Saturday, October 3, 2009


Pro homosexuality Jewish Left Rabbis are to be speakers at the Gregorian University, Rome as the Cardinal Bea Centre for the Study of Judaism and the Institute of Inter Disciplinary Study on Religions and Culture(ISIRC ) invites seminarians and lay students to attend a Presentation of the Program of Study and Activuty for the Academic Year 2009-2010.

Last year two Rabbis who are pro Israel and support the Jewish Anti Defamation League(ADL) were scheduled to speak at the Gregorian Pontifical University, Rome.They are Ricardo di Segni and Giuseppe Laras.  They both oppose Church teaching on the Jews needing to convert. They would not permit a Catholic apologist faithful of Church teaching to speak at their synagogues or institutions. The ADL is pro homosexuality too.
Prof. Joseph Sievers, former, Director of the Cardinal Bea Center of Jewish Studies, Gregorian University , Rome had invited Catholics students to enroll in the Center for the academic year 2008-2009.

The Cardinal Bea Center however will not affirm Catholic teaching that Judaism is not a path to salvation and that Jews need to enter the Catholic Church (except for the exceptions, those invincible ignorance etc) for salvation. Neither will Prof. Sievers who says he is a Catholic. Prof.Joseph Sievers is allowed to recieve the Eucharist in Rome .

In November and December 2008  the speakers scheduled were the Rabbis Segno and Lara. Rabbi. Lara from Milan ended dialogue with the Vatican after the Good Friday prayer for the conversion of the Jews was revised by Pope Benedict XVI .

Rabbi Segno and  Abraham Foxman of the Jewish Anti Defamation League it was reported,boycotted an inter -religious meeting which was to be presided over by the late Cardinal Jean Marie Lustiger, the Archbishop of Paris. Cardinal Lustiger taught that a Jewish convert to the Catholic Faith did not cease being a Jew. This was offensive to the Left wing Jews. Cardinal Lustiger said that Our Lady and the Apostles when they became Catholics did not cease being Jews.

This is also the understanding of the Jews for Jesus Movement and other Messianic Movements that are persecuted in Israel and criticized by the ADL.

According to Prof. Sievers there were no Jews for Jesus members enrolled at the Gregorian University :Neither does he have their contact number in Italy .

The rabbis visiting the Gregorian University next year are critical of Catholic teaching. They will have Catholic students exposed to their intolerance of the Catholic Church.

They were actually telling Catholics how to pray last Good Friday. If this was a case of Catholics telling Jews, it would be considered anti-Semitic.

The Cardinal Bea Center was set up by dissident Cardinal Carlo Martini S.J, who opposes church teaching on salvation and other religions and on bio- ethic issues. He is allowed to celebrate Holy Mass.

The Center works in coordination with the Sisters of Zion a Catholic religious congregation originally founded for the conversion of Jews and Muslims and who have given up their original aim. The Congregation, Sisters of Zion was founded by Alphonse Ratisbonne, after a vision of the Blessed Mary in a Church in Rome . The SIDIC-Rome Documentation Center , with its collection of documents and internet site, is the property of the Congregation of Sisters of Our Lady of Zion, which provided its staff and its operation according to the SIDIC website. It was located inside the Gregorian University as a guest but now has been closed. It operates elsewhere.

The SIDIC-Rome Documentation Center collaborates with the Gregorian University and its Institutes – in particular with the Cardinal Bea Center of Jewish Studiesaccording to Fr.Thomas Casey S.J, the new Director of the Cardinal Bea Centre for Judaic Studies. ( (

SIDIC is one of the many Christian-Jewish Centers of Learning worldwide that are fronts for the Jewish Left. SIDIC’s main page (07.06.2008) had the statement of the Jewish Anti Defamation League in Italian and English.

Then there was another SIDIC report inserted of the Archbishop of Los Angeles Diocese Guide Lines for Dialogue issued in 1976. It states there should be no attempt to convert Jews. This is contrary to the teachings of Pope John Paul II and the present Holy Father, who have said the priority in dialogue is the truth.

Rabbis Segno and Abraham Foxman have said publicly that they oppose Pope John Paul II seeing the Church as an umbrella organization for all people.

The Sisters handed over their Documentation centre at the Gregorian Pontifical University , Rome to the control of those who oppose Church teachings. They were  going through the same process as Boston College , which was a Catholic institution, but now is controlled by the Jewish Left.

The Jewish–Christian Learning Centers are pro-Israel and have their own agenda which is contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church. They speak about peace and dialogue but their own documentation shows their slant.

SIDIC and the Sisters are clear, the aim of their work is not conversion of the Jews to the Catholic Church. In the name of an exchange of ideas and dialogue they have produced documentation, the majority of which opposes Catholic teaching. Neither is there a personal call for the Jews, from their congregation, in principle, to convert to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.

They do not say as in Redemptoris Missio, Dominus Iesus etc that Jews need to accept Jesus in the Catholic Church to be saved. This is Vatican Council II.SIDIC misinterprets Nostra Aetate.

The website claims it has ecumenical documentation. What about literature on the Jews for Jesus and Messianic groups in Israel who are persecuted for their faith?

Where is the Sisters of Zion and Fr. Alphonse Ratisbonne’s office for the conversion of Jews? Is there any sister willing to distribute tracts on Ad Gentes 7.

Ad Gentes 7 in a pamphlet distributed in Rome would say that all people need Catholic Faith and Baptism to go to Heaven. This would be saying that Jews need to convert to avoid Hell. This is the official teaching of the Catholic Church today.
So this is the influence that Catholic seminarians and lay students were exposed to at the Gregorian University.

The Jewish Anti Defamation League has a documentation centre. Similarly the Southern Poverty Law Centre has a documentation centre. The documentation has been used to send Christians to jail who are considered anti-Semitic, according to standards set by ADL.

They also officially monitor the activities of Catholics who have the same understanding of the Faith as Theodore and Alphonse Ratisbonne.

In Rome however the documentation was being done by Catholic nuns in a Catholic Pontifical University , whose Chancellor is the Prefect for the Congregation for Catholic Education, Vatican . They work with Jewish Rabbis and organizations who are calling Catholics to give up their Faith in Jesus and accept the Jewish concept of history otherwise it would be considered racist and anti-Semitic.

It was at the Altar of the Miracle, at the Church of San Andrea della Fratte, Rome where Alphonse Ratisbonne converted, that St. Maximillian Kolbe chose to celebrate his First Mass as a Catholic priest. Kolbe, who was martyred at Auschwitz , was not only clear on Catholic doctrine, like Alphonse Ratisbonne, he was also critical of Masonary, whose teachings are similar to that of the Jewish Left.

Dr.Donna Orsuto is the American Co-founder and Director of the Lay Centre, Rome and is also a Professor at the Institute of Spirituality of the Pontifical Gregorian University. Her most recent book is entitled Holiness. She suggests that Lumen Gentium 16 is the ordinary way of salvation for non-Catholics and that Lumen Gentium 14 does not exist. She is active in the Church of Santa Susanna where the Rector a Paulist Father has openly denied Church teaching.The Paulist Fathers work in collaboration with SIDIC and the Sisters of Zion.The Paulist webiste affirms a theology of religions which is contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
The Lay Centre along with other English speaking religious communities in Rome has been holding courses for priests which contradict Church teaching. Archbishop Michael L. Fitzgerald, Apostolic Nuncio to Egypt is a member of the Board.
The following report is from the website of Pastor Ted Pike. It shows the connection between the Rabbinical Assembly and homosexuality. Rabbi Giuseppe Laras, President of the Rabbinical Assembly, Milan, Italy and is one of the speakers at the Gregorian Pontifical University.


By Rev. Ted Pike

24 Sep 09

The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) had its first hearing in the House Education and Labor Committee today. (To watch the hearing, click here.) Key witnesses were homosexual Reps. Barney Frank and Tammy Baldwin. The Jewish Anti-Defamation League, architect of the bill, issued a release today saying, “Support for ENDA sends an important message to all Americans that...discrimination will not be tolerated in the workplace.” House Democrats favor ENDA’s plan to grant homosexuals, transgenders and all sexual deviants included under “sexual orientation” special rights to be hired and not fired in American businesses of 15+ employees. Meanwhile, liberal Jewish organizations are lobbying to make sure ENDA will require Christian churches to hire homosexuals in all non-spiritual positions (including church administration, business and education).

The civil rights legislation of the 1960s banned discrimination in hiring and firing. But they don’t clearly state whether churches must hire unbelievers or people of other faiths in nonspiritual positions. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 suggests churches can remain free to discriminate. In 2007, a Bush administration legal memo said churches (and even religious organizations receiving federal funds) don’t have to hire unbelievers. Now 11 Jewish groups including the Anti-Defamation League, plus other liberal organizations, are demanding that the Obama administration and Att. Gen. Eric Holder reverse Bush's "discriminatory" policy.

The Jewish Telegraph Agency:

In a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, 11 Jewish groups and dozens of other religious and rights organizations said the 2007 Bush Administration Office of Legal Counsel memo used an "erroneous" interpretation of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act… Signing onto the letter are the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith International, Central Conference of American Rabbis, Hadassah, Jewish Council for Public Affairs, National Council of Jewish Women, Na’amat USA, Rabbinical Assembly, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism and Women of Reform Judaism.

The two largest groups of American religious Jews—Reform and Conservative—broadly embrace homosexuality. Their members may openly practice their deviant lifestyle and even become rabbis. Thus, the majority of American religious Jews, who have repeatedly marshaled in favor of the pro-homosexual federal hate crimes bill, have nothing to lose by inviting even more homosexuals into their synagogues, nonprofit businesses, schools and summer camps. Polls consistently show that roughly four out of five American Jews are liberals who vote for the homosexual-friendly policies of the Democrat party.(Emphasis added)

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