Thursday, October 1, 2009


The news black out continues among Catholics on Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco’s deal with pro homosexuality Rabbis while the Holy Father was in Prague.

Zenit news has reported the event without saying that the President of the Catholic Conference of Italy(CEI) issued a communiqué saying there will be no active attempts to convert Jews.

The communiqué has not been made available even on the website of the CEI however Avvenire , the daily of the CEI reported it prominently.(See earlier posts on the blog eucharistandmission for details).

Cardinal Bagnasco met with Rabbis Segno and Rabbi Laras, both representing the Jewish Left and the homosexuality lobby.

Rabbi Laras is the head of the Rabbinical Assembly, Milan which claims it represents Conservative Jews.

However there is no one central authority among the Jews.Conservative and Orthodox Jews oppose homosexuality and the Jewish Left.

The Rabbinal Assembly is one of many Jewish Left groups who support the Employment Non-Discrimination Act(ENDA) :


By Rev. Ted Pike

24 Sep 09

The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) had its first hearing in the House Education and Labor Committee today. (To watch the hearing, click here.) Key witnesses were homosexual Reps. Barney Frank and Tammy Baldwin. The Jewish Anti-Defamation League, architect of the bill, issued a release today saying, “Support for ENDA sends an important message to all Americans that...discrimination will not be tolerated in the workplace.” House Democrats favor ENDA’s plan to grant homosexuals, transgenders and all sexual deviants included under “sexual orientation” special rights to be hired and not fired in American businesses of 15+ employees. Meanwhile, liberal Jewish organizations are lobbying to make sure ENDA will require Christian churches to hire homosexuals in all non-spiritual positions (including church administration, business and education).

The civil rights legislation of the 1960s banned discrimination in hiring and firing. But they don’t clearly state whether churches must hire unbelievers or people of other faiths in nonspiritual positions. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 suggests churches can remain free to discriminate. In 2007, a Bush administration legal memo said churches (and even religious organizations receiving federal funds) don’t have to hire unbelievers. Now 11 Jewish groups including the Anti-Defamation League, plus other liberal organizations, are demanding that the Obama administration and Att. Gen. Eric Holder reverse Bush's "discriminatory" policy.

The Jewish Telegraph Agency:

In a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, 11 Jewish groups and dozens of other religious and rights organizations said the 2007 Bush Administration Office of Legal Counsel memo used an "erroneous" interpretation of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act… Signing onto the letter are the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith International, Central Conference of American Rabbis, Hadassah, Jewish Council for Public Affairs, National Council of Jewish Women, Na’amat USA, Rabbinical Assembly, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism and Women of Reform Judaism).
The two largest groups of American religious Jews—Reform and Conservative—broadly embrace homosexuality. Their members may openly practice their deviant lifestyle and even become rabbis. Thus, the majority of American religious Jews, who have repeatedly marshaled in favor of the pro-homosexual federal hate crimes bill, have nothing to lose by inviting even more homosexuals into their synagogues, nonprofit businesses, schools and summer camps. Polls consistently show that roughly four out of five American Jews are liberals who vote for the homosexual-friendly policies of the Democrat party.

In contrast, the vast majority of evangelical Christians are morally opposed to homosexuality. ENDA would force Christian churches to hire activist homosexuals and thus devastate the spiritual autonomy and identity of American evangelicalism...(from the website ) Emphasis added.

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