Wednesday, October 14, 2009


There are a group of sisters whose apostolate is focused on the Eucharist. They are in search of a new place to stay in Rome.

In Rome presently there is only one church which offers Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration 24 hours throughout the year .It is at Santa Anastasia al Palatino .The Adoration is coordinated by a small group of dedicated elderly ladies using the telephone.

Even during the last few weeks during the Ferraugusta holidays they tapped into their list of adorers of the Eucharist. They had people who volunteered as Responsible some for an hour. Others for the whole morning. Others at night.

Aside from Santa Anastasia there is no church a Catholic can go to at night if he or she needs to stay before the Blessed Sacrament for sometime. All the churches in Rome are closed.

There if one other church where they have Eucharistic Adoration until midnight. Then the Church is closed with the adorer within.There are two sisters’ Congregation which have Eucharistic Adoration during the whole night but it is only for their own community.

During the day there are many communities of sisters who have Eucharistic Adoration and it is open to all.

A priest wrote a letter to the Editor of Avvenire saying that security guards are employed to protect people and things why not hire them during the night?

If one lives near Garbatella for instance there is no chapel where one can go for Eucharistic Adoration at night. The only chapel which has adoration there closes by 7 p.m. Similar is the case in other areas of Rome.

Jesus is alone in tabernacles and the Churches are closed as if he is to remain a prisoner.

The Sisters who are in search of a new place could begin Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration with the help of the local parish/parishes. However they need a place to live.

If you can help them find a place near a potential 24 hour Eucharistic Adoration centre please e-mail me:

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