:Vatican Council II (Lumen Gentium 14, Ad Gentes 7) indicates that God could be sending millions upon millions of people to Hell who are educated, in a world with good means of communication. This is what Fr. Leonard Feeney said in The Bread of Life. Americans are educated. They know. He said Americans knew about Jesus and His Death and Resurrection and His being the only Saviour of the world. Lumen Gentium 14 would say that they are oriented to Hell.

‘Therefore those men cannot be saved, who though aware that God, through Jesus Christ founded the Church as something necessary, still do not wish to enter into it, or to persevere in it."…-Ad Gentes 7,Vatican Council II
Note:Vatican Council II indicates that billions of non Catholics in modern cities who know about the Church and yet do not enter are oriented to Hell.

EWTN suggests that de facto there are exceptions and so all non Catholics do not have to convert.

That fact that salvation is possible in this way does not mean that there should be no missions or attempts to bring back the Protestants.
Comment: Why? If you say that Lumen Gentium 16 is the ordinary way. Why?

Richer and more secure means of salvation are to be had with formal explicit adherence to the Catholic Church.
Comment: 'Richer and more secure means of salvation’? Salvation is salvation. Fr.Most is vague. He has to be vague since he has mixed up the ordinary means of salvation with the extraordinary means of salvation and de facto salvation with de jure.This is a new doctrine and contrary to the teachings of the Magisterium.It is contrary to Sacred Tradition.

Therefore we need to make every effort. In regard to Ecumenism, it is good to keep in mind a rule from Vatican II, in its Decree on Ecumenism (# 11): "It is altogether necessary that the complete doctrine be clearly presented. Nothing is so foreign to true Ecumenism as that false peace-making in which the purity of Catholic doctrine suffers loss, and its true and certain sense is obscured."
Comment: Ad Gentes 7 says 'all people' need Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water for salvation and this includes Protestants. This is the teaching of the dogma, the Letter and Fr. Leonard Feeney.

The first part of the Letter refers to doctrine and the second part to discipline. The first half to the dogma and the second half to obedience to the Archbishop.

EWTN has confused the two parts of the Letter.Fr. Most assumes that the second half of the Letter was a criticism of Fr.Leonard Feeney on doctrine.

EWTN has never affirmed the dogma that de facto everyone without exception needs to enter the Catholic Church through Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.

The book The Bread of Life, which was a compilation of talks given by Fr. Leonard Feeney, showed that he knew about the exceptions to the ordinary means of salvation. The book was published after the excommunication. He was also familiar with the writings of St.Thomas Aquinas who wrote that a person in invincible ignorance could also be saved however everyone needs to enter the Church for salvation.

It is assumed here that Fr. Feeney was not faithful to the Holy Father and the Archbishop of Boston. Time would prove that they were in accord with the dogma. Also that the Archbishops of Boston and many of the Jesuits ( even today) have rejected the Catholic teaching according to the Councils and the popes.

The Cardinal is critical of Fr. Leonard Feeney whom he has never met personally. The confusion is largely based on the information given to him by the Archbishop, through opinions and articles. The Archbishop also placed restrictions on Fr. Feeney and St. Benedict Center. He indicated that Fr. Feeney did not de jure accept there were exceptions like the baptism of desire. The Archbishop never publicly corrected the media which said that de facto all non Catholics, no longer need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation as before.

Here is a criticism of those who claim that de facto there are exceptions to salvation (Archbishop of Boston). It is a criticism of those who claimed de jure there are no exceptions like an implicit desire. This is in keeping with Sacred Tradition. It is in accord with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. (EWTN is suspect).Based on information from the Archbishop of Boston the Cardinal in the paragraph above assumes that this is the theological position of the St. Benedict Center. Time would prove otherwise.

So one like Leonard Feeney who interprets the teaching on the necessity of the Church his own way is not acting like a Catholic theologian at all. The Holy Office, on August 8, 1949, declared that L. Feeney was guilty of this error.
Comment:This is a vague statement .It does not indicate if Fr. William Most is referring to implicit or explicit salvation. Is he saying that de facto all people need to enter the Catholic Church? All, with no exceptions?

According to a columnist in Canada EWTN had a very nice program on baptism but never mentioned that baptism was needed for the salvation of all people with no exception. According to apologist Robert Sungenis there was a program on EWTN in which Jews were allowed to say that Jews no more need to convert into the Catholic Church.
EWTN has never affirmed the ex cathedra dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
On an EWTN Radio  program the apologist Patrick Madrid said that evangelisation is important and non Catholics need to enter the Catholic Church  for salvation except those in invincible ignorance etc.
This is irrational and irrelevant and contrary to the dogma and  Vatican Council II.
A person who rejects an ex cathedra dogma is in mortal sin and has no right to receive the Eucharist,otherwise it would be a sacrilege.

-Lionel Andrades

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