Saturday, October 10, 2009


The Day of Reflection in the first week of Jan.2010 on the Fourth Commandment will be between Catholics and the Jewish Left. The latter have thrown away the Pentateuch account of Sodom and Gomorrah. The Pentateuch, the first five books of the Old Testament, is common to Jews and Christians.

The pro-homosexuality Rabbis who will attend the Day of Reflection are opposed by Rabbis who consider homosexuality a sin. These anti-homosexuality Rabbis are never part of dialogue with the Vatican. This would be opposed by the Jewish Left.

A Rabbi representing an organization with over 1000 Rabbis, all opposed to homosexuality was in Rome a few months back. His visit was sponsored by the Human Life International. There was no report of him being able to meet the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI.

Instead it was reported that the Holy Father met a large group of Rabbis from North America ‘who contracep’.

The Jan 2010 meeting comes after the Vatican agreed with the Jewish Left that the Catholic Faith had errors and is inadequate and needed to be changed.

Cardinal Walter Kaspar and Cardinal T. Bertone waved the white flag on the front page of the L’Osservatore Romano. The Chief Rabbi of Israel decided not to break relations with the Vatican, he was at peace.

Before this surrender, the Italian daily Il Messaggero reported that there was a threat of war against the Vatican by Israel.

The Vatican agreed that Cardinal Tauran would visit the Jewish Left Boston College and priests, bishops and cardinals who made public statements contrary to the Jewish Left were quietly removed from their responsibility.

There is no tension now and the Vatican will attend the gun-point inter religious dialogue meeting in Jan 2010.

Inter religious dialogue for the Jewish Left means that the Vatican has agreed to its terms and changed doctrine. The absence of inter religious dialogue means there is the threat of war.

So the Vatican has agreed not to convert Jews or pray for their conversion. They have agreed to accept Vatican Council II as interpreted by the Jewish Left and expressed by their media.

This was agreed between Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco and Rabbis Segno and Laras.

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