Friday, October 9, 2009


Pro abortion Blairs to receive Eucharist at beatification of Newman.Soho Mass continues

For the beatification of Cardinal John Henry Newman next year the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI will concelebrate Holy Mass in England. Concelebrants will include Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor.

The English cardinal as Archbishop of Westminster permitted the pro homosexuality former Prime Minister of England to convert into the Catholic Church and regularly receive the Eucharist.

Tony Blair and his wife Cherie are still active promoters of the homosexual lifestyle. They are active promoters of abortion. Both have been allowed to receive the Eucharist.

Recently at the St. Thomas Aquinas University, (Angelicum), Rome Cherie Blair indicated that one can be opposed to the Catholic Church’s position on abortion in only a discussion of the subject. It would be ‘only contributing to the argument’, without opposing the Church’s teaching.

If for example a priest says in a conference that he opposes the Church’s teachings on homosexuality and abortion then this is a scandal. He is saying that if one is an active homosexual then he is not a mortal sin. This was the position of Cherie Blair.

If she says that she accepts the Church’s teachings on homosexuality and abortion but calls for a discussion or review of the subject it is still a sin.

She is saying that the Magisterium of the Church is wrong and she is correct. She is also encouraging other Catholics to follow her in dissent.

In the realm of faith and the supernatural there cannot be two results for mortal sin. For example there cannot be a ‘leftist Hell’ or a ‘conservative Hell’. Hell is Hell. There cannot be a good homosexuality and a bad type. Homosexuality is a sin which leaves its mark on the soul.

The English cardinal continued giving the Blairs the Eucharist at Holy Mass even though their membership in pro abortion organizations is well documented and made public. Neither of them are saying that abortion is evil and leads to Hell at the time of death.

If the Blairs are in mortal sin for their continued support for homosexuality and abortion so is the Cardinal who gives them the Eucharist. A scandal is a grave sin. Homosexuality and abortion are intrinsically evil.

The English cardinal also rejects the Church’s teaching on only salvation in Jesus and the Catholic Church. He does not see the Catholic Church as the ordinary means of salvation in which all people need to enter with no exceptions.

All those who held such a view he indicated at a San Egidio Conference in England, it was reported by the Catholic Herald, England, should be isolated.

This policy is being followed by the English seminaries and inter religious departments. It is being followed by the Rector of the Pontifical Beda College. Also by the English Conference of Catholics Bishops, Department for Inter Religious Affairs Mons.Andrew Faley.

Catholics in mortal sin need to go for Confession and rectify the scandal. Otherwise the Mass is a sacrilege for them (Blairs) if they receive the Eucarist. Also for the cardinal.

A beatification Mass could become a public scandal.

If a priest or bishop knowingly offers Mass along with them, the priest or bishop would be contributing to the scandal. It would be sacrilegious cooperation.

"In 2005, Mrs. Blair contributed an essay to the book “Why I am still a Catholic,” a collection of essays from notorious dissenters from Catholic teaching, including unrepentant active homosexuals. In this essay, she wrote, “Of course, like many Catholics in this country, I have doubts about some of the positions taken by the Church as an institution - for example, on contraception or the role of women. But I am not one of those who believes that the only response is to walk away because you have a different viewpoint. I HAVE BEEN TAUGHT THAT YOU SHOULD STAY AND TRY TO CHANGE THINGS-Lifesites (Emphasis added)

According to John Smeaton, Director of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Churldren (SPUC),England Cherie Blair is a supporter of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), the Family Planning Association (FPA) UK, Human Rights Watch (HRW) and the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW committee). These organizations are among the world's most prominent promoters of legal access to abortion.

Also the cardinal permitted a special Holy Mass for active practising homosexuals in the Westminister Diocese. The Soho Mass still continues today.

Today we have Catholics who, although they openly defy Church teaching forbidding homosexual activity, are given the use of a Catholic church and the ministry of priests who celebrate Mass and give them Holy Communion, with no suggestion that they confess their sins and amend their lives.

How has this happened? In the winter of 2006/7 Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor delegated Bishop Bernard Longley to arrange Pastoral Care for a group of militant homosexuals who were at that time attending Mass in the Anglican church of St Anne's Soho, in London's West End. Bishop Longley arranged for them to attend Mass in a Catholic Church in future. He chose the church of Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory in Warwick Street near Piccadilly Circus. He established a rota of Catholic priests who would celebrate Mass for them and give them Holy Communion, in spite of knowing they were living homosexual lifestyles. We heard Bishop Longley being praised at the first Mass on March 4th 2007 for ‘making no demands at all on them'. That means he never even suggested they should confess their objectively sinful life-styles and amend their lives before receiving Our Blessed Lord, as all Catholics conscious of grave sin are required to. Is this Pastoral Care? Is this going to help them save their immortal souls and spend an eternity of perfect bliss with Almighty God ?
 -The Flock;Newsletter Pentecost 2009, Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice, England
Daphne Mcleod  says
Chaste-living homosexuals do not want special Masses, they go to Mass quietly in their own parish whereas everyone in this congregation who speaks to us admits freely that they are living homosexual lifestyles and some introduce us to their same sex partners. Their newsletters are decorated with rainbows, they encourage support for the Gay Pride March in London carrying banners proclaiming “PROUD TO BE CATHOLIC, PROUD TO BE GAY” and they congratulate, from the altar, couples who contract homosexual civil unions. Martin Pendergast, the ex-Carmelite priest who, with his partner Julian Filochowski, once Head of CAFOD, are behind these Masses, have themselves contracted a civil union.

So let's admit the truth – these Masses are especially for practising homosexuals.
The cardinal allowed practising homosexuals to receive the Eucharist and will be there to concelebrate Holy Mass with the Holy Father.
All Catholics who approach the altar to receive Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament need to be free from grave sin. That is grave sin of any kind including homosexual acts. Catholics with a same-sex attraction who live celibate lives, having recourse to the Sacrament of Penance if they fall, have the same right to the Sacraments as other Catholics in a state of Grace, but no one committed to living a sinful life who is quite unrepentant can receive Holy Communion without committing Sacrilege or as St Paul says eating and drinking condemnation to themselves. No Catholic in serious sin has any right to receive the Blessed Sacrament. -The Flock
This report is not a condemnation of the cardinal or the Blairs.It's that no Catholic in serious sin, known publicly, has the right to receieve the Eucharist.

No Catholic in serious sin has any right to receive the Blessed Sacrament.
The Third lie is that we Catholics who pray outside the Church during these Masses are ‘judgemental'. We are quite definitely not judgemental any more than St Paul was or the American Bishops who refuse Holy Communion to known pro-abortion politicians are. These homosexuals admit honestly and openly that they are in sexual relationships with same sex partners so, without exercising any judgement, we know as well as they do that they are in mortal sin and cannot receive Our Lord in Holy Communion without adding sacrilege to their sins - anymore than adulterers or serious fraudsters could. That is why we pray there in reparation for them.
In this world they (young people at the Soho Mass) can only look forward to a future without a normal family life and, even if they escape HIV/AIDS, poor health and an early death. A recent Californian study showed that active male homosexuals die on average in their early fifties - if they escape AIDS. It shows that all active homosexuals, male and female, are more prone to depression, mental illness, substance abuse, self-harm and suicide than hetrosexuals or chaste homosexuals. They also have a high rate of STD's – syphilis having now reached epidemic proportions in towns like Sydney. They are more prone to get cancer of the prostate, testicles, anus and colon. For more information visit
This research shows the homosexual lifestyle is far more damaging to the health than smoking is, yet the Government, who spend millions warning children about smoking, say nothing about the dangers of homosexual acts. As to their life in the next world, active homosexuals are certainly not going the right way to save their immortal souls either.

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