Wednesday, October 7, 2009


1609-2009-Fourth Centenary anniversary of the death of St. John Leonardi, founder of Propaganda Fide

Funding has been approved by Propaganda Fide, Vatican for the new batch of seminarians beginning Sept -Oct 2009 at the Beda Pontifical Seminary,Rome, the seminary under the bishops of England and Wales.

The Beda College Rector Mons. Roderick Strange and the seminarian’s bishop recommend a seminarian to Propaganda Fide. Propaganda Fide then approves of the funds to pay for the student’s tuition board and lodging for the full year.

With the approval of my bishop Propaganda Fide had approved funds for me to live and study at Beda in Dec 2002- Jan 2003.

Propaganda Fide needs to fund Catholic seminaries…

1) …Who welcome all former seminarians to the Beda and permit them to visit the library.

1. Mons. Strange Charles Roderick, is the Rector of the Beda Pontifical College, an English Seminary, under the Bishops of England and Wales. He does not believe that the Church is necessary for salvation. There are two books written by the Rector Mons. Roderick Strange, The Catholic Faith and Living Catholicism. They are available in the Beda Library for the seminarians to read. He rejects the Catholic Church's teachings on Mission (see page 49, Chapter titled: Communion in The Catholic Faith and the last chapter: Evangelisation in Living Catholicism). He told me that dogmas/doctrines evolve .When I pointed out to him that they have not ‘evolved’ on Mission, as indicated in Ecclesia di Asia, Dominus Iesus etc he replied that it shows that they need to evolve. This is the witness to our Catholic belief from a Rector-formator. The Rector also encouraged Fr. John Fuellenbach’s book Throw Fire to be taught at the Beda. He had a poster on Catholic Mission and Salvation removed from the Beda Notice Board. It has been a few years now that I have been sending him material. He is unwilling to respond in writing to  two questions on Catholic Mission and salvation.
One of the books has a chapter in which he is ‘soft’ on homosexuality.

2)… Whose Rector answers specific questions in writing about the Catholic Faith and welcomes Deacons in residence to answer casual questions about the Catholic Faith.

On Mission Sunday October 2002 I placed an announcement on the Beda College Notice Board .The subject was Outside the Catholic Church No Salvation. I was told by the Deacon (Now Fr.John Kyne, Nottingham Diocese, England) that it was not the Catholic Church’s teaching. The Deacons were supported by the Rector and Vice Rector (Mons. Andrew Faley).Even after I left the Beda and was in Rome none of them would reply in writing.

3)… Whose Rector and Faculty members are not in mortal sin. If they have been they should remove the scandal.

It is about seven years for me that I have not been given permission by the Rector Mons. R. Strange to enter the Beda College. The last time I was there as a seminarian I wrote to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith about

a). an excommunicated Dominican priest Matthew Fox’s book available in the library Spirituality Section of the Beda College..

b) Fr.John Fuellenbach SVD’s book Throw Fire was part of the syllabus. During his lectures at the Beda he said he rejected the church’s teachings on outside the church no salvation. He continued to be employed at the Beda and the North American College (Catholic seminary) Rome.

c) An elderly Dominican priest who still teaches philosophy at the Angelicum, Rome said Catholics could become members of the Freemason social clubs since they were not part of the Freemason Society.

My Spiritual Director Fr.Jim Brand, an English priest  at the Beda and is interviewed for Vatican Radio, (where he says the Church needs to change), would tell me mortal sin is only hatred of God….

4) …As a seminarian when I asked questions I expected the Rector to affirm the Catholic Faith directly to me (or deny it in writing).Otherwise the scandal festers and in that condition the Rector offers Holy Mass.

How are they allowed to offer Mass in the Beda chapel I asked the former Secretary of the Congregation for the Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. This is a liturgical issue.

Vatican Council II states that all people need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation (Ad Gentes 7). Beda Pontifical College, Rome teaches that de facto non Catholics can be saved in invincible ignorance and with the baptism of desire. So defacto non Catholics can be saved in general without the Baptism of water and Catholic Faith.

So, all people do not have to enter the Catholic Church according to the Beda Faculty.

Propaganda Fide in spite of being informed over seven years has given millions of euros to the Beda College.

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