Sunday, September 27, 2009

Lumen Gentium 14 is the ordinary way of salvation. Lumen Gentium 16 the extraordinary way

Lumen Gentium 14 is the ordinary way of salvation. Lumen Gentium 16 the extraordinary way

- P.Masimilliano Dei Gaspari, F.I, Superior and Rector, Church of the Annunziata, Rome

Lumen Gentium 14 evidently is the ordinary way of salvation. We Catholics have the fullness of the means of salvation and if someone knows this and yet does not want to enter the Catholic Church he cannot be saved said the Italian, Franciscans of the Immaculate, Superior and Rector at the Church of the Annunziata,Lungotevere,Rome in an e-mail message to me.

Lumen Gentium 16 refers to the possibility of salvation, an extraordinary way, for those who search for God and through no fault of theirs have still found Him. If they live a good life, in accordance with natural moral law, it is possible that they can be saved. In the sense that God who is Good gives to all the possibility to enter in contact with Christ the only Mediator between God and man - and in an implicit way with the Catholic Church. The Church exercises a universal mediation says Dominus Iesus.

This but does not mean that salvation is something automatic. Also Lumen Gentium 16 perceives that there are many difficulties.

To be honest says the Rector, we would have to say that “Yes, the salvation of the pagan is possible but is it probable?” We have to say that we do not know. There is no Divine Revelation which gives that this security. The only assurance we have is Jesus telling us to go out into the world and baptize all making disciples in his name. So we go ahead with Jesus’ Mission and leave the rest to God. God knows best. We do not. So we go ahead with this work. If we do not give ourselves to this work we will be responsible because to whom more is more will be asked said Fr.Masimilliano dei Gaspari.

He observed that at the Angelus on Sunday recently the Holy Father said that becoming Christian for a Jew is in a sense not being converted but simply completing his or her Jewish faith. It is possible for all those with goodwill to pass from the Ancient Covenant to the New Covenant, to the Reality and fulfilment of their faith which is Jesus Christ.

He said we pray and make sacrifices for them.

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