Thursday, October 1, 2009


Leonard Feeney

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Father Leonard Feeney (b. Lynn, Massachusetts 1897-02-18 - d. Ayer, Massachusetts 1978-01-30 )[1] was a U.S. Jesuit priest who defended the strict interpretation

 Comment: 'Strict interpretation',implies that there are two interpretations.Incorrect. The Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston 1949 relative to Fr.Leonard Feeney referred to the 'dogma'. There can be no two interpretations of a dogma.

of the Roman Catholic doctrine, extra Ecclesiam nulla salus ("outside The Church there is no salvation"), arguing that baptism of blood and baptism of desire are unavailing
Comment: They are unavailing at the de facto level. At the de jure level they exist. This has been the teaching of the Church Fathers, St.Thomas Aquinas and the saints.

and that therefore no non-Catholics will be saved.[2][1]

Comment: The dogma has always been that defacto all non Catholics need Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.

He fought against what he perceived to be the liberalization of Catholic doctrine.[1]
On 8 August 1949, the Holy Office sent an official declaration of the meaning of the dogma extra Ecclesiam nulla salus, which Feeney refused to accept.[3]
After repeatedly refusing summons to Rome, Feeney was excommunicated on 13 February 1953 by the Holy See for persistent disobedience to legitimate Church authority,
Comment : He was excommunicated for disobedience and not for heresy.

and the decree of excommunication was later published in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis. His followers maintained that his excommunication was invalid because Fr. Feeney was not given a reason for his summons.[4]
Feeney then set up a community called the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.[5] [1] [2] He was reconciled to the Church in 1972, but was not required to retract nor recant his interpretation of extra Ecclesiam nulla salus,[2][1]
Comment: Since it was in accord with the dogma.

which is inscribed on his tombstone.
Feeney was Editor of "The Point," which ran many anti-semitic articles. The following quotes provide the general tenor of the publication.
"During two thousand years, the Jews have remained the most tenacious, dangerous foes of Christ and His Church" (January-February, 1958)
Comment: We need to distinguish between the Jewish Left and Jews in general. They are not the same for Fr.Feeney. His writings made the distinction between Zionism and Jews in general.
We need to distinguish between the pro homosexuality, sodomy supporting Jews and conservative Jews who believe in the Ten Commandments.
Fr.Leonard Feeney often made the distinction. As a Catholic he could not hate Jews.

"Since American newspapers are a typical product of that unholy ferment which has been agitating the western world since the time of the French Revolution, it is quite easy to isolate one cause of their being the way they are; namely: the influence of the Jews. Essential to the understanding of our chaotic times is the knowledge that the Jewish race constitutes a united anti-Christian bloc within Christian society, and is working for the overthrow of that society by every means at its disposal." (April, 1958)
Comment: We need to clarify Zionism and Judaism. The goals of the Freemasons as compared to orthodox Jews.
Fr.Feeney has made the distinction in articles.

"Those two powers, the chief two in the world today, are Communism and Zionism. That both movements are avowedly anti-Christian, and that both are in origin and direction Jewish, is a matter of record." (September 1958)
Comment. Here Fr.Leonard Feeney is clear that he is referring to Comunism and Zionism.Today the secular media itself calls them the Jewish Left.

"As surely and securely as the Jews have been behind Freemasonry, or Secularism, or Communism, they are behind the “anti-hate” drive. The Jews are advocating tolerance only for its destructive value — destructive, that is, of the Catholic Church. On their part, they still keep alive their racial rancors and antipathies." (January 1959)
Comment: The Jewish Left  today seeks to legalize gay marriages and eutanasia and other things evil .Today we know that there is no tolerance in hate laws directed againts Christians by the Jewish Left. While they tolerate pornocgraphy, blasphemy and other evils.They also identify themselves with all Jews and this is false.

The following are article titles from 1957...
Today on the website of the Jewish Anti Defamation League there is a charge of anti Semitism against a Muslim group who has organised an interfaithmeeting. The magazine of the organisers has a picture of Israel associated with Zionism controlling the world media.The names of the newspapers and television shown  are those associated with the Jewish Left and ADL itself and not all Jews.

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