Tuesday, October 20, 2009


A professor with a licentiate in theology and and who is a teacher of religion last night a few feet away from the Blessed Sacrament, not partitioned, denied a dogma of the Church before an Italian audience in a small church in the centre of Rome. He  rejected the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Salvation he said was open to all people and we should not have the narrow concept of extra ecclesiam nulla salus. He cited Vatican Council II and said non-Catholics can also be saved.So everyone does not have to enter the Catholic Church as it was thought in the past. Salvation, like prophecy, was not restricted he believed.

Gianni de Luca, Profesor of Catholic Religion with a licentiate degree in  Theology from the the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas,'Angelicum,’ according to the pamphlets distributed introducing him,was conducting his Bible Study group, on the theme of the Biblical Prophets last night(Monday) at the Church of San Claudio. He was invited there by the Blessed Sacrament Fathers of St. Peter Julian Eymard, the saint of the Eucharist.

Since he rejected extra ecclsiam nulla salus; outside the church no salvation, expectedly he would have difficulty with the New Covenant in Jesus Christ.

God made covenants with the Jewish peoplle through the prophets and expected the people to be obedient he said, in conclusion. The Jews were not obedient. The prophets then said that God put His Covenant in the heart of each person.The prophets say this is the new covenant between God and man. So Gianni de Luca asked, why does the Catholic priest at Mass say that this is the New Covenant? He left his own question unanswered.

He could not say that Jews need to believe in the New Covenant with Jesus to be saved.He criticized the Church’s understanding of the First Commandment and said the real First Commandment is the Shema Israel; the Shema.

When such talks are conducted in a church the Blessed Sacrament is removed or partitioned.He is to continue these talks every Monday with the casket of St. Julian Eymard near him and the Blessed Sacrament behind him.

A full day retreat is to be held on Nov.1, 2009 at the nearby parish Church of San Andrea Della Fratte where a Jew in a flash was shown the beauty of the Catholic Church when he had a vision of Our Lady. Alphonse Ratisbonne became a priest and founded a community of Missionaries in the Middle East for the conversion of the Jews and the Muslims.

Gianni de Luca (Tel: 347-1765301) is being assisted by a Catholic priest Father Igino Troiani.

May be someone could ask this Professor of Theology :-

1) Do Jews need to believe in the New Covenant at be saved?

2) Ad Gentes 7;Vatican Council II refers to the ordinary means of salvation for all people. Lumen Gentium 16,Vatican Council II refers to the extraordinary means of salvation?

3) Fr. Leonard Feeney was not excommunicated for his belief and teaching on extra ecclesiam nulla salus. He was not excommunicated for heresy?

4)The Letter of the Holy Office (CDF) ,1949, to the Archbishop of Boston indicates that the Catholic Church still teaches the ‘dogma’, the ‘infallible’ teaching,extra ecclesiam null salus. So de facto everyone with no exceptions needs to enter the Catholic Church for salvation. De jure (in principle and theology) there can be exceptions (invincible ignorance, good conscience etc) known only to God?

5) A lay Catholic who rejects a dogma publically is in mortal sin and is not to receive the Eucharist at Holy Mass without Confession and a public rectification of the scandal?

( The Dogmas include  extra ecclsiam nulla salus (Council of Florence ) and Our Lady’s Immaculate Conception.).

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