Thursday, October 8, 2009


I have been privileged to get a letter today from a man, the Catholic Herald, England  described as the greatest apologist of our time, Scott Hahn.

Scott Hahn - affirms the Catholic dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus that, de facto all Jews in Boston need to convert for salvation which is the teaching of the Catholic Church.

I stand corrected.


Dear Mr Andrades,

Peace of Christ. I received an email asking me to respond to a discussion on your blog. While I have not investigated the questions and issues you raise as thoroughly as they deserve, I certainly do affirm the Church's doctrine, "Outside the Church there is no salvation." Also, I apologize for not responding to your questions in the past. I do get more mail than I can sometimes handle, and I must admit that I don't recall getting yours. Perhaps the query was sent to CUF, in which case they might not have forwarded it to me, especially if they realized that you were asking questions about an article I didn't write. In any case, let me answer your three questions with a wholehearted YES.

1) Does the Catholic Church teach that non Catholic religions, Hindus, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam etc are not paths to salvation (to go to Heaven and avoid Hell)? Yes or No.

2) Does the Catholic Church teach that Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water are needed for all people in general, barring the exceptions (invincible ignorance ), for salvation? Yes or No.

3) When you meet a Jew in Boston can you tell him or her that he or she needs Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water to go to Heaven and avoid Hell? Yes or No.

I hope this helps.

Please keep me in your prayers; you will be in mine.

All the best,

Scott Hahn

P.S. I did find one place where I touch on this doctrine, though not with any thoroughness; it was in my chapter from Catholic for a Reason I, p. 11: "The Catholic Church is the universal Family of God, outside of which there is no salvation. This teaching does not condemn anyone. Rather, it simply clarifies the essential meaning of salvation and the Church. Since the essence of salvation is the life of divine sonship, to speak of salvation outside of God's family, the Church, is to confuse things greatly -- since being outside God's family is precisely what we need to be saved from (see Catechism, nos. 845-848)." Feel free to pass along any materials that you deem to be useful. I love Truth and abhor heresy (as St. Thomas More said, "It's not a likable word, it's not a likable thing").

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