Sunday, September 27, 2009


Is Cardinal Castrillion Hoyes, Prefect, Ecclesia Dei, Vatican,  in schism for saying that Jews need to convert for salvation ?
In an interview with the Catholic Herald, England, he said that if Jesus said that Jews need to convert for salvation, then who are we to say otherwise.
This is the same position as the not-excommunicated Society of St. Pius X. (SSPX).
Cardinal Hoyes told the Corriere della Serra newspaper that the SSPX are in communion with the Church, full communion will come. After the Bishop Richard Williamson campaign and the Jewish Anti Defamation League(ADL) ‘conditions’ for accepting the SSPX in the Catholic Church, the Cardinal told Zenit News that the SSPX is in schism.
But the SSPX has the same religious position as Cardinal Hoyes.
They both agree that Vatican Council II was a historical reality. They both reject Vatican Council II as interpreted by the ADL and the Jewish Left media. They both accept Vatican Council II as a continuity with Sacred Tradition (Ad Gentes 7, Lumen Gentium 14).
Vatican Council II Ad Gentes 7 says all people need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation. Jews. Protestants.
Lumen Gentium 14 is the ordinary means of salvation. Lumen Gentium 16 is the extraordinary means of salvation known only to God.

The Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI in his Letter to all the Catholic bishops after the lifting of the excommunication of the SSPX bishops said Vatican Council II must be interpreted as a continuity with Sacred Tradition.
Cardinal Hoyes is theologically in accord with Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. So is the SSPX, if Vatican Council II is a continuity of Sacred Tradition. Theologically the SSPX has made no shift in its position. They are in accord with Sacred Tradition.
Schism is a theological and not a political issue. Theologically the SSPX cannot be faulted.
So if Vatican Council II is interpreted as a continuity with Sacred Tradition then the SSPX and Cardinal Castrillion Hoyes are in accord with Vatican Council II.
So how can they be in schism?

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