Thursday, November 5, 2009



Fr. Leonard Feeney affirmed the Catholic dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus which says de facto everyone with no exception needs to enter the Catholic Church for salvation. This would be endorsed by Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II and Pope John Paul II’s Dominus Iesus (2000). Fr. Leonard Feeney’s understanding of extra ecclesiam nulla salus is taught by Catholic sisters. The sisters in the Diocese of Worcester,USA have been granted canonical status by the Catholic Church. The sisters are pejoratively referred to as feeneyites.

In the TRAGIC ERRORS OF LEONARD FEENEY by Fr. William Most (Eternal Word Television Network) ,available on Google if you access: Fr.Leonard Feeney,  there is a reference to ‘a Feenyite’. Fr.William G. Most also has an article on the website of EWTN (Click on Faith, Teachings, Catholic Church and then The Church and Salvation).

In The Church and Salvation by Fr.William G.Most, on the EWTN website, he writes :

Fr. Most : From the fact that the Church is God's means of giving grace, it is clear that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church.

Note: He refers to implicit and explicit salvation. He refers to those who are members of the Catholic Church, with Catholic Faith and Baptized with water, and those saved without the Sacraments of the Church.

Fr. Most : This truth has even been defined by the Church more than once, e.g., in the Council of Florence in 1442.
Note: False. The Council of Florence said that everyone needed to enter the Church for salvation. The reference was only to explicit salvation.

Fr. Most: However we must take care to understand this teaching the way the Church understands it.
Note: He was probably confused here so he left this line vague.
Since, if you say de facto there is implicit salvation, you reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus which refers only to explicit salvation (Council of Florence etc). Everyone has to explicitly enter the Catholic Church to go to Heaven.
If you say God’s grace in general is received implicitly by non Catholics and they are saved you reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (explicit entry in the Church).
If you say extra ecclesiam nulla salus refers to implicit and explicit salvation, as does Fr. Most  above, you reject the dogma as taught by the Councils, popes and saints. It is a new doctrine.
If you say that extra ecclesiam nulla salus has been rejected by Vatican Council II Lumen Gentium 16 you are rejecting Ad Gentes 7 and Lumen Gentium 14 which affirms the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

So it is an illogical position held by EWTN even if Fr.Most suggests it is the teaching of the Catholic Church.

Fr. Most :We just saw that the Church claims the exclusive authority to interpret both Scripture and Tradition.
Note: However Fr. William G. Most is teaching a new doctrine according to personal interpretation.
He is saying extra ecclesiam nulla salus refers to implicit and explicit salvation. This is illogical and irrational.

Fr. Most : So one like Leonard Feeney
Note: ‘like’ is a pejorative description. We are to love all people.

Fr. Most: ‘…who interprets the teaching on the necessity of the Church his own way is not acting like a Catholic theologian at all.
Note: Fr. Leonard Feeney was famous for saying that everyone needs to enter the Catholic Church to go to Heaven and avoid Hell. This was the dogma so he was not ‘trying to be a theologian’.

Fr. Most:The Holy Office, on August 8, 1949, declared that L. Feeney was guilty of this error.
Note: In his report the TRAGIC ERRORS OF LEONARD FEENEY, Fr.Most writes
‘First, he was excommunicated for disobedience, refusing to go to Rome to explain his position…’ So it was not for heresy.

Here he suggests it is for heresy.

Fr. Most: Because of his error,
Note: Which error? Heresy?

Fr. Most: ‘… he rejected several teachings of the Magisterium, saying they clashed with this definition
Note: Which teachings? The issue is extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

Fr. Most: - but they clash only with his false interpretation, given in private judgment.
Note: Which false interpretation? He was not excommunicated for his interpretation but for disobedience.

-The Church and Salvation by Fr. William G. Most on the website of Eternal Word Television (EWTN)

EWTN states ‘one like’ Fr. Leonard Feeney and Fr. Most calls the Catholic Sisters feenyites.

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