Sunday, October 18, 2009


The celebrations of the 400th death anniversary,concluded today, of the  founder of Propaganda Fide, St. John Leonardi. There was Mass today, Mission Sunday, Oct.18, 2009 at the Vatican . Cardinal Ivan Dias, Prefect, for the Congregation for the Evangelization of People, presided.

There was Morning Prayer, Lauds, at the Urbania College of Propaganda Fide, where, they have discarded St. John Leonardi’s understanding of the Gospel.

On Oct 16 (Friday) the celebrations included a Mass at which Cardinal T. Bertone, Vatican Secretary of State was the chief celebrant. The cardinal had put aside the teachings of the saint when he wrote to the Chief Rabbi in 2008. He cited an article in the L’Osservatore Romano written by Cardinal Walter Kaspar which said Jews do not have to convert in the present times.

So today priests and nuns say, in error:-

1) Everyone does not have to enter the Catholic Church. People can be saved who have a good conscience or are in invincible ignorance.

2) Everyone does not have to enter the Catholic Church for salvation except those who know about it.

3) The Church does not hold to the rigorist position of Fr. Leonard Feeney that everyone needs to enter the Church to avoid Hell.

These are some of the many errors St. John Leonardi would have worked upon if he was alive today. Errors among those celebrating the 400 anniversary with religious processions and cultural programs in Rome.

At none of the three Masses I attended today did any priest emphasize that: everyone, all, need to de facto enter the Catholic Church, to go to Heaven and avoid Hell-and there are no exceptions. Neither  was this  said  by a nun who works for Propaganda Fide.
The 'fullness of truth’ is in Jesus she said ( 21.08.2009) and non-Catholics in invincible ignorance can be saved.Her 'testimony' is still there on the  internet.
The point missed out by her is: Jesus is the Truth and all non Catholics need to enter the Catholic Church; Jesus’ Mystical Body, to be saved. If Jesus is the only Way, Life and the Truth and the Church is His Mystical Body as the Bible tells us, then how can someone be saved who does not knowingly enter the Catholic Church?
Jesus is the ‘fullness of truth’ and only He can judge who is in ‘invincible ignorance’. The sister at Propaganda Fide cannot judge.
Church Councils, including Vatican Council II have taught the dogma, the ‘infallible teaching’ that de facto everyone needs to enter the Mystical Body of Jesus through Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water, to avoid Hell and go to Heaven.This was also the teaching of Propaganda Fide some 400 years back.
Jesus has the ‘fullness of truth’ and so de jure (in principle) non Catholics can be saved through Jesus and the Catholic Church. They can be saved without the Sacraments in the exceptional means to the baptism of water which is the ordinary, normal means of salvation for everyone. Those who are saved exceptionally are known only to God. We cannot judge.
Jesus has the ‘fullness of truth’ and so all non Catholics have to de facto convert into the Catholic Church, for salvation. This is how they respond to Jesus’ Sacrifice, His Death and Resurrection. This is the means God chose for all people to be saved.
Pope Benedict XVI issued a statement for the 400th death anniversary celebrations: he called all of us to live the Gospel, like St.John Leonardi, ‘without compromise’.
The Good News is compromised when we cannot say in public that everybody needs to de facto enter the Catholic Church for salvation.
The Gospel is compromised by cardinals, priests and nuns.It was compromised by those who gave homilies today, World Day for Missions.

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